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"Jiyong...", she doesn't know why her voice sounded like she's begging for something. She placed her hands on his bare chest and tried to push him, but he wouldn't budge.

"You've been avoiding me the entire day", he whispered.

"N-No, I'm not"

A soft whimper escaped Dara's mouth when Jiyong pressed his body against hers, their lower parts inevitably grinding. He leaned down and gave her a soft audible kiss on the lips before slowly drawing back. Dara's heartbeat became erratic as his face still hover near hers. Just their mere closeness with each other makes her skin burn and ache for something.

"Are you in love with me...Dara?"

"W-What?", Dara stuttered and averted her gaze, her heart thundering inside her chest.

"Are you?", Jiyong asked again in a hushed tone.

Dara's eyes darted left and right, at lost for anything to say for that simple question. Her insides are turning upside down with the mixture of emotions that she's feeling. She was already breathing in short gasps and their close proximity is driving her to madness. She tried to pry Jiyong's arm that was trapping her but his strength is evidently greater than hers.

"Aahhhhh ~ ~ Jiyonggg!!", she whimpered. She buried her face on her palms and leaned on Jiyong's chest.

"Arasseo, arasseo. I won't ask anymore", he cooed and wrapped his arms around her tiny frame. "Come on, look at me", he asked in a gentle voice but Dara just whimpered and shook her head, her face still planted on her palms.

Jiyong chuckled softly before leaning down, giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Fine", he said and freed her from his arms. He then turned around and walked towards the refrigerator to get a soda. Hearing his footsteps walking away from her, Dara finally lifted her gaze and stared at his back. Even her scalp feels like it's burning from what just happened. How can the cyborg ask that kind of question?! Her ovaries has been completely destroyed!

She then roamed her eyes on his naked upper body and swallowed hard. The sight of him is clearly stirring some odd feelings in her. Her throat feels dry and there's an unexplainable knot in her stomach. She followed his movements with her gaze as he grabbed the can of soda from the ref, opened the can and brought it to his lips. Why is it that everything he does looks so sexy in her eyes? Dara immediately looked elsewhere when she saw him staring at her with amused eyes while drinking, the side of his lips tugging in a tiny smile that he's trying to stifle.

Damn it.

The air felt so thick and suffocating. She was standing rigidly on her spot, not knowing what to do with herself. As much as she wanted to avoid glancing back at him, she can't help it. It's as if there's an invisible force urging her to lift her gaze and look at him again. And when she did, her heart almost lurched out of her chest when their eyes locked.

"Hello", he teasingly said in a calm voice.




It's not just super mega awkward. It's super duper mega awkward. Someone, please help me!

I can't stand being in the same time and space with him! I feel like vomiting every time I hear a rustle from his desk. When he tries to talk to me, I can't even form a coherent thought and ends up a blabbering mess. My nervousness scale is skyrocketing for no apparent reason, which is really ridiculous. Oh my gosh, this is killing me. Office hours just started and I'm already this pathetic.

"Cheeseball, come here", Jiyong called out without taking his eyes off the document that he's reading. GAAAHHH!!! Come here, he said! I don't want to! I will certainly explode in a puddle of shame if I'm near him!

Probably sensing that I have no plans of complying, he lifted his gaze and looked at me questioningly. "Come here", he repeated.

Waahh!! Im im im im im!

Reluctantly, I dragged my swivel chair towards him and sat in a safe distance away from his sex appeal. With his eyes still glued on the papers, he began explaining the document and I willed my mind to absorb what he's saying even though it's proving to be a big challenge because his mere presence is a big distraction. I seriously need a therapy; I think I'm already out of my mind.

"We can meet Mr. Kim to disc-", his words were cut off as he looked at me questioningly, noting the 'safe distance' that I'm putting between us. "What are you doing there?", he asked and dragged his swivel chair towards me while still sitting. I immediately pushed my feet on the floor and my chair rolled back, away from him. His eyebrows arched up and very slowly, an amused smile tugged at the corner of his lips. ACCCKKK! He noticed!

"What's this, huh?", he asked, setting the documents on the table.

"What?", I blinked innocently at him, hoping that will do the trick.

"You're acting strange"

"No, I'm not"

Don't remind me of what happened last night! Please, don't! I'm begging you!

"Are you embarrassed because of what I asked last night?", he said (because he's a demon!).

Damn it damn it damn it!

"Last night? No. Why should I be? So, what were you saying about meeting Mr. Kim?"

"Don't change the topic, cheeseball"

"Mr. Kwon...", I said in a stern voice. He can be very evil when he teases me.

