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OMG, my brain. Brain, are you alright?

Okay, okay, okay. He said Jiyong is his son. So, that means he is Jiyong's father of course. And here I am about to interview Mr. Lee Soo Man, the business tycoon who is Jiyong's father. SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME I'M WRONG!

I can already picture my massive freak out episode later.

"Uhmmm...", I opened my notebook in panic and my pen fell on the floor, rolling under the coffee table. Mr. Lee Soo Man looked at the pen, then back at me....and cocked his eyebrows.

*tick tock*

Awesome. I am surely going to have a greattttt time. Before I could pick up the pen, Jiyong already beat me to it. He then handed it to me before leaning back on the couch, unmindful of the curious stare of Mr. Lee Soo Man.

"You said you two are friends?", he suddenly asked.

"Y-Yes sir", I hastily replied.

He nodded and glanced at Jiyong again, who is sitting royally beside me. I bit my lips and frowned at Jiyong but he just cocked his eyebrows at me. Oh man, he is so like his father. Now I know where he got that commanding air and cold demeanor.

"Where did you two meet?", Mr. Lee pressed on. Is this my interview or his interview? I'm beginning to think I'm the one being interrogated.

"Uhmm..At one of your hotels in-"

"Can we just start so we can get this over with and get out of this place?", Jiyong interjected. I gasped in surprise and kicked his foot but he just boredly looked at me. Oh my gosh, I shall kill him later!

"Why don't you just wait for her outside then?"

"She's the reason why I'm here in the first place", he declared. GAH! Kwon Jiyong! Stop it, please! "If I leave, then she'll leave with me", he continued. Kill me. Just kill me.

"Is that so, Miss Park?"

"Ah ha ha ha, please don't mind him, sir", I cautiously said and stared stonily at Jiyong. "Can you please stop?", I muttered under gritted teeth and nudged his elbow.

"Then hurry up and start", he hissed.

"I will", I whispered sharply and opened up my notebook but before I could even speak...

"Tsch. This won't do", Jiyong mumbled and stood up.

"What now?", I asked in alarm before smiling awkwardly at Mr. Lee who was just eyeing us with a stoic expression.

"Let's wash your hair first. I'm really distracted with your hair. The gel you put is starting to harden and you look like a gagman", he said and pulled me up. What the hell?!!! INSENSITIVE MORON! I seriously want to release some daggers at his as$ right now!

"Will you leave my hair alone?!", I shot back and tried to wiggle free but his grip was firm. URRGHHH!!! Can someone please punch the living daylights out of this idiot?

"I can't", he simply replied and faced his father. "We'll be back in a few minutes", he informed him and before Mr. Lee could even reply, Jiyong had already dragged me out.

"Jiyong!", I hissed and hit his arm multiple times but he just wouldn't budge! The secretary was eyeing us in shock as Jiyong pushed me towards the ladies room. The girls inside gasped in surprise but upon recognizing him, they immediately bowed and scampered away.

"Wash your hair", he sternly instructed. He is serious about this, isn't he? Oh my gosh, he is unbelievable! I am so freaking mad right now that I want to unhinge the cubicle doors and hurl them at his face!

"Kwon Jiyong!!", I shrieked, my voice successfully reaching C minor because of extreme annoyance. He didn't even flinch as he looked at me and pulled me towards the faucet.

"Wash your hair", he repeated and tilted his head. I sighed in defeat and did what I was told since I knew for a fact that he will not concede even if I cry tears of molten lava.

I was mumbling a string of curses while washing my hair when the door opened. I was expecting a flustered gasp followed by a hurried shutting of door but the one who entered didn't seem to be shocked at the sight of Jiyong and me inside the ladies' room.

"Do you need any help?", she asked. My head automatically bolted to the source of the voice and saw a tall woman with porcelain skin, long hair and a very business-like, no-nonsense expression. Wow. I cannot believe I'm meeting Jiyong's girl counterpart. Girl Cyborg and Boy Cyborg in the same space and time. What is wrong with this world?

"She needs a towel", Jiyong replied. Without saying a word, the girl left and when she came back, she was holding a towel and she handed it to Jiyong. Her expression didn't even change and I'm beginning to wonder if she knows how to blink. Her face is always in zen-mode, as if she has achieved ultimate nirvana. My thought process was cut short when Jiyong vigorously dried my hair with the towel.

