Seraphina |how to train your dragon

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"Is not the dragon the hero of his own story?"

"Is not the dragon the hero of his own story?"

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Seraphina flies over the quiet forest of Berk. Her eyes scanned over the forest after any food. She only finds a pond where fish swims. She soon dives down and lands quietly, and catch some fishes. The time has come for her to let the fates of the night awaken. Her part of the day is over. Seraphina mumbles softly as she rolls up to a ball. Her thoughts are on another part of her life, the part where her kingdom was still in bloom. So many beautiful creatures flew, ran, or walked in the hills of her home. Her mother and father were proud rulers of this tiny kingdom. But all good comes to an end.

"Run, dear; there are too many people. Fly to Berk, where the chief's son rides a Nightfury. You know when you smell them. Run dear, before time runs out." her mother shouted before the sword of one of the men came over her neck. It was the last thing the young dragon saw of her parents and her kingdom that she had grown up in.But days get brighter if you wait. So wait until the day is there so you can find the prince's son and his dragons. He can help you. Maybe you will find your true love? Wait to see, my dear.

Wait and see.


The first part of this story. We will probably make a new party very soon.-Saph

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