"Mmmmhmmmm", he mumbled while staring at me. I averted my gaze and exhaled audibly, trying to cover up the awkwardness that I'm currently feeling. When I heard the soft knocks on the door, relief flooded my body. "I'll let it go for now", Jiyong said.

The door opened, revealing Mr. Lee's secretary. "Mr. Kwon, the president wants to see you for a moment"

"I'll be right there", he replied and stood up. After a few steps, he then turned to me and frowned, seemingly waiting for something.

"Is there anything wrong?", I asked.

"Why aren't you standing up?", he asked.

"Do you need me there? I think, your father only wants to talk to you"

He then looked at his wrist and sighed. "Nevermind"

As soon as the door closed, I slumped on my chair and messed my hair in frustration. I need my sanity back. Everything is happening at a confusing rate.

I rested my face on his desk, my mind cluttered with a lot of troubling thoughts. Jiyong's question might be simple, but I guess the result of my relationship with Joo Won made me a bit guarded with my heart. Joo Won and I have known each other long before we dated. I really thought he's the one I'm going to marry, but look what happened to us.

Jiyong and I have known each other for only a couple of months because of some bizarre magical situation. Despite his affectionate actions, I still have no clue what's in his heart. He never really divulges anything. And I'm a bit concerned that his actions are just driven by being physically tied to me. The same goes for me. At this point, I'm still uncertain if the butterflies in my stomach is just a phase that will eventually pass. What will happen once we get used to being separated? Will this fluttery feeling remain the same or will it go away?

My eyes caught sight of the picture of Min Young and Jiyong, which is still displayed on his desk. I haven't asked Jiyong why girl cyborg and him grew apart, even though they are evidently close friends when they were young. If he can distance himself from his childhoold friend, what more with me? How long will it take for us to grow apart now that we're untied?

It makes me scared.


"Are you okay?", Dara asked when Jiyong stepped inside the office with a grim expression.

"Yeah", he mumbled and sat on his chair. "We're going to Jeju this weekend, cheeseball. We need to get there before the bidding so we can prepare the presentation"


Jiyong silently stared at her before sighing heavily. "Can we just share the same hotel room?"

"What?! Jiyong! Do you know what the office rumors are?! They are saying I'm pregnant with your child!", she exclaimed disbelievingly.

"Are you?"

"Of course not! We haven't-"

Dara glanced at Jiyong and bit her lips, silently cursing herself for responding to his tauntings. Jiyong grinned at her boyishly, making her face blush in the deepest shade of red.

"Do you...want to?", he slowly asked.


"I mean, it's Jeju"


"What happens in Jeju, stays in Jeju", he nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders and started reading the documents on his desk while Dara is gradually dying of shame. He got her good. And he always teases her with a blank face, making it more annoying.

"You like strawberries, right?", he suddenly asked while flipping the pages of the papers.

"Yes, why?"

Jiyong lifted his gaze and stared at her in a cyborg-kind of way. "Okay. Strawberry-flavored condom it is"




"I'm not going with you", Dara stubbornly lifted her chin and crossed her arms over her chest. Office hours has already finished and Seungri sent Jiyong a text, asking them to hang out at a bar in Hongdae.

"You don't have anything to do in your friend's apartment anyway", he reasoned.

"I have something to do"

"No, you don't"

"I'm going to watch Minho's newest drama", she said.

"It's tomorrow", Jiyong arched his eyebrows at her, making her pout.

"How did you know the drama schedule?"

"We've been living together for a while now, cheeseball. Of course, I've memorized it. Let's go, they're already waiting"

Dara looked at his motorcycle with furrowed eyebrows, imagining them riding it together while she tightly hugs him from behind. STRESS. Jiyong followed her gaze and glanced back at her.

"Mmmhhhmm...I see", he said and shoved his hands inside his pockets.


"Are you that affected when you're near me?"

"No, I'm not!", she vehemently denied and grabbed the helmet, swiftly wearing it without looking at him. Why is it that this cyborg is getting more and more blunt and flirty since they were untied? He's seriously going to be the death of her.

"Yes, you are. What's with the awkwardness?"

"I'm not. Come on, they're waiting", Dara stood behind Jiyong and began pushing him towards the motorcycle to hide her blushing cheeks.

Jiyong glanced back and smirked at her. "Strawberry condom", he said.



"HUBBY IS HERE!", Seungri merrily announced when Jiyong and Dara finally arrived at the Hongdae bar. Daesung and Youngbae raised their glass at them while CL just rolled her eyes in annoyance. Bom and Seunghyun were also in the table, both staring intently at the bottles of beer in front of them.

"Why are you guys here?", Dara asked, referring to CL and the two deities.

