Dusty dragon of battle |future avengers

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Hey, I want to apologize for not writing in some hours or days. My head had been throbbing due to school, and yesterday I ate in a restaurant filled with smoking people. Ye... It got me sick, so I had a pretty bad headache. But luckily, it's somewhat better now. I'll see if this will belong. If not, you know why. Anyway, thanks for reading:3; it means much💜

Have fun reading ~

-recap from the last chap-

-inside Wakanda's vibranium facility-

You snapped your jaws against Klaw. You didn't miss it. T'Challa and Chloe could hear the high-pitched scream of pain and the slight sound of bones breaking. "Leave, or I won't let you live," you snarled and opened your mouth. Klaw whimpered and limped over to the guards, who took him in a firm hold. You turned to face black panther and Chloe. "I'm sorry for that horrible scene I caused, your highness. I'll leave Chloe to her superior" you inclined your head towards Tony, who stood and stared at you.

You bowed your head and trotted out towards the opening of the facility. "Wait!" A voice called. You turned around and saw Chloe run towards you. "I wanna say thank you for helping me out of the cell and helping panther," she said and smiled warmly at you. You smiled back and lowered your head. "Anytime, young one. Whenever you and your friends are in danger, I'll come. But for now, goodbye and good luck with becoming a future Avenger" you spread your wings and took off towards your cave.

-months later-

You woke up by a ticking sentían inside your head. You knew that Chloe and her friends were in danger. You growled to yourself and sped out of your car, and jumped into the air. After seconds you were flying towards New York. Minutes later, you arrived in front of avengers tower. It was already a battle going on. You snarled as you let yourself dive from the clouds and into view of the world.

You could hear the confused gaps and pants of pain when you rammed into a rather large man with an ax. You then jumped off him and landed in front of the Hulk, who grunted surprised. "Leave, or I will have your head," you snapped and bared your teeth. Your wings were spread so the man could have access to the tower or its hero's. "Who are you?" The man snapped back, brandishing his ax in the air.

You chuckled darkly and let the fire build up in your throat. "I am the dusty dragon on Wakanda. Leave the hero's alone, or I will burn you and your little group to a crisp," you sneered. You could see the man widen his eyes when he could see the fire building in your throat. Suddenly Captain America jumped in front of you. "No! This is not how hero's do things." He stated. You let the fire rest and titled your head at the captain.

"You stand between me and my prey, Captain America? None have ever done this. You're an honor guy. I'll let the guy live if he promises never to attack you again ." You let your eyes wander from the cap to the man who stood there with a slight smirk. You narrowed your eyes, and his smirk immediately disappeared. He lifted his hands over his head and dropped his battle-ax.

Then a woman with a green-like battle suit landed beside the man and lifted her hands too. You smirked, and your wings tucked themselves into your sides. "Leave," you then sneered as you turned aorund. The masters of evil left. You lowered your head to Hulk, and a smile appeared on your lips. "Hello, fellow monster " you smiled and lifted your head again.

Your words didn't burn as they usually did when someone called him a monster. No, it instead got him proud over being what he is. You then made your way to the tower where Tony was floating. "My deed here is done; goodbye, for now, Mr. Stark," you said, and then you turned around and flyers away.

Will maybe make another pt of this some day🤷‍♀️. Away thanks for reading 📖 ~


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