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In every village, there has to be an idiot. The same rule applies for deities.

I'm looking at the idiot right now.

I watched silently as Hadana Bom kept jumping up and down, clucking like a chicken while explaining the predicament to the destined couple. She was prattling on and about the unnecessary details in a high-pitched voice that will make you want to rip your ears off. I'm not even sure what she's talking about, I just want the irritating noise that is coming out of her mouth to stop.

On the other hand, Sandara Park is not taking things too well while Kwon Jiyong is just sitting on the couch, maintaining an icy attitude towards the entire thing.

"Bottom line is....", I finally interjected, "this bizarre situation is the result of our combined ethereal orbs".

"Ethereal what?", Sandara Park asked.

"Ethereal orbs. Our powers", I replied and formed the black ethereal orb on my hand, showing it to them. The destined couple's eyes widened and curiously looked at it.

"Since this is your doing, then you should be able to undo it!", Sandara Park said while looking at me with desperate eyes. I sighed heavily and glanced at Bom who was biting her fingernails while frowning. This is where things will become ugly.

AAAAnnnnnddddd this is too troublesome for me to handle.

"No, we can't undo it. Bye!", I took a step back and made myself invisible. I then used my power so that Bom will not be able to drag me back to human realm. Fortunately, she can't use her ethereal orb due to her punishment so she won't be able to do anything to negate my power or to barbeque my as$.

"JURSA SEUNGHYUN!!", she screamed.

The destined couple glared at Bom accusingly.

"What does he mean you can't undo it?", Jiyong asked in an eerie tone.

She lowered her head and twiddled her fingers. "W-Well, we just can't", she said and was about to step back to enter the swirling white smoke which Hadanas use for teleportation but apparently, Sandara Park has swift ninja hands and was able to grab her.

"Oh, you are so not going anywhere", she firmly declared between gritted teeth. The way she's glaring at Bom, it's as if any moment from now, she's going to leap towards her and swallow her whole.

Unfortunately for this Hadana, she can only do some basic deity magic like teleporting and making herself invisible, just enough to ensure that she will be able to follow around the destined couple. Other than that, she's completely useless. No ethereal orb for a deity is like cutting her right arm. I smiled to myself while watching the chaos unfold.

"You can't just leave the two of us tied together. If you can't undo it, you must know a way how to fix this", Jiyong firmly said and stood up, trying to suppress the raging storm inside him.

Of course, we can't tell them what the fix is. We can't even tell them that they're destined for each other. We also can't tell them that the string binding them is actually the 'red string of fate'. Imparting those secrets is the sort of thing that could get us kicked out to another galaxy.

Bom sighed and slumped her shoulders in defeat. "Yes, there is a way to fix it", she said and glanced in my direction. I shrugged my shoulders at her while smirking, relaying a silent message that she's on her own in explaining this whole mess.

"Tell us!", Sandara Park screeched.

Bom bit her lips and looked at me pleadingly. I can almost hear the rusty machineries in her head trying to come up with a brilliant idea to divert the topic.

"Hey, look at the bright side! Because of this situation, you've come to know that deities exist!", she clapped her hands and beamed at the two, who are obviously not amused with her silly jokes. If Bom is not a deity, these two might have probably tossed her in a gutter somewhere.

The destined couple crossed their arms over their chest as Bom continuously spouted some miscellaneous crap that almost had me rolling on the floor from laughing. She is fast becoming the gold medalist for all things annoying.

"Can you please just tell us how to fix this?", Kwon Jiyong, who has finally lost his patience, muttered.


And then, her eyes suddenly lit up as if a magnificent wisdom has been bestowed upon her. Bom suddenly straightened up, glanced at me momentarily before gazing at the two, "The fix actually depends on both of you".

Uh-oh. UH-OH! Is she planning to tell them the truth? ARGH! This crazy woman!

I frantically flailed my arms to get her attention in an attempt to stop her from the stupidity that she is bound to make. Doesn't she realize the gravity of the punishment if she reveal those kind of deity secrets to the destined couple? I don't even want to imagine the kind of torture that awaits us.

