C h a p t e r 10

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Holiday season... Everyone went home to their families... a few stayed at Hogwarts and just spent Christmas here... and I was one of them.

Dad is not home because he has an important job at the ministry due to the incident with Ron's father. And just like always, they are covering it up again.

As for Harry and Hermoine, they said that they would spend Christmas with Ron's family and check Mr. Weasley's health condition.

I was quietly eating in the Great Hall when Draco suddenly sat in front of me. "Spending Christmas alone?... I bet your Dad is doing dirty work again!"He exclaimed to annoy me.

"As long as he's not like your father who doesn't do a clean job" I answered coldly and smirked at him. I promptly stood up and left Draco at the table as soon as I spotted Professor Snape... I have been hiding from him for a few days... Aside from the argument we had... I am still thinking about my dilemma... Perhaps I could unintentionally harm him... My condition isn't stable yet... There is a risk I will be unable to restrain myself... Luckily, Professor Dumbledore is there to help me in training my body to adapt to the peculiar power within me.

"Miss Michel!!" I stopped at the gates of the Great Hall when he suddenly sharply mentioned my name.

"I'm doomed," I thought.

I faced him and met his meeting eyebrows.

"I need a word from you," he said.

I gulped in nervousness when I felt that he was mad.

I followed him until he took me to the viaduct courtyard near the fountain. There was no one there but just the two of us.

His gruff posture suddenly softened "I miss you-"

Hearing those words from him left me breathless... I never expected him to say that to me. "You do?!" I said weakly.

He nodded like a baby "It kills me inside when you try to act cold and ignore me all the time... Just to protect yourself from me... I know... B-but knowing that you have the sweetest soul trying to be cold, Broke me... Please don't be mad at me?!."

"How can I? When you start to become soft-spoken... Where we all know that you are not like that but only to me. How could I be angry?"

"Would you like to spend your Christmas with me?" He asked.

The corner of my lips curled and smiled at him sweetly "Sure."

He held out his hand... I recoiled as I remembered Grindelwald... He still terrifies me.

"Let me show you something, so you can calm down," He said, then wrapped his arms around my waist. In an instant we ended up at the top of a cliff, and a snowy misty forest could be seen down... It feels so enchanted.

I smiled widely as I watched the snowflakes falling from the sky and the fog swallowing the forest. I was a bit surprised when he suddenly wrapped me in his coat and hugged me tightly from behind... Our bodies are touching each other, and I can feel the warmth of his body.

"What do you think?!" He whispered.

"Everything feels dreamy?!" I answered honestly. "What about you?!,"

"Romantic," He whispered as his chin rested on my head. I held back the thrill bubbling up deep inside... Why is he doing this to me?- I don't want to hope for nothing again.

"So tell me, what happened to you that night?" He suddenly asked and buried his head in my neck.

I am too stunned to speak... I don't know what to say to him to cut his curiosity.

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