"This guy tracked down all of us and dragged us here", CL pointed at Seungri who was beaming merrily at all of them. "I was applying for a job when he showed up together with Bom and Seunghyun"

"Just put up with him. It's his birthday", Jiyong interjected while darting his eyes around, seemingly looking for something.

"It is?", CL asked in surprise before glancing at Seungri. "Oh. I didn't know you have a birthday", she mumbled. "Happy birthday", she said in an almost inaudible voice.

"What?", Seungri asked, leaning his face towards CL to hear her better.

"NOTHING! WILL YOU GET AWAY FROM ME! PERSONAL SPACE!", CL hollered at his ears, but Seungri just wouldn't give up and kept pestering CL.

"What are you looking for, Jiyong?", Youngbae asked.

"Did they change all the chairs and tables?", Jiyong questioned him, noticing that the round chairs are all higher and have no back rest or back cushion.

"I think so", Daesung answered.

"Tsch", Jiyong clicked his tongue and faced Dara, intending to help her sit on her chair but Dara declined. Ever since they stepped inside the bar, she has already noticed that almost all the girls trying to get Jiyong's attention; and they are now staring at her as if sizing her up.

"I'm alright", she said but Jiyong glared at her. "Don't be stubborn, cheeseball", he muttered. He placed his hand on the chair to secure it and helped her up, earning a round of murmurs from the girls around them.

"They're avid fans of Big Bang band", Daesung explained. "Don't mind them. They're just curious as to who you are because Jiyong never really showed interest to anyone"

Jiyong remained silent as he dragged his chair near Dara's spot. He then sat on it and protectively placed his arm behind her, his hand resting on her chair. They were so near each other that it looks like he's hugging her with one arm, making her conscious.

"J-Jiyong, can you move a bit", she whispered, but the cyborg just ignored her as he ordered a bottle of beer for him and a glass of iced tea for her.

"Jiyong. Move a bit, please", she repeated. Their thighs are brushing against each other because of their closeness and their sides almost have no space. She can feel his body pressed to her side and it's honestly not good for her sanity. Her heart is drumming like she has consumed a gallon of coffee and the teasing stares of his bandmates are not very helpful at the moment.


No response. Dara sighed in defeat and remained silent...until the iced tea was placed in front of her. "ICED TEA?!", she looked at Jiyong accusingly and frowned. "I'm drinking too"

"No, you're not", he said flatly.

"I am! Seungri ~ ~", Dara turned to Seungri for help but the Panda is still busy trying to get CL's attention. She looked at the two deities who are still staring at the bottles of beer in front of them while whispering at each other.

"I'm really curious", she heard Hadana Bom say.

"Don't do it. You have seen how the humans turn into something else when they're drunk", Seunghyun mumbled.

"But I saw our ascendants drinking something that came from the human world before, and they were laughing merrily"

"Your ascendant passed out because of that. Do you want that to happen to us while we're in our mortal shell?"

Yep, they're no help either. Dara then shifted her eyes to Daesung and Youngbae who just shrugged their shoulders at her, as if saying that she's on her own.

"Why won't you let me drink beer?", Dara snapped.

"Because you go crazy when you're drunk"

"I'm not going to get drunk", she said.


"Hubby ~ ~", she whined and rested her chin on his shoulder. Jiyong bolted his head towards her in surprise. Dara immediately straightened up as well, realizing what she did.

"It felt like years since you last did that", he said in a monotone and called the waiter. Dara stared at him and averted her gaze. Yes, it felt like years. And she admittedly missed doing the things that she used to do with Jiyong. It was so easy doing it before, but when they were untied and she realized how she was acting back then, the awkwardness came.

When the beer arrived, Daesung and Youngbae cheered like Dara won the lottery. Seungri, being the sworn leader of KwonDara minions, started chanting 'Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! while CL just shook her head in frustration at the vagina's childish acts. Hadana Bom was clapping merrily while Seunghyun was staring at Jiyong.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!", Seungri chanted. "Kiss your hubby! He finally gave in and there's not even a reward?"

"What are we? High School?!", Dara protested.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!", Daesung and Youngbae joined in.

Dara exhaled frustratedly, trying to ignore the teasings. She turned her face towards the other direction to avoid looking at Jiyong. Her heart is already pounding hard inside her chest with their nearness, what more if she kisses him. She'll probably erupt in embarrassment before melting in a molten lava of giddy mess.

She suddenly felt something soft and warm on her cheek and heard a gentle smooch sound. Her eyes widened and when she whipped her head to the side, she was welcomed by the sight of Jiyong still hovering near her face. Jiyong kissed her?! She smelled the faint scent of beer that he's drinking, making her mind hazier than it already is. Their table broke into loud cheers and as if what he did is not enough to kill her, Jiyong tilted his head and pressed his lips against her.

