C h a p t e r 4

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I woke up dazzled by the rays of the sun hitting my face.

I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep on the tower's floor.

My memory of last night's events suddenly rushed back to me.

I was puzzled, and I felt anguish and disappointment on my face.

Those sick feelings when I hear his confession— hearing something that breaks my heart and turns me vulnerable.

I couldn't help but laugh pitifully with the thought of being afraid that I might lose him, where in fact, he's not even mine.

"Oh shoot! I'm gonna be late!" I quickly got up and ran down the staircase.

When I arrived in front of the potions room I slowly opened the door.

I lowered my head and walked in slowly so they wouldn't notice me.

I stopped when someone stood in front of me— wearing a dark suit.

When I looked up, I saw Professor Snape looking at me darkly.

I straightened up and met his searing eyes.

"Your hair" he whispered and quickly grabbed me... pressed me to his chest and wrapped his cloak around me.

He dragged me out and took me to a corner "You are not being careful."

He grabbed my shoulder tightly and shoved me up against the wall. I looked up to see his goddamn face— he never fails to make my heart beat fast and feel a flutter in my stomach.

When he pointed out his wand at me, he flicked it and my hair turned black.

I didn't realize that my original hair was exposed... Luckily, it's class hours.

"T-thank you" I stuttered.

"What I dislike is when personal concerns interfere with academic pursuits... tidy up and go to your class... immediately" He stated so with conviction before quickly walking away in front of me to return to class.

I went right after him.

I simply sat next to Hermione who was focused on mixing the potion— she didn't even notice me.

"You only have ten minutes left to complete the task" Professor Snape announced as his bothersome gaze still locked up on me.

"Shit!!" Hermione mumbled in panic.

She really looked more messed up than me.

"Need a hand?" I offered.

"How did you get in here?" she whispered.

"Professor Snape got furious when you didn't arrive earlier... skipping his class? That took a lot of guts on your part."

Because of the horrible move I had made.

I just leaned down in frustration.

If my actions were entirely without merit, what face would I give Professor Snape?.

I'm messed up!

After class, I immediately went out with Hermione.

I really meant to leave when her attention was on someone else.

I'm sure I'll be left behind for him to scold.

We went straight to the Great Hall to eat lunch.

I sat quietly next to Hermione... it's not nice to have a Slytherin sitting at the Gryffindor table but I don't care anymore.

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