C h a p t e r 15

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After a few days, weeks, or maybe months... I can't count how many days I was locked in this room... I'm only sure of one thing, I'm in the Malfoy's Manor.

After having a lot of time of meditation, thinking about how to control my power... I finally got it... and this powerful emotion within me became a big help... Love... I know it's a little bit cringe... But that's how it is.

It is saving me even though we are far from each other... knowing that he is safe and sound and far from me... It's not that strong enough but I can control it better than before.

They took me out of the cell... and the first person I saw was my cousin... Draco. 

I look at him with eyes begging to help me... but he just looks away as if he's saying he can't do anything. 

This filthy Pettigrew drags me into the Malfoys' dining area where everyone in there are death eaters.

I witnessed Draco being compelled to face the Dark Lord.

He wasn't happy doing it.

His father is an absolute monster, putting his own son in peril to satisfy his own desires. He truly holds on to anyone who can bestow wealth and authority onto him.

"You are such an awful person, Uncle... I feel ashamed of you." I exclaimed bitterly which made him feel mad at me. 

"You insolent brat!!" Lucius exclaimed.

"Such a fierce and brave girl, I like you," The dark lord said... "But I will deal with you later... put her away, Wormtail."

"Yes, My Lord," Peter said and obeyed him right away.

I was taken behind a door that was still close to the Malfoys' dinner table so I could still hear what they were talking about.

"I will not obey you!! I would never!!" I was even more afraid to recognize that man's voice... it was Dad... "No! not him!... please" I murmured in fear.

"The Dark Lord wants you now!" Pettigrew said and put a sack on my head... he took me by the arm... I was struggling because I didn't want him to take me to the Dark Lord.

My Dad shouldn't see me in this kind of situation... he would be in danger.

And it's all because of me.

Pettigrew removed the sack on my head and I saw Dad kneeling on the side of the Dark Lord. I saw the fear in Dad's eyes when he saw me.

"Aggie?!" Dad said in shock.

"What's the matter, Severus?!" the Dark Lord suddenly asked... I turned around when he mentioned that name.

No, it can't be him.

My eyes widened when I saw his face.

I couldn't do anything but look at him and beg using my eyes not to drag himself into the mess I made. 

"It just happened that she is my student my Lord" Severus answered calmly but I could see in his eyes that he was not in a good state.

"Oh, I see... just like my child Draco... Now where are we?" The dark lord said.

It is breaking my heart when I see my father's face... bloody and he looks so ruined "Dad Please... don't give what they want!! Don't be a monster like them!!." 

"Crucio!" he cast a spell and suddenly my body was paralyzed for a few seconds... I couldn't speak... I couldn't explain how I felt... he was torturing me... taking my breath with the pain he was inflicting on me.

I looked at Professor Snape as tears welled up in my eyes "Please don't" I tried to say with almost a whisper... He seemed to be having trouble restraining himself, but I knew that he also knew that if he revealed our connection, it would put us both in more danger since the Dark Lord might use me against him or the other way around... and we both don't want that to happen.

Love In The Midst Of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now