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"Wow! You look awful", Joo Won exclaimed upon seeing her on the hotel corridor.

"I will punch you, I swear", Dara said grudgingly as they both walked towards the function room where the bid winner will be announced.

"What a very pleasant personali-..Okay I'm stopping, I'm stopping", Joo Won raised his arms in surrender when Dara aimed her fist at his face. She certainly has no patience in dealing with any crap right now after the emotional nightmare she's been through last night.

If she has any choice, she'd rather stay in her hotel room and never interact with her fellow humans (she should seriously stay away from Bom) than go to the function room and see Jiyong. But the dreaded moment came. It was already 6pm and all the bid participants need to be in attendance. Honestly, why does she have to be there? The winner will be announced whether or not she's there. What difference will it make if she skipped it? WHAT?

"Is there anything wrong?" Joo Won held her arm and stopped her from walking briskly. Startled, Dara looked at him and blinked in confusion, as if it's the first time she's seeing him. Her brain is nothing but a big lump of muddled thoughts and it is quite evident with the way she's acting at the moment.

Dara avoided Joo Won's eyes and sighed heavily. "I just want to get this over with", she said. Their scheduled flight is in the morning while the other participants opted to choose the late-night flight. It felt like years before she will finally be able to go back to Seoul.

"Hang in there. I'm sorry I wasn't able to fulfill my promise. When I get the chance, I'll find the reason why Jiyong suddenly decided to get engaged with Min Young. I was so busy because of the bid presentation that I forgot about it."

"He's not engaged with Min Young. Jiyong lied to me", Dara muttered, the familiar pain tugging her heart once again.


"Let's go, Joo Won", Dara rushed towards the function room, hoping that everything will end soon.


An anxious air filled the room. But nobody can probably match the anxiety that Dara is feeling at the moment.

She was sitting stiffly, her mind barely able to focus on the current speaker in front. Jiyong is sitting at her right side while Joo Won is sitting on her left.
AWK-WARD. She was overly conscious of Jiyong's every action that she even winces in surprise with the soft rustle of paper. If Jiyong coughs, she'll probably die of heart attack.

'This is pathetic.' She nudged Joo Won and leaned forward, whispering on his ear. "Switch seats with me." Understanding the situation, Joo Won complied. The conference went on, discussing the criteria that the investors took into consideration to choose the bid winner. Some of the participants are already worriedly looking at their watches to check the time since they still have a flight to catch. It has been dragging for so long and all they wanted to know is who won the bid.

Finally, Choi Jin-hyuk stepped on the podium and everyone was on high alert. They all know Jin-hyuk is the key as to who the bid winner will be. "I am sorry to announce that we have not decided who the bid winner will be as of this moment. The decision will be communicated with all of you tomorrow", he said and flashed his confident smile.

GOD, WHY?! Dara's eyes were almost popping out of their sockets. She wanted to flip everything including the people inside the room. They all waited for nothing?! If she has a sniper gun, Choi Jin-hyuk will be long dead. They should have booked an earlier flight home if they were informed that the schedule for today is nothing but a boring conference. Argh! She needs to be alone somewhere before she yell at random strangers, because that's what she's craving to do. YELL.

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