C h a p t e r 13

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I don't know when did it start... I just don't know how to deal with this fear anymore... And I'm starting to think that maybe it's about time... To give up the love that I'm aiming to get.

Maybe this is not the right love story for me. Or maybe... Just maybe this is not the right time... Right moment... Neither is the right story... If leaving will be the only way to keep them away from danger... From me.

I need to make a choice.

Either I choose to stay and be selfish... Or run and leave the man I love.

"What are you thinking?" Snape suddenly asked as he stroked my hair while my head was resting on his lap... and his left hand was holding his book. "You look upset, is there something that bothers you? Is it your power?... You know It'll be fine soon."

"I know" I just answered, but deeply... I'm so worried. "The school year will end a month from now... I'm leaving."

Suddenly he stopped stroking my hair then he put his book on the table, on the side of the bed."Of course, because you need to."

I sighed then got up and sat on top of him. He gasped accidentally as I carelessly sat on his lap which made his manhood gradually erect.

I smiled trying to hide my sadness and gently caressed his cheek as our eyes locked on each other "Does she know what kind of man she let go?!."

He didn't answer but kept staring at me with longing. I slowly put my lip on his and kissed him with sweetness and love... As if it'll be the last. He returned the kiss as his palm caressed my back, down my spine to my waist. While I was gently grinding on his lap, I couldn't stop moaning into his mouth as I felt his hardness rubbing my gem, giving me a tingling sensation.

We stopped what we were doing when someone suddenly knocked on the door... we almost forgot that we were in the potion room and lunchtime was over. "See you later" I whispered and gave him a quick and sweet kiss before finally leaving his thigh.

When I opened the door, my eyes widened when I saw the golden trio... I've been avoiding them all day, I never thought we'd meet here.

"Aggie?!" Hermoine said.

"Hi," I uttered awkwardly.

"We apologize, we think we crossed the line..." Harry said... I appreciate that even though I did something wrong too, I yelled at them on purpose... but they are still the first to initiate to apologize...

"What's going on?" Ron snapped suddenly, having no idea what was happening.

"We just had a little misunderstanding... but it's fine now" I answered and smiled at them... I was surprised when Harry suddenly hugged me followed by Hermoine. "Happy to have you back Aggie." I also don't want to leave unless we get along. They are good folks. Good comrade and a young hero who only wants to save the world... I'm quite jealous of them... Because I cannot be like them... I believe I am a villain in the story... brewing a great deluge inside me. I can't give up anything for the sake of the world other than keeping them away from the dangers that I have caused.

Professor Snape suddenly cleared his mouth... I forgot we were in the same room... dang it!

"Done talking?!" he said in his deep cold voice and then forcibly pulled me away from Harry and started glaring at me.

He's mad... I think.

"Class is about to start... Come in if you don't want me to shut the door on you" he added but his gaze was with Harry... he is mad.

We immediately went inside and sat next to each other... the other students also arrived and the class started with tension between the professor and us.

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