"THAT'S MY BOY! THAT'S MY BOY RIGHT THERE!!!", Seungri growled while pulling his hair, like he has completely lost his mind.

When Jiyong pulled back, Dara swallowed hard and shifted her eyes elsewhere. A month of psychiatric help will not be able to make her life normal again.

"That's my boy! I've raised him well!!", Seungri exclaimed with fake ugly sobs while Daesung patted his back as if to console him.

"I told you, they're kissing!", Bom gushed at CL. "Yeah, I see that now", CL replied. Slowly, a tiny smile formed at the corner of her lips. "Cute", she mumbled.

It took a while before their table finally calmed down. Everyone was immersed with conversing with each other and getting to know the new additions to the gang but Dara just listened to them silently. With her every movement, her back either brushes against Jiyong's body or her thighs will rub to his. Her feelings is all over the place that she can't even join in with the conversation. She is trying to act like everything is okay and chuckles whenever someone throws a joke when in truth, she is feeling very self-conscious at the moment. Even blinking is proving to be a challenge.

"You're so stiff", Jiyong said and gently massaged the small of her back, making her gasp.

"I'm fine", she mumbled and glued her eyes on the bottle of beer while playing it on her hands.

"Mmmhhmmm", Jiyong shifted on his seat and wrapped his arm on her waist, pressing her closer to his side. Dara stole a glance at him as he grabbed his beer with his free hand and drank it.

Damn it. Dara tried to ignore the butterflies in her stomach again but her efforts prove futile to the force of the cyborg. She found herself glancing at him constantly, just like a teenager to her crush. She doesn't even have a clue what the others are talking about because all her senses gravitates towards Jiyong.

"It has a strawberry flavor", Daesung said.

"What does strawberry taste like?", Seunghyun asked.

"You haven't eaten one?", CL asked in disbelief.


'I swear, one last glance.' Dara thought and inconspicuously tilted her head to look at Jiyong. To her surprise, he was staring at her with a small grin on his lips.


'Condom', he mouthed at her, making her cheeks flame. She averted her gaze and tried to ignore what he did but when she stole a glance at him again, he is still staring at her with that wicked grin of his, as if he's really planning on doing something (sexy) sinister during their trip to Jeju. AND THEN, when she thought all his sexiness has been unleashed for the night, Jiyong winked at her!


Nuclear explosion of feelings.



This is just so damn great. I massaged my head and looked at Seungri.

"Banana Bom is drunk", he muttered and glanced sidewards to look at Seunghyun. "And Jewish Seunghyun is.... Is he still alive?", he asked when he saw him dangling lifelessly on the nearby bench.

"Your friend is trying to kidnap Dara again", I informed him and pointed at Jiyong whose face is an abstract art of anger and depression because Dara told him that she won't sleep in his apartment again. I mean seriously, I thought Dara is the clingy one.

He chuckled and just shook his head in amusement. "Let's ride with Daesung hyung. Youngbae hyung will take care of Jiyong hyung and that mess", he said and pointed at Seunghyun.

We mobilized that plan and somehow, we managed to get Hadana Bom home. She was shrieking wildly inside the car until we reached the apartment and I honestly want to punch the living daylights out of her. ARGH! My ears.

"WE'RE BACKKK!!! KYAAAAAAAAHHH!!!", Bom yelled on top of her lungs and stormed inside our place. She began running in circles while shrieking in glee and then, she tripped on something and stumbled on the floor. We heard a loud thud and I was about to check if she's okay since she's behind the couch when I saw her rolling on the floor while doing some weird sound.


"Bom!", Dara ran towards her to stop her from her craziness as she continuously moved like a rolling pin.

"I'll go ahead", the vagina said.

"Alright", I said and walked him towards the door.

"Don't be too hard on Dara noona, sweetheart", he said while staring at me intently. Gone was the rowdy Seungri that screams all things annoying. Sometimes, I'm not sure if he's stupid or is just acting stupid. He breezes through life like a wind but it turns out, he has a deep perception of things. He doesn't care what other people do or say to him but he is the most sensitive when it comes to other people's feelings.

"I'm worried for Dara. Joo Won already broke her. If Jiyong does the same thing...", I sighed heavily and glanced at Dara who's still taking care of Bom.

"You saw how he looks at her, didn't you?"

I nodded meekly.

"Besides, if she will need a friend, you'll always be there for her, won't you?", he asked softly.

I nodded again.

"Goodnight, sweetheart", he smiled and ruffled my hair. He was about to walk away when I remembered that I haven't greeted him properly.