"Jiyong!", I protested and grabbed the towel from him. "Wait until we get out of here...", I warned him as I grudgingly fix myself. He then extended his hand and messed my hair, making me unleash another round of annoyed shrieks. That didn't stop him from messing up my hair whenever I try to fix it. We were creating a mini-commotion inside the ladies' room as we battle it out. My shrieks turned into giggles as I try to sprinkle water at him and as he tried to do the same, sprinkling water at my face while maintaining his impassive expression. We almost forgot that there's another presence besides us until she finally spoke.

"Kwon Jiyong", girl cyborg suddenly said in a reprimanding tone. We abruptly stopped and looked at her. "Stop this juvenile act", she sternly added.

Wow. Mother much?

"Sorry", I apologized and hastily fixed myself while Jiyong stubbornly lifted his chin up and crossed his arms.

"You're as stubborn as before", she sighed and pulled out her handkerchief. "Look at you...", she said and tried to wipe the sprinkles of water on Jiyong's face while I froze on my spot, completely flabbergasted. Who is this girl? Are they close?

Jiyong stepped back and held her wrist, stopping her from wiping his face. "It's okay", Jiyong told her before looking at me. "Let's go", he instructed.

I was still staring at them with wide eyes when Jiyong yanked the cord and started heading towards the door. "Uhmm...Thanks", I bowed at girl cyborg and followed Jiyong, still curious as to who that woman is. I wanted to ask Jiyong but I remembered that Mr. Lee is waiting at his office. Oh no! How long are we in the restroom?!

When we entered the office, Mr. Lee was in the same position as we left him. He was following us with his gaze and it's making me feel uneasy. I knew I've screwed up this interview and there is no way of redeeming myself anymore.

"Miss Park, you do realize you're wasting my time, don't you?"

Ouch! Aigooo, I'm ruined.

"I'm sorry, sir. I will hasten up the interview so we could wrap up immediately", I apologetically said.

"I was the one who dragged her so don't throw your temper at her", Jiyong shot back. I elbowed him but he just ignored me.

"Jiyong, you better apologize to your father", I sternly said.

"Let him be, Miss Park", Mr. Lee interjected.

"You heard him", Jiyong coldly replied.

Seriously, this father and son...I think even butterflies avoid these two.

"Sorry sir", I repeated and opened my notebook again while whispering to Jiyong without glancing at him. "That was really impolite, Jiyong. You better apologize to your father", I insisted.

He sighed and leaned back on his seat. "Alright, I'm sorry", he blurted out. Mr. Lee was visibly surprised at his apology even though Jiyong obviously did that to stop me from bugging him.

I gently patted his arm and smiled at him before facing Mr. Lee Soo Man to resume the interview.

As expected of the famous business magnate, his wisdom is pitless and his perspective of things is highly impressive. He was very articulate in answering my questions and his choice of words were clear and concise. Despite all these, he didn't give away everything and still managed to maintain the mystery of who Lee Soo Man really is. It was really amazing. I feel like I'm looking at a future Jiyong. After accompanying Jiyong with his client meetings, I can confidently say that he has the potential to be like his father.

I wrapped up the interview and had him sign the document that the school gave us as proof that we've successfully conducted the school activity. When he handed me the document, I bowed at him and happily clung to Jiyong's arm, proudly showing him the signed form. He just rolled his eyes at me and twitched his lips irritably. He then headed towards the door without saying another word.

"Thank you, sir", I bowed at Mr. Lee and hurriedly followed Jiyong. When I looked back, I saw Mr. Lee still staring at us with an unreadable expression on his face.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as we stepped out of the office. Mental breakdown session has officially ended.



GAAHHH!! I'm glad that madness is officially over! That was quite an experience. The moment we stepped inside Mr. Lee's office, I was completely sure we were going to die. And then...he turned out to be this cyborg's father! What the heck!

I exhaled loudly and rested my head on Jiyong's shoulder as we sat on the restaurant, waiting for our food.

"Why are you sitting beside me? Go over there", he said and pointed at the seat in front of him.

