Chapter 3; unwelcome but expected guest

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An update? Who is she? ;)

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It was nearing midnight and Harper was running out of time. The music had slowed into a harmonious lull, the steady thrum of the violin and the delicate sounds of the piano made her eyes heavy, though her mind was still very much awake.

Blake's chest was warm against her cheek as they swayed, barely moving, to the music. They had been dancing for an hour now. It would have to end at some point but she would enjoy the moment while it lasted. 

Harper tensed as Blake's grip tightened on her lower back. His heart sped up, thudding against her cheek, as he nudged her to look up. She met his eyes, suddenly nervous at her friends intentions. It wasn't like she thought that Blake was in love with her; he had a decade to tell her, after all. It was something about the way he looked at her, his eyes imploring, his lip puckered and eyes inquiring. 

"Blake," she murmured, wishing for something to hold onto other than his arms.

"Have you ever thought about running away, somewhere where no one would know our names?"

The question caught her by surprise. Harper's eyebrows furrowed as she met his imploring eyes. "Hasn't everyone?" She attempted to smile though her mouth refused to co operate. It came out more like a grimace. 

"I don't think so. At least, not those who got to choose where they live and who they are. Everyone says that you must go with the God of the Underworld but I think they're lying."

Her pulse sped up at his dangerous, forbidden words. She scanned the faces of those around them, gauging whether anyone was listening. But most of the guests were either drunk, too tired to dance or passed out. Blake had picked a perfect time to broach the topic knowing that it would look suspicious if she tried to escape.

The topic of leaving her kingdom had been a hot debate between them ever since they were old enough to fully understand what the deal meant. Harper avoided it as much as she could. Of course, when she was younger and more naive, selfish, she dreamt about Blake being her Prince Charming and running away to the other side of the world. It didn't take long for her to realise how foolish that dream was.

"Blake..." Harper sighed, avoiding her oldest friends eyes. "We've talked about this before."

"Years ago, not now when you're about to be whisked away into a world no one alive has ever seen." He urged her, his grip turning harsh against her skin.

She winced and he let her go, though his face was still determined. 

"Hades is a God and not someone to fool. He's always one step ahead of you, even when you think he's not."

"Harper," Blake reached for her hand. 

She pulled away, frowning. "My mother had tried to run away from fate too and it ended worse for her than it would have if she had just accepted my father. I will not end up like that." Perhaps her words were firmer than needed, for Blake's face twisted with pain as he drew away. Still, there was no use in getting their hopes up, either of them. Those words were as much for her as they were for him.

"Fine," he murmured, resigned. "But there is always a way out of everything. Nothing is set in stone."

Harper sighed, "it is when it comes to the Gods. I'm sorry, Blake. Truly. But this is my duty and I will perform it. I will not run in fear." And with that, she left him standing in the middle of the ballroom, her heart twisted with the painful reminder that there was no escaping her fate, no matter how much she wanted to.

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