"Vagina! Hap-"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY LEE SEUNGRI OF THE LEE FAMILY OF SEOUL OF SOUTH KOREA OF THE HUMAN WORLD!!!", Bom suddenly leaped outside with outstretched arms while screaming. OH MY GOSH! I quickly bade goodbye to Seungri and dragged Bom inside before our neighbors call the cops.

"Dara, is she never going to stop?", I asked.

"I don't knowwww ~ ~", she replied while sitting on the couch, totally exhausted from restraining Bom.

"I'll show you something AHHH-MAZING!", Bom exclaimed, her drunken eyes darting between me and Dara. She showed us her palm and curled her fingers, as if expecting something to spring out from there. The way she scrunched her nose in full concentration tells me that she's extra serious about this. When nothing happened, her eyebrows furrowed and her mouth gaped in surprise.

"What? WHAT IS THIS?!! WHERE IS MY ETHEREAL ORB?!", she screamed in panic and slumped on the floor. "ETHEREAL ORBBBB!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!", she began crawling on the floor and peeked under the furnitures to search for that damn thing.

I collapsed on the couch and exhaled audibly. My gosh! From now on, I'll make sure she'll never going to be anywhere near a bottle of alcohol as long as I live!

My though process was interrupted when Dara's phone beeped. She fished it out of her pocket and I saw her face lit up upon reading the message. She hastily typed her reply and smiled contentedly afterwards.

"Jiyong", I mumbled.


"Oh come on"

"Uh...He's just asking something", she reasoned.

"Lies", I leaned back on the couch and lazily turned my head towards her. "He really cares for you", I mumbled and watched the frenzy of emotions that passed her face.

"He does?", she began fiddling with her fingers on her lap while pondering.

"Sorry if I overreacted before. I was just...worried", I straightened up and messed my hair in frustration when I realized the sappy things that I was saying. "Damn, this is so cheesy. I'm going to kill myself after this", I mumbled before facing her again. "Just...don't handle things like what you did with Joo Won. You're a great person, Dara. You don't need to act like another person for the sake of anyone"

She smiled and gazed at nowhere in particular, seemingly remembering something. "You know, when I was tied-...I mean, when I was with Jiyong, I experienced how it was to be 'me'. He never really cares what I do anyway, so I did whatever I want. And I enjoyed it", she said.

"That's nice", I remarked.

"He's nice"

"You like him?"

"I...what?! Me? Uh-- We're.. I mean-"

This idiot. I shook my head while chuckling as she stuttered like a complete fool. Suddenly, Bom flung herself towards Dara and hugged her waist while resting her face on Dara's lap. Great, another idiot.


"Bom, get off me, will you?", Dara complained and tried to pry her arms off her. We both leaned back in fright when Bom snappily lifted her head and stared directly at Dara with a very serious face. If she starts saying some gibberish in a hollow voice and her head rotates in a complete 360 degrees, I swear I will scream like the girl that I am.

"Whatever happens, hold on to Kwon Jiyong"


"Ohhh.. What should you do with those feelings that are peeking out of your heart", Bom wailed.

"She's so...poetic", I said.

"She's more than that", Dara replied mysteriously.


"Open thy door!", Seunghyun commanded and stretched his arm towards the door, willing it to open. "Servants! Where art thou?!"

Motherfcker. Jiyong entered the keycode while his other arm is still supporting the drunk jursa. As soon as they entered the apartment, Jiyong dumped Seunghyun on the couch unceremoniously.

"You're fcking heavy!", he complained and slumped tiredly on the foor. He glanced back and sighed exasperatedly when he saw the jursa's unconscious body sprawled on the couch with his mouth hanging open.

"Damn it", he cursed and messed his hair in frustration. He then stared at nothing in particular and just as expected, his mind became filled with thoughts of Dara again. It's the third night since Dara and him were untied and he still can't get used to the fact that she's not there anymore whenever he glances beside him. Her absence is driving him insane. And there's still the issue of what Jursa Seunghyun told him. Admittedly, it makes him uneasy.

"Abelardddd!!! ~ ~", Seunghyun groaned and abruptly sat up and hugged Jiyong's neck. ""ABELARD!! I'm sorry Abelard!"

"Get off me!", Jiyong hissed and pried his arms off him. The jursa slumped back on the couch and stared at him somberly. He then stretched his arm and began patting Jiyong's head, as if to console him. "Oh, you poor soul", he said.

"Shit!", Jiyong slapped his hand away and climbed on the couch to sit beside the drunk jursa. He then frowned at Seunghyun and nudged him, "Hey, tell me, what are you?"

Seunghyun smirked and leaned forward, whispering on Jiyong's ear while cupping his hands as if anyone will hear them. "I'm a jursa", he answered.