"Can't I just stay here? I feel so exhausted after that ordeal with your father"

"No. Get lost", he coldly said, shooing me away. I grudgingly took the seat in front of him and pouted.

"Aren't you even going to explain why you never told me that Mr. Lee Soo Man is your father?"


"And who's that girl in the ladies' room?", I asked.

He just looked at me and shrugged his shoulders in response. He shrugged his shoulders. He shrugged his shoulders. Urrrghhhhhhh.....I.GIVE.UP.

I lazily rested my face on the table and extended my arms, totally disgruntled by the fact that he's keeping a lot of secrets from me.

"You never tell me anything. You should've told me that you're Mr. Lee's son before we came for the interview", I weakly said.

"It's not important"

It's not important? Really, Jiyong?

"Jiyong", a familiar voice suddenly called out. When I looked up, I saw Girl Cyborg approaching us. Without saying another word, she abruptly sat beside Jiyong and crossed her arms.

"You changed your mobile number and you didn't tell me where you're staying. I was looking for you after you left your father's house", she said in a monotone. Jiyong just boredly looked at her and lazily leaned back on his seat, resting his arm on the top rail behind where girl cyborg is sitting. From my vantage point, it looks like he's draping his arm on her shoulder which makes me frown. He told me to get lost when I sat beside him while he's letting this girl occupy that space. Bah! Clearly, this guy has not seen my bazooka.

What is the real score between these two?

Girl Cyborg then directed her eyes at me. I swear, it was spooky. It seems like the machineries in her brain is calculating my body mass and my kung fu power. I can honestly picture her vision resembling that of an android with digits on the left or right side and with a cross hair in the middle. I wouldn't be surprised if her chest suddenly opens and launches some missiles at me.

Jiyong poked her shoulder, distracting her. "She's my friend, you potato head. Don't show your nasty attitude with her", he told her.

Potato head? what kind of stupid nickname is that?

"This potato head is my neighbor. We practically grew up together and we went to the same school. She is working in my father's company as a department manager", Jiyong explained.

"Hi. I'm Park Min Young. You can call me Min Young", she introduced herself while Jiyong was busy talking to the waiter for an additional order of food. Why is he the one ordering food for her? Are they really that close for him to be able to pick the food that she likes?

"I'm Sandara Park. Just call me Dara", I said.

"How did you two meet?", Min Young suddenly asked.

"Well...we just met by accident", I simply replied.

"Where? At one of Big Bang's gigs? But Jiyong isn't the type to talk to anyone except for his bandmates"

"No, not at one of his gigs. We just ran at each other after exiting an elevator and due to some unexpected circumstances, we talked. That's about it", I said as I stared at the food being laid down to our table, trying to escape her curious gaze.

"Hmmmm...Interesting", she noted.

UGH! Stop asking questions, please. I don't know how to answer them anyway.

"What kind of unexpected circumstances would that be?"

Oh brother. Is there any end to this?

"We just bumped into each other and things turned out this way", I mumbled.

"I see. Well, whatever that is, it sure did brought you together. This guy is really hard to get along with", Min Young remarked and nudged Jiyong.

What she said struck me. If not for the red cord, I might not have cross paths with Jiyong or if I did, he would never talk to me. That kind of thought never crosses my mind since I was so fixated in finding a way on how to untie the knot. I stole a glance at the red string binding us and chewed on my lips while thinking. Are Jiyong and I supposed to meet?

"What's in this strawberry-printed backpack?", Min Young grabbed the bag slung on the chair and was about to open it but Jiyong snatched it back.

"This is hers. Don't poke your nose on her stuff", he said.

"Oh. Sorry. I thought this is yours", she reasoned.

They continued conversing about Jiyong's job as a financial adviser, his clients, Min Young's work and so many other mumbo jumbo that I do not care about. I'll admit, I'm feeling left out. But she's Jiyong's childhood friend and they have a lot of catching up to do so I just let them be. Besides, I feel really intimidated by Min Young. She is pretty, mature, intelligent and she seems to fit well with Jiyong. While me...super aegyo wink, Miu Miu power, flying meadows, the cuppycake song and all the stupid things that can drive people nuts. ARGH! I hate myself. Why is it only now that I'm realizing how silly I might have looked in front of Jiyong?