"It depends on us?", Sandara Park curiously asked.


Hadana Bom! SHUT UP!

"You two should...", I hurriedly crossed the realm again, ignoring the surprised shriek of Sandara Park, so I could cover Bom's despicable mouth but she suddenly teleported towards the top of the closet. She sat there while swaying her legs playfully.

"You two should figure out the magical words so that the string will be fixed", she said to the two before winking at me.


"Magical words? What are you talking about?", Kwon Jiyong asked in bewilderment.

Yes Bom, what are you talking about?

"The magical words is the enchantment you need to fix the red string"

"That's ridiculous! It's impossible to figure it out with the number of words in existence!", Sandara Park is about to lose her mind once again.

"You will figure it out. Those words will come to both of you at the right time. Start by knowing each other"

Then, it finally dawned on me. Hadana Bom is tricking the two to be closer to one another without revealing the deity secrets. I smiled inwardly as I remembered the human children's story Rumpelstiltskin. Not very original, but it works for our purpose.

"Try to understand each other. The words are within both of you"

I faced the destined couple and intertwined my hands behind me while maintaining an impassive face even though I want to laugh at their stunned faces right now.

"But it will not be easy. It will take some time and there will also be a lot of challenges", I added and glanced at Bom.

"Since this whole mess is your fault, you should just tell us the enchantment so we can recite it!", Kwon Jiyong protested.

"We don't know what exactly the magical words are. We just know that the answer lies to both of you", I said in an ominous tone (hopefully *snicker snicker*) and stepped back before vanishing from their sight. Bom followed suit and made herself invisible as well, leaving the furious destined couple screaming for us to come back.

Things are stirring up in an interesting way. And Bom and I are in the center of all this madness.

Double trouble power!


Jiyong eyed Dara wearily as he sat on the couch. He was not even sure if this girl had enough maturity to be walking alone at this time of night.

A while ago, she was totally freaking out that he thought she would suddenly shudder and take her final breath before collapsing on the floor and abandon her human body.

He sighed exasperatedly and looked away, rubbing his face with his palm.

"HEY! GHOSTS! DEITIES! WIZARDS! COME BACKKKKK!!!", she shrieked, then she faced him.

"What are we going to do?! WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO NOW???!!!"

She's having another of her crazy episode. Any more of this and he is going to lose his frigging mind!

"Calm down and sit", he instructed and patted the couch.

Dara looked at him with gaping open mouth and bulging eyes, her brain ready to explode. She was about to detonate her bazooka mouth again but Jiyong glared at her, shutting her up instantly. She plopped herself on the couch and exhaled furiously, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Okay, I'm calm and I'm sitting", she said.

Kwon Jiyong propped his elbows on his knees and hovered his clasped hands in front of his mouth while pondering things.

"This is obviously not going to be solved tonight and I'm a bit tired from all the commotion earlier. Let's first decide on where we should sleep", he finally said. Dara sharply turned her head in his direction and stared at him in horror.

"We don't have any choice, do we?", he raised his right arm and showed her the knotted red cord on his wrist. Dara slumped in frustration and buried her face on her palms.

"I live in a university dorm so it's not possible for us to stay there. Where we'll spend the night is the least of my worries right now so I'll just leave it up to you to decide. Just let me get some of my clothes and other things from the dorm", she weakly said.

Jiyong stared at Dara's slumped form. They were bathe in silence for a while before he finally stood up, striding a few steps but Dara remained seated. He glanced back at her while standing on his spot, shoving his hands on his pockets.

"Kwon Jiyong", he said.


"My name is Kwon Jiyong. Just call me Jiyong", he repeated. Dara lifted her face and met his gaze.

"Let's go get your things", he tugged the red cord binding their wrists, coaxing her to stand up.


All her other worries evaporated into thin air and was replaced by a new big-as$ problem upon reaching the dormitory. It is forbidden to let a guy in at the dorm but since it's already late, Dara is quite sure that the caretaker is already sleeping. No, the caretaker is not the issue. Neither are the other dormers. Her ultimate problem at the moment is none other than her roommate.