"What's a jursa? And stop whispering on my ear, you gaytard!"

"A me", his words slurred while pointing at himself. "You...", Seunghyun patted Jiyong's shoulder and stared at him with droopy eyes, "..Abelard"

"Are you sure you're awake?", Jiyong lightly tapped Seunghyun's cheeks but to his surprise, the jursa cupped his cheeks and stared at him pitifully. "Abelard. You poor soul"

Jiyong wiggled free like a madman and scooted away from him in disgust. "Who the hell is Abelard?! Your boyfriend?! Damn it, I knew I should have tossed you in a gutter somewhere", he stood up and was about to go to his bedroom but abruptly stopped when he heard the jursa's words.

"Sandara Park...We'll save you. We won't let you d-", Seunghyun mumbled.

"What did you say?", Jiyong glanced back and upon seeing the sleeping jursa, he just shook his head dismissively and headed towards the bedroom.


"Alright, alright. I'll take care. I'll be there in a few minutes, Jiyong. Stop worrying", Dara smiled and ended the call after saying goodbye. He is at it again - having a freak out episode when he learned that Dara rode a bus instead of asking him to pick her up. It makes her happy, though. The smile was still plastered on her face as she finally reached their building. She greeted the staffs and proceeded towards their office, where Jiyong is certainly waiting. Just the thought of it makes her day seem a lot brighter.

That smile, however, instantly faded when she opened the office and saw Min Young standing side by side with Jiyong behind his desk. They were discussing something in hushed tones and were looking at some documents with their faces just inches apart.

"Jiyong...", Min Young suddenly mumbled and bit her lips with furrowed eyebrows. She then rested her forehead on Jiyong's shoulder and said something that Dara was not able to catch.

"It's going to be alright", Jiyong said and placed his arm around Min Young, patting her back.

Dara was frozen on her spot, unable to move. It's as if a hand is squeezing her heart until the pain is almost unbearable. Her breath was caught on her throat as she stared at the two of them. She wanted to get out of there, but her feet remained rooted on the floor.

When Jiyong lifted his gaze and met hers, she prayed that she could instantly disappear. 'What's this, Jiyong?' she wanted to say those words, but why? Why would she ask that stupid question?

"Cheeseball, can you give us a moment please?", he said.

Dara can't believe what she just heard. He's asking her to leave them alone? Her eyes darted towards the picture on his desk. It's still there. She shifted her gaze and saw Min Young whose arm is now wrapped on Jiyong's waist while her other hand is wiping the tears on her face which is curtained by her hair.

"O-Okay", Dara answered and swiftly turned around, closing the door behind her. She was breathing through her mouth as she walked aimlessly on the corridor, not knowing where to go. Whenever she recalls the scene that she saw, her heart constricts in pain. It's ridiculous, honestly. Why would it hurt that much?

She almost toppled over when she bumped on someone but fortunately, he was able to hold her by the shoulders. She lifted her face and saw Joo Won looking at her questioningly. "Are you alright?", he asked. Still in a daze, her mind refused to process that simple question. "Dara, is there something wrong?", he repeated.

"H-Huh? I'm fine. I'm just...hungry, I guess"


"Stay here. I'll order for you", Joo Won said as they occupied one of the tables in the cafeteria. "Same old, right? Hotdog sandwich with mustard?"

Dara looked at him as if she's seeing him for the first time. It might sound absurd but the sight of Jiyong and Min Young being close to each other drained her energy. Her mind wandered again as she stared blankly at Joo Won.

"Dara...Baby, you're making me worry. What's wrong?"

Hotdog Sandwich with mustard? She hates mustard. She only puts up with it because Joo Won likes it. Jiyong knows she hates it. Jiyong.

"I hate mustard", she mumbled.

"Oh", Joo Won said. "Without mustard, then. I'll just order. I'll be right-"

"I want noodles", Dara said, startling him. He was already used to her just nodding at everything that he says. Now that he thinks about it, he never did get to know Dara. She was always the one adjusting to the things he likes and never really voiced out what's in her mind. It was always like that, until he grew weary of it.

"What? You're falling in love with me again?", she teased. Odd. It's as if he's getting to know Dara again. But this time, it's the real Dara.

"You've changed", he noted.

"No, I didn't. This is the way I am. I was a fool back then when I thought I would be able to keep our relationship by acting like how you want your girlfriend to be"

Joo Won sighed and played with her hands. "Why did we break up again?"

"You dumped me, remember?", she playfully replied.

"I'm an idiot"

"Yes, you are"

"You are so silly, do you know that?", he smiled at her and squeezed her hands. Dara stuck her tongue out at him and wiggled her head, making him laugh. "Wow. Very mature", Joo Won sarcastically said.