"Can we spend the afternoon together? It's been a while since I've seen you", Min Young suddenly asked. The moment I heard it, I was pretty much inhaling my glass of juice while looking at Jiyong with wide eyes. I'm quite sure I'm sending clear telepathic signals for him not to agree.

Say no. SAY NO.

"Okay", he said.

What an idiot. Did he not see me widening my eyes at him? URGH! I should've aligned the satellites and directed them to his brain so he can get the message that I DON'T WANT TO SPEND A LOT OF TIME WITH GIRL CYBORG! I'm sure she'll just ask a lot of questions. I think Min Young's radar is as good as CL's and I'm afraid that she'll catch up that something weird is going on.

"Let's go to the zoo after we eat", she suggested.

Huh? Huh?! Zoo? She's kidding, right?

"Okay", a vein in my brain almost popped when Jiyong agreed again. I-DIOT.

Min Young clapped her hands while maintaining the zen-mode expression on her face. It looks creepy, actually. That kind of facial expression is what serial-killers are made of. I feel like she's going to grab a knife any minute and just stab anyone.

She then pulled something from her bag and handed us a booklet. Animals. Do's and Don'ts...OMG, girl cyborg. What is this?

"That's the zoo's map and precautionary guide", Min Young informed us. Seriously?? A booklet...of the zoo's 'Precautionary Guide'...I feel like crying.

I set it down without even taking a look at it. Honestly, I don't need to read those damn precautionary measures because if any of those animals escape their cage, Jiyong will be the one doing all the running while dragging an unconscious woman.

I focused on my food again and set aside the red bell pepper at the corner of my plate. I was about to give them to Jiyong but when I looked at him, I saw him placing some of his food at Min Young's plate. A weird feeling enveloped me after seeing him doing that to another girl. I can't help but stare at them as they speak in hushed tones, discussing something important while taking care of each other - with Min Young giving him table napkin and Jiyong pouring a glass of juice for her.

I gazed down at the sad pile of red bell pepper on my plate and began eating them. So many thoughts are running through my mind that makes my chest burn. Perhaps I'm just not used to him being attentive to another girl. We were stuck together for a while now and all this time, his undivided attention is directed towards me. Maybe that's the reason why I feel this way.

I stole a glance at Jiyong and immediately averted my gaze when I saw him staring back at me. He suddenly kicked my foot, making me look at him again.

"Is there anything wrong?", he asked.


This moron. Why do I find him extra annoying today?


"Jiyong, Jiyong", Dara called out when Min Young was a few steps ahead of them, busy looking at the animals in the zoo.


"What's your nickname for me?"

"I haven't thought of one"

"Why notttt??!!", she asked in astonishment. "We've been together for so long and yet, you never call me by my name! And you haven't thought of a nickname for me? We even shared your first burger, shared meals and sleep together! Wow, I'm hurt", she dramatically clutched her chest and looked at him with a pained expression.

"Stop with your drama"

"CLING!", Dara suddenly exclaimed and jumped beside Jiyong, clinging to his arm.

"There you go again", he exasperatedly said.

"CLING CLING!", she repeated.

"Please act normal. We've got company"

She beamed at him, giving him a wide smile but he just stared silently at her with a stoic expression.

"Hubbyyyy....", she whispered in a playful tone.

"I'm warning you", he muttered.

Dara twitched her lips and glued her eyes on the ground. "You're cheating on me again", she said in defeat.

"Jiyong! Look at this!", Min Young waved her hand at them while pointing at an animal inside the cage. The two of them walked in silence as they approached Min Young.

On the other hand, sitting on top of the concrete fence overlooking the destined couple are Seunghyun and Bom. They were both staring at the red string with furrowed eyebrows, still confused as to what lies ahead for the mysterious couple assigned to them.

"Did your ascendant make a mistake?", Jursa Seunghyun carefully asked.

"EXCUSE YOUR RUDENESS! My ascendant has been doing this for so long an-"

"We both overheard Ascendant Jae Sang", he reminded her, cutting her off. "One of the destined couple is supposed to die but the death was hindered by the red string, that's why it's emitting a black light. It might be possible that the red string is malfunctioning because of that same reason. And our fused energy when we fought just aggravated the situation that's why it became visible and unstretchable for the couple"

Hadana Bom fell silent, thoroughly contemplating what the Jursa has explained.

