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The hadanas and jursas stopped on their tracks and looked up at the sky. It was a rare night, a night when an extra full moon would appear that almost ruined the ecclesiastical calendar. The Blue Moon was going to adorn the sky and light the darkness. The betrayer moon was coming once again - the 13th full moon.

The ruler of the underworld roamed his gaze at the candles inside the Cave of Woes. His eyes then settled on one particular candle as its flame dances weakly. It was a sad sight that he was already used to seeing. But it was his responsibility to see it through.

Nine hundred years. It was a very long time ago when he extinguished the flame of Abelard to end his pain. It was his compassion. But his compassion lead to 22 years of sorrow for Heloise. Their fate was now going to be repeated, but with Dara leaving Jiyong. It was immensely saddening, but an inevitable truth. Jang Hyuk would once again mark the tragedy between Heloise and Abelard.

He still remembered Abelard's last words, 'I don't know'. A bitter smile crossed Jang Hyuk's face upon recalling his words. The humans on Abelard's deathbed didn't know that he was actually answering the question asked by the ruler of the underworld before his last breath. Jang Hyuk appeared on his deathbed and asked him to pick one memory of Heloise that he would want to take in the underworld. But that was his response. I don't know.

It was a pity that he was not able to understand what Abelard meant by his answer. He also didn't have the chance to ask. Because once the soul is taken, the memories of their human life do not come along with them. Memories of their pain, and memories of their love.


The spoon slipped on CL's hand and her heart suddenly felt heavy, as if something ominous was about to happen. She picked up the spoon and placed it on the kitchen sink, her chest still constricting in pain for reasons unknown to her. When she turned around, she saw Hadana Bom standing in a near distance, staring at her with tears brimming on her eyes.

"Bom? What's the matter?" She asked as she strode towards the hadana. Bom forced herself to smile while wiping the side of her eyes.

"Nothing. I was just thinking how fortunate I am to be able to know you." She heaved a deep sigh and cast her gaze downwards, wrapping CL's hands with hers and squeezing them. "Lee Chaerin, remember what I am about to tell you", she said, her eyes still focused on their entwined hands. "The world is not as cruel as they made you believe it to be. You can stop acting strong when you need to be weak. It is exhausting to always betray what you feel; even a warrior lowers his sword to be able to rest."

"What are you saying?"

Bom met CL's gaze, a tiny smile forming on her lips. "I mean, you are already a beautiful and confident woman. Taking off the mask will not make you any less of the person that you already are. And if you feel like your world is about to crumble, you need not stand on your ground and grit your teeth to show that you are strong. All you need is the right shoulder to lean on."

CL stared at the hadana, not knowing how to respond. Suddenly, Bom gathered her on her arms and hugged her tightly.


"It has been a very lovely journey with you, my friend", Bom said.


Holding the small candle in his hand, the ruler of the underworld stepped out of the Cave of Woes. His steps halted when Jae Sang and Yang Goon suddenly appeared before him, blocking his path.

"Nine hundred years, Jang Hyuk", Jae Sang said. "Nine hundred years of journey and yet, they have to suffer again."

"This is their end. I have to fulfill my oath", Jang Hyuk said.

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