CL can be a bit evil at times. Well, most of the time. She's a no nonsense chick with a sharp tongue and Dara is still intimidated by her even though they've been living together for almost two years. She can't even figure out if CL considers her as a friend or she's just a troublesome roommate to her. Their graduation is only a few months away and Dara can only hope that CL will still keep in touch with her when it's time for them to move out of the dorm.

Another thing about CL is that she is highly organized. The location of each of their things are within her radar. It's like one misplaced hairpin will trigger an alarm and CL will come charging to look for the damn thing and slam it back to its rightful location. She also asks a lot of questions. A LOT. In their room, not a single tiny detail can be kept from her. CL can smell fear and guilt and once she does, heaven knows what she's capable of doing to shake the truth out of a person.

Dara glanced at Kwon Jiyong and shuddered at the thought of CL interrogating both of them. How the hell will she be able to explain why this guy is tagging along with her? Besides, she doesn't trust herself when it comes to lying especially to her roommate. Their lies will be exposed the exact millisecond she opens her mouth.

With that in mind, she abruptly stopped and tugged the cord. Jiyong glanced back at her and frowned, "What?"

"Let's discuss first what we should tell my roommate. I'm sure she'll ask a lot of questions", Dara suggested.

"Just tell her I'm your cousin"

"She knows that all my remaining relatives are living overseas"

"Just tell her whatever and I'll just nod my head. This is too troublesome"

"Wait, I-"

Jiyong started walking again and entered the premises, ignoring Dara's protests. As they were ascending the stairs, Dara's nervous meter is skyrocketing. She was chewing her lips while trying to come up with a plan.

"CL is surely waiting right now", she worriedly said and absentmindedly clung to Jiyong's arm which he immediately shrugged away.

"How can we get my things if CL is looking?", she clung to Jiyong's arm again and gently shook it.

"Stop clinging to me", he flatly said.

"Huh? Oh. Sorry. I'm just used to doing this with...", upon remembering Joo Won, a bitter smile crossed her lips which did not escape Jiyong's eyes.

"Anyway, we can do this! Hwaiting!", she gently tapped her cheeks with her palms before pumping her right fist on the air.

"What's up with the cheer? Are we entering a battlefield?"

She just smiled at him, which immediately faded once they reached her room. She sensed the dark force even before she opened the door. Clasping the paper bags containing the take-out food, she braced herself and pushed the door, opening it just a few centimeters to peek inside. The light is still on, which is not a very good sign...because that means the human tiger from the amazon jungle is still awake.

"CL? I have food for you", Dara dangled the paper bags on her fingers, stretching her right arm while still concealing herself behind the partially opened door. Jiyong watched the absurdity that she's doing and remained silent.

At the other side of the door, CL walked away from her study desk and stood in the middle of the room, crossing her arms over her chest while looking at Dara's stretched arm from the small creak on the door. She arched her eyebrows, wondering what kind of trouble did Dara get into this time.

"What are you doing?", CL asked.

"What are you doing?", Jiyong seconded, earning a whine from Dara and a plea to not make any noise.

Dara bit her fingernails and stepped back to hide herself more behind the door. She's out of ideas at the moment and offering CL yummy food is the best that she could come up with before she opens the door and reveal that she has a guy with him. Being an advocate of feminine pride and a stickler for rules, CL will surely flip out at the sight of Jiyong entering their room.

Her train of thoughts were cut short when CL suddenly opened the door wide. She was again wearing an all black outfit coupled with black fishnet stockings. Honestly, her choice of clothes is making her more imposing and intimidating than she already is. Dara stared at her roommate in shock and she was almost certain she heard a growl coming out of CL's mouth. Before she could even explain...

"Who is this?", CL asked her before turning her head to Jiyong, "Who are you? This is a girls' dormitory. Out. And you..", she grabbed Dara by the wrist and dragged her inside the room, "Are you out of your mind?". CL continued yammering as she slammed the door shut causing Dara to flinch in surprise. She looked at the red string tied to her left wrist and glanced back, her eyes widening in awe at the sight of the string magically passing through the door. She tugged it lightly and after a few seconds, she felt Jiyong yanking it back.