"Seunghyun...", she mumbled and helplessly looked at him. "Can you explain it again, you lost me at the first sentence"

"Oh my goodness, I can't believe you", Seunghyun sighed wearily. WHY?! Why does he have to be partnered with the most complicated and IRRITATING hadana among all the deities?



There's his stern look again. I get it, okay? It is my sacred duty to remain silent. Why is he behaving as if I'm being demonic to Min Young?

Whoah. Look at them being so close to each other. I really doubt they're just neighbors...or friends...or schoolmates. Whatever.

"Hey, that wild pig looks like you", Jiyong remarked while pointing at me. Argh! Okay people, hold me firmly before I leap at him.

"I'll just buy some ice cream for us", Min Young declared.

"I don't want one. Please buy one for her, though. She loves to eat anything", he said and tilted his head at me. Look at this guy. First, he said I looked like a wild pig. Now, he's comparing my eating habits to a pig. Grrr. The urge to throw small pebbles at his face in regular interval is getting strong.

"Okay", girl cyborg answered in her usual monotone voice and walked away while Jiyong and I sat on a nearby bench in utter silence. The lights on the nearby poles automatically lit up as it is already night time.

I scooted on the other side of the bench, totally ignoring him. I'm not sure why his presence pisses me off to no ends. Honestly, I'm completely fine hanging out with girl cyborg. I guess, I just have a problem seeing her with my cyborg....I mean..with Jiyong. Darn. What's happening to me? I got used to being with Jiyong all the time that I became overly attached to him.

"Are you jealous?", he suddenly asked.

Excuseeee meeee??? Me? Me? Me? Why would I be jealous? I stared at him without uttering any word, flaming him with my glare.

"Your nostrils are getting bigger"

Ohhhhhh, he better not sleep later. He better not. I swear, I'll pour gasoline all over his body and toast him on his bed.

"Hey", he yanked the red cord, pulling me closer.

"I'm not cheating on you", he flatly said with an impassive expression.

I rolled my eyes at him, crossed my arms and-....WHAT DID HE SAY?! I did a double take, eyeing him with surprise. Did I hear him right?

"Your ice cream, Dara", Min Young suddenly popped up on my side and shoved the ice cream on my hand.


Yang Goon was standing at the edge of the cliff, roaming his eyes around the metropolis. He raised his arm and slowly waved his open palm. In an instant, the city below became a sea of red strings. Jae Sang stepped beside him and quietly watched the flowing red strings that are sparkling in the darkness of the night.

"I'm meeting Jang Hyuk at the River of Unbreakable Oath"

"Whatever he will say, I'm certain it is bad news for the destined couple", Jae Sang said.

Yang Goon nodded while clasping his hands behind him. "He will definitely ask me to commence the second option so that he can gather the soul of one of the destined couples"

"Don't you want to wait until the first option is fulfilled? If the destined couple fall in love, the red string will revert back to its normal form"

"That will never happen", Yang Goon mysteriously said before staring at the moon. "That red string will not revert back to its normal form even if they fall in love. It is their destiny to go through all these hardships"

Jae Sang sighed while shaking his head. "Let us first lift the punishments of our Jursa and Hadana"

"Agreed", Yang Goon muttered.


Min Young was long gone but the destined couple remained sitting on the bench in a secluded part of the zoo. Dara was silently staring at nothing in particular, thinking about Min Young's sudden change of behaviour. Oddly, she became very curious about her and kept on asking every little detail about her and Jiyong. Min Young's questions drained her soul. It was really tiring to reply to her since one question leads to another bazillion of far more annoying questions.

"Hey", Jiyong scooted closer to Dara and nudged her.


"You've been silent for a while now", he remarked.

"I don't have anything to say", she warily said. Honestly, she doesn't understand herself either. Her emotions are all over the place and what she needs at the moment is to get away from Jiyong so she can gather her thoughts. But of course, that's one of the many things that she can't do because she's tied to him.

"ARGH! These two! These two are DRIVING ME INSANE!", Bom screeched while pulling her hair in frustration. Seunghyun rolled his eyes and stayed at a safe distance away from the hadana who is creating a huge chaos on her own.

