C h a p t e r 20

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"What were you thinking, Aggie? Does it ever enter your mind how dangerous what you have done?! Not only did you expose your power, you made the situation even worse!!" Dad has gone mad. 

"I had no choice... I needed to save you!" I said weakly, making excuses for my reckless decision.

My father took a back... Holding his nape in frustration "It's all my fault... If I'm just strong enough like your mother... like my father" he said the last word bitterly "I could've gotten you out... but I can't... I'm weak... I'm sorry—"

I hushed then hugged Dad to comfort him "You don't have to blame yourself, everything that happens has a reason. Just trust me and my ability, they can never hurt me, that's a promise."

When our bodies parted, he took my hand and looked at me with so much worry "Will everything really be okay? Do you really need to go back?."

 I chose not to make a fuss anymore and instead gazed upon my anxious father's face with pain... not out of dread of his wrath... But the fear of the memories that comes back to me every time I look at him. I recall how he looked at me the night the Dark Lord tortured him. I cannot bear it if something awful happens to him... I already lost my mother... I do not want to be in mourning again.

I couldn't stop the burden that my heart was suffering... Instead of speaking, I hugged him again. 

Dad also held me tightly at the same time... and the warmth of his embrace prompted my heart to pour forth all of its agony.  

Tears flow like droplets from an endless storm. Each drop serves as a token of the mistake I made. I know it's all my fault, but admitting it is hellish. 

Each sob is a cry for anguish that I can't control.

I'm so terrified of losing him. 

His fretting face that night haunts me, tormenting my heart in dread that it might happen again as a consequence of my foolish and selfish decisions.

"I can't lose you... you're the only one I have. I should be the one protecting you! I would do anything... endure everything just to get out you from harm!... If I had to work for him... so be it."" Dad murmured weakly as he caressed my back. 

"Please Dad, don't make things excessively hard?... Could you just trust me?," I whispered in pain while sobbing.

"Then just don't return to Hogwarts to make things easier for us both? Let's just run away from here... I'll leave everything behind to ensure your safety?!" he suddenly said... I carefully left the embrace and looked him in the eyes.

"Too late... she already got the Dark Mark" Snape sudden interruption. 

"I thought you would just wait outside?" I said. 

"I know you! You are one of them!" My Dad exclaimed bursting in madness... gritting his teeth.

"He is not! He's protecting me! He works for Professor Dumbledore." to calm my father down.

"I don't trust him!" said Dad. 

I approached Severus and prepared to defend what I stood for. "You have to trust him... my life now depends on him."

"What are you talking about?!."

"I'm in love with him" I answered with courage... ready to face the consequences of my love for him.

Dad took a step back after hearing what I said. I wasn't expecting the way he looked at us... As if he despised us. "What the hell are you talking about?! He's two times older than you!!."

"I don't care... as long as my heart is happy!" I answered firmly.

"I know you're not happy about me, Sir. But let me just protect your daughter at all costs" Snape added. 

Love In The Midst Of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now