A tiny smile formed on her lips and she tugged the cord again, this time a bit more forcefully. She didn't even notice that CL has already stopped talking and was observing her with furrowed eyebrows. And then, Dara felt Jiyong pulling the cord hard causing her body to clumsily slam to the door like a swatted insect.

"What the hell?!", CL shrieked and helped her up, "What is wrong with you?!".

"Argh! That cyborg!", Dara opened the door and faced Jiyong, who was leaning against the wall on the hallway with his hands shoved inside his pockets.

"That freaking hurts!", she complained to him, but his expression didn't show any remorse at all.

"Get your things", he instructed and entered the room.

"HEY! You're not allowed here!", CL protested and was about to block his path but Dara quickly intervened.

"I'll just explain later. I'm going to get a few things and will be away for one night, hopefully", Dara hurriedly said and guided Jiyong inside.

"What do you mean 'hopefully'? What's going on? Who is this guy? Did you get into some sort of trouble?"

"I'll explain later!", she called out and grabbed her backpack. Dara was rapidly throwing stuff inside the bag while Jiyong follows her around as she circles the room. They were indeed a weird sight and CL couldn't even utter another word at the oddity that is happening before her.

"We'll get going! Bye!", Dara was already half-running towards the door with Jiyong right behind her wearing a bored expression.

"Sandara Park!", CL hissed as they walked past her. Dara stiffened and stopped on her tracks.

"I-I'll just explain later, CL"

"Is this guy threatening you? Where are you going?"

Dara glanced at Jiyong and back at her roommate, "He's my friend. He's just helping me to settle some things. I'm fine"

CL nodded gingerly and watched as the two made their way towards the door. Once they reached the hallway, Dara thought that they're already safe but before they could even descend the stairs, she saw her running towards them.

"Dara!", CL called out and threw her sweater at her. "You get sick easily so keep yourself warm, wherever you're going"


Jiyong looked at CL and he saw her pointing her index and middle fingers on her eyes before pointing them at him, as if saying that she's watching him. She then spun on her heels and took her leave.

"Your friend is really worried for you", he noted.

"My friend? Oh, you mean CL? She's...just my roommate. I'm not that cool to be her friend. She's on a way different level than I am", Dara remarked. Jiyong just cocked his eyebrows at her but didn't say anything.



Here's the damage so far: Joo Won broke up with me, CL probably thinks I've gone completely nuts, and I'm still tied with this cyborg.

We will be sleeping at his place since we have no choice. Even though I'm apprehensive of spending the night with a total stranger, nothing can be done right now since our situation is beyond normal.

After parking the motorcyle, we are now walking towards the basement studio in Hongdae again since he said he forgot to get something. After this, we are going to his apartment. I'm sincerely praying that his place is somewhat habitable because from what I've witnessed with the male dorm, guys can be pigs sometimes. Just remembering the male dorm sends shivers down my spine. Even the ceiling has some gooey substance which I swear resembles phlegm. Gosh! I don't even want to know how it got there! Yuck.

I stole a glance at the stoic guy walking beside me before eyeing the red string tied to his right wrist and to my left wrist.

"Jiyong, Jiyong", I called out.

"What?", he lazily said without looking at me.

"I realized I haven't formally introduced myself. My name is Sandara Park. I'm a graduating university student taking up Marketing. I only have a few units left and I'll be graduating two months from now. Uhmmmm...let's see....what else? Ah! My favorite fruit is strawberry. I looooovvveeee anything with strawberry in it! Even my stuff always have strawberry prints. See? Look at my backpack! Look!"

I heard him sigh as he continued walking.

"Jiyong, Jiyong"


"Why don't you tell me something about yourself, too? Are you a student or are you already working? What's those tattoos on your right arm? What's your favorite fruit?"

"There's nothing to tell", he coldly replied and strode away from me so I hurriedly trailed behind him.