"If I only have my ethereal orb, I wi-", Bom's whinings were cut short when a sphere of sparkling white and black energy entered the hadana and jursa's body respectively.

"W-What happened?"

Seunghyun furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and stared at Bom. "Our punishment has been lifted. Our powers are back", he muttered while looking at his hands. After a few seconds of silence, the two deities glanced at each other and chuckled to themselves.

"Let's go", Dara said and abruptly stood up but Jiyong remained seated on the bench.

"Jiyong", she called out in an exhausted voice, her eyebrows almost mashed together. He sighed and followed her, draping the strawberry-printed backpack on his shoulder.

The two passed by Hadana Bom who opened her palms facing upwards and gently blew on it. A light breeze swayed the trees and cherry blossom petals started falling on the destined couple. It was a beautiful sight.

"A slice of honesty...", Bom was about to recite an enchantment but Seunghyun pinched her cheeks to stop her.

"No cheating. Don't use your powers in crazy ways anymore", he sternly said.

"OUCH! Fine! I'm stopping! Jeez. I just want Jiyong to say at least ONE of his honest feelings instead of hiding behind his cold facade"

"You don't know how to read a situation, don't you? Look at them. You don't need to cast an enchantment to help them at this point", Seunghyun said and tilted his head at the two.

As the destined couple walk with Dara a few steps ahead, Jiyong cautiously lifted his hand and held onto the hem of Dara's blouse. Startled by his action, Dara glanced back and questioningly stared at him while slowing down her pace.

"C-Cling", he said in a tiny voice, clearly embarrassed with what he's doing.

Dara felt like a hand-grenade was thrown at her face. Is Kwon Jiyong seriously doing such a cheesy cheddar act? She tried to keep a straight face as she stared back at Jiyong. She didn't even dare open her mouth in fear of collapsing in a fit of uncontrollable giggles.

"Talk to me... Mmmhhhhmm?", he said while gently tugging the hem of Dara's blouse like a kid. With that, the inevitable smile slowly crept on Dara's lips but she chose to hide it as she faced forward and continued walking, with Jiyong still holding onto her blouse.

"Whoah, what's this? You were doing a great job ignoring me a while ago", she said, biting her lips afterwards to suppress her stupid smile.

"No, I'm not. You were the one getting distant because of Min Young"

"I don't want to get in your way", her smile wavered as she casted her eyes downwards.

"You silly thing. I didn't know you get jealous easily", Jiyong muttered and suddenly draped his arm over Dara's shoulder, startling her. "I don't know what to do with you anymore", he whispered and pressed her closer to his side.

"I'm not jealous", Dara pouted while looking at her feet, unable to meet his eyes.

"Yeah, you are. And you're clingy too. Wrap your arm around my waist so you can walk easily", he lazily said.

Dara did what she was told and beamed at Jiyong, "What's this, huh?"

"My payment for not letting you cling to me for the entire day"

"Ah, I see....CLING!", Dara tightly wrapped both her arms on his waist, almost toppling him down.

"You're trying to kill me, aren't you?"

"Miu miu miu!"



Hadana Bom's smile faltered as she stared at the back of the destined couple who were walking slowly with their arms wrapped around each other, the beautiful petals of the cherry blossom showering their path.

"I can't give up on them", she said, almost in a whisper. Seunghyun remained silent while listening to her.

"No matter what lies ahead, I believe in the red string of fate", she continued.


"It is really unfortunate that this has to happen, but death is absolute", Jang Hyuk said while staring at the river. "I have to get the soul after two full moons. I trust that you will enforce the second option as soon as you can"

"I will do what I swore to do in front of the River of Unbreakable Oath", Yang Goon replied without glancing at him. "And you have to abide by your words as well. Even if they are freed from the red string, you will have to wait two full moons before getting the soul"

"Agreed", Jang Hyuk answered. A long silence followed as both of them contemplates the repercussions that this might bring. "Humans are fragile beings. Everything ends with death", he remarked after a while.

"It is the journey that is treasured more than the destination", the lunar matchmaker god retorted.

Dara and Jiyong came to know each other because of the red string binding them. Oddly though, fate seems to be ruining everything.

Writer's Note:

Follow me on twitter @huntress2021

I hope you're all enjoying the story

huntress ^_^

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