"Mr. Moon, if you're done 'playing' with my executive assistant, you might want to drop by the Sales Department. Your team is already looking for you", the stern voice of Jiyong interrupted them. He was towering over them with a dark expression on his face, his eyebrows furrowed deeply and his eyes squinted in tiny slits. The way he glares at Joo Won seems like he is pondering whether to injure Joo Won or just throw him elsewhere.

Joo Won lets go of Dara's hands and faced Jiyong. "I'll be right there, Mr. Kwon", he stood up and fixed his suit. "I'll buy you a hotdog sandwich with mustard later, okay?", he said and stared at Dara teasingly.

Dara smiled at him and scrunched her nose. "You're evil"

"Later, baby", he waved at her.

Jiyong's deadly glare is now directed towards Dara. He is seriously pissed but she just kept on avoiding his gaze. Stony silence enveloped both of them and no one wants to break it. Without uttering a word, Jiyong furiously kicked Dara's foot and began marching away.


"It was nice doing business with you, Mr. Kwon, Miss Park. I hope I'll be invited to your wedding, huh?", the client, Mr. Jung, remarked. Dara felt like she's getting smaller and smaller as she stood behind Jiyong and Min Young.

"We are not a couple, Mr. Jung", Min Young responded.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous. Sooner or later, you two will be", Mr. Jung laughed boisterously before getting inside the car. They all bowed to him and went back to the office building.

"I told you it's Miss Park Min Young. Not Miss Sandara Park", one of the employees whispered.

"But isn't Miss Sandara Park always with Mr. Kwon?"

"She's just her executive assistant"

"I thought she's pregnant with Mr. Kwon's child?"

"*GASP! Maybe it's Miss Park Min Young who's pregnant with his child!"

Dara felt like her hair is raising when she heard the murmurs of the staffs. When she entered the elevator, she immediately stood behind Jiyong and Min Young to hide her sullen face. The three of them inside the enclosed space suffocates her. Min Young has been around Jiyong the whole day and it's making her heart heavy. She's the one who's around Jiyong all the time. She's the one who was rumored to be pregnant with Jiyong's child, damn it! Why is it Min Young now?

"Jiyong, can you drop by my office for a while?", Min Young said as soon as they reached their floor. "I just need to talk to you", she continued.

Again?! Dara wanted to kick every immovable objects that she sees. Min Young has been hogging Jiyong's attention the entire day and now that office hours is about to end, she still needs to talk to him? Why? WHY?

"Okay", Jiyong answered and faced Dara. "Stay in the office, cheeseball", he said with a warning tone.

"Yes, Mr. Kwon", Dara muttered and began striding towards Jiyong's office. She was about to open the door when Jiyong suddenly rested his hand on her waist and whispered from behind, "Wait for me. I'll give you a ride home."

"No need, Mr. Kwon. But thank you", she icily replied.

"Jiyong?", Min Young called out.

"Let's talk later, cheeseball", Jiyong said in a firm voice, which Dara just ignored. 'Talk later? What later?', Dara thought. He also said that after he saw her with Joo Won but that 'later' never came because girl cyborg apparently has a LOT to discuss with him.

Dara has already finished her work but Jiyong has not yet arrived. She rested her elbows on her desk and sighed heavily. Left with nothing to do, Dara pulled out her phone and began browsing the pictures she took with Jiyong. When she saw the picture that Jiyong took when she was requesting for him to take a picture of them kissing, a tiny smile tugged at the corner of her lips. It seemed so long ago but she still remembers the feeling. If only time could stop at that particular moment...

"What's that?"

"KYAAAHHH!!!", Dara shrieked in surprise when Joo Won's face materialized in front of her.

"What were you looking at?", Joo Won asked once again and snatched her phone.

"JOO WON!", she screamed and ran towards him. "DON'T LOOK AT MY PHONE!"

"Why? What are you hiding here?", he asked and was about to check her phone when Dara leaped on his back and covered his eyes with her right hand. Her legs were wrapped on Joo Won's waist, totally abandoning her dignity.

"GIVE IT BACK! GIVE IT BACK!", she yelled and tried to snatch the phone back with her left hand.

"No way!", he laughed and stretched his arm so the phone was out of Dara's reach.

"MOON JOO WON!", she shrieked once again.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!", Jiyong shouted as he stood rigidly on the door.

Dara slid down and immediately snatched her phone away from Joo Won's grasp.

"I apologize, Mr. Kwon. I dropped by to give you the draft of the bid presentation. I placed it on your desk", Joo Won replied.

"And why is my executive assistant on your back?", he asked between gritted teeth.

"Because she-- OUCH! Baby-- OUCH!"

His words were cut off when Dara elbowed him twice forcefully.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kwon", Dara apologized meekly. 'Go' she mouthed at Joo Won who immediately bowed his head and took his leave.

When it was the two of them left in the office, they remained standing and just like before, another awkward silence passed between them. After a while, Jiyong sighed wearily and walked towards Dara's desk, grabbing her strawberry backpack. "Time to go home, cheeseball", he mumbled without looking at her.


He was quiet the entire time they were roaming around. Dara thought they were going to the parking lot but Jiyong walked past it and continued walking until they reached the park that they used to frequent when they were still searching for the magic words.

Dara silently followed him as he walked aimlessly. She felt contented by just staring at his back with her strawberry backpack draped on his shoulders and with his hands shoved inside his pockets. It brings back the times when they were tied together.

"Hubby", the words slipped out of her mouth.

Jiyong's steps immediately halted. Slowly, he glanced back and stared at her. "Did you say anything?", he asked.


He sighed in frustration and turned around to face her. "Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"What's happening to you?", he stepped forward but Dara stepped back. "You're drifting away from me, cheeseball"

"I'm not", she said in an almost inaudible voice.

"You also haven't called me hubby recently. And you're not clinging to me anymore. And you're talking to that....", he exhaled furiously and wiped his face with his palm before staring at her again. "Baby?! You are still letting him call you baby? And he even held your hands. You haven't changed his id in your cellphone, have you?"

Dara remained silent while staring at him in awe. She felt like her heart is about to burst. There's a slight tingle in her cheeks when she heard him say those words. Jiyong had the same outburst when they were tied but now that they are untied, it felt more real.

"I give up", he said dejectedly and hung his head low.

Dara bit her lips to stifle the smile that is threatening to show on her lips. "Joo Won is not that bad", she said.

He huffed furiously and after glaring at her, he suddenly turned around and started to walk away. She can't help but chuckle at the cyborg who is now ignoring her. Dara continued walking behind him, watching his back while smiling inwardly.

"Hubbyyyy!!!", she called out, but Jiyong remained unresponsive.

"CLING!!", she exclaimed and linked her arm with him.

"Get off", he wiggled free from her grasp and walked ahead.

"CLING!!", Dara bounced beside him once again and clung to him. This time, Jiyong just rolled his eyes at her and let her cling to his arm.

"Don't be mad anymore, hubby. I'll be a good cheeseball, hubby. HUBBYYY!!!"

Jiyong halted his steps and looked at her, his mouth still shut. Dara beamed at him and wrapped both her arms on Jiyong's arm. "You're so cute when you're jealous"

"I'm not jealous", he muttered in a serious tone, his eyes locked with hers. Dara didn't respond and just met his stare, a stupid grin still plastered on her face. Without realizing it, an impish smile started to tug at the corner of his lips.

"Hubbyyyy", Dara said in a sing-song voice and with that, Jiyong wasn't able to suppress his smile anymore.

"Miu miu", she said and puckered her lips. Jiyong stared gently at her before leaning down, offering his cheek to hers. She gave him a soft kiss and giggled giddily afterwards.

"I'm not jealous", Dara said in a low tone, mimicking him as they walked leisurely with their arms still linked together.

"Stop it"

"I am NOTTTT....jealous!", she repeated, enunciating every word.


"I'M NOT JEALOUS!", she exclaimed in a hoarser voice with clenched fist.

"You're not going to stop, are you?"

"I AM N-...KYAAAHHHH!!! I'm stopping! I'm stopping! HUBBY!!", Dara screamed in fright when Jiyong suddenly scooped her up and slung her on his right shoulder.

"Bad cheeseball", he said in a monotone and spanked her butt, earning a mortified shriek from her.


The lunar matchmaker god stared at the two while Old Man Coyote stood beside him. Both has serious expression on their faces as they shifted their gaze at the man standing on a branch of a nearby tree, watching the couple.

"How can Heloise and Abelard win against the ruler of the underworld?", Jae Sang mumbled. Yang Goon did not respond and instead turned around, stepping inside a white swirling smoke.

Old Man Coyote slumped his shoulders and casted his eyes on the ground, his gaze focusing on a bud of a plant struggling to grow despite being unfortunately positioned in between rocks. "I want to witness the miracle of a blooming flower", he said.

Writer's Note:

I appreciate your comments guys! Thank you so much!

But please, refrain from spreading negativities in the comment section. We're all here to just enjoy and have fun ^_^

I know it takes a while before I update, but I'm really busy with my work so I only log in when I'm resting. Even my weekends are packed until December. I apologize for the long wait.

Cheers and enjoy!

huntress ^_^

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