"Jiyong, Jiyong"

"What?!", he snapped and faced me.

I was taken aback. "Uhm. Nothing. Nevermind", I sheepishly said and shifted my backpack on my shoulder. Actually, my bag is quite heavy and he's walking a bit too fast but I'd rather keep my mouth shut than complain to this monster. He stared at me for a minute (probably thinking whether to boil me first before eating my flesh), then he exhaled audibly.

He took my backpack and slung it over his shoulders. "Tell me if I'm walking too fast instead of calling my name twice", he said and began walking again.

O-kay. I grinned to myself before following suit, watching his broad back. So, the cyborg has a strand of chivalry in him, huh?

"Jiyong, Jiyong", I playfully called him again.

He abruptly stopped and threw a blazing death glare, which gives a very clear message that he doesn't mind dragging my unconscious body if I don't stop with my irritating habit of calling his name twice.

I smiled cheekily at him. "Do you even know how to smile?", I asked.





This is embarrassing! EMBARRASSING!

I buried my face on my palms as I saw other Jursas and Hadanas looking at me quizzically. They were all following the destined couples assigned to them while here I am, looking like a complete idiot while waiting for the subway train to arrive! ARGHHH!!! The humiliation!

I should've used my ethereal orb to tear down that freaking motorcycle that Jiyong is using so he wouldn't have the means to travel around quickly. But I know that Ascendant Jae Sang would not be pleased with that since he wants me to go through my punishment.

The train arrived and I quickly went in, still trying to hide my face even though it's kind of futile since by now, the news of a Jursa being stripped off the power of teleportation must have already traveled all throughout the Upper World and even the Under World. GAHHH!! I hate you so much Hadana Bom! I HATE YOU!

So now that we've established my solid hate for Bom, let's have a moment of silence for my pitiful situation.

I looked around and sighed heavily. I've never felt so...human. I started observing the people inside the train and almost weeped at my misfortune. I heard some of the deities giggling while looking at me and it took my entire willpower not to slaughter them all. I'm really not in a very forgiving mood right now.

Just to distract myself, I tried to assess the destined couple currently assigned to us. Sandara Park and Kwon Jiyong. Their bond better be realllyyyy strong because I plan on throwing all the tricks I have to challenge their destiny. I wonder what the second option is to fix the red string and why the ascendants are unwilling to tell it. Must be something that involves breaking one of the Ancient Laws.

Ah, whatever! I hate Bom!


"Wow", was all Dara managed to say as she roamed her eyes on Jiyong's flat. Her strawberry-printed backpack is cowering in shame at the extravagance of the place.

It is so unlike what she had in mind. She had already come to a conclusion that Jiyong lives in a dark place (probably a cave) and all his things are in black color, to match his rockstar image. She didn't expect that the tattooed guy with an everlasting impassive expression on his face and with a very tough presence lives in a big and neat apartment.

"WOW! This is such a pleasant surprise!", she exclaimed.

"Why? Do you think I live in a stable?", Jiyong asked.

"No. A cave", she replied as she continuously marveled the place while following behind Jiyong towards the kitchen. He poured himself a glass of water while pondering what has happened so far. He leaned his back on the sink and recalled the events from the time they were inside separate elevators and their eyes met up to their current situation. His thoughts were interrupted by Dara's voice.

"Jiyong, Jiyong"

He shut his eyes firmly upon hearing her calling his name twice again. "What?"

"Uhm...I need to...go to the restroom"

"There's a restroom there, and inside the bedroom as well", he pointed to the nearest restroom and stopped when he felt Dara yanking the cord.

"Oh", he said in realization.

He started walking towards the direction of the restroom and opened it for her.

"This is really embarrassing", Dara mumbled before going in.

Jiyong didn't say a word and waited for her outside. Fortunately, the distance between the toilet and the door is about the cord's length so Jiyong doesn't have to enter inside.

Meanwhile, Seunghyun finally reached Jiyong's place and entered the apartment. He saw Bom sitting on her crossed legs at the couch.

"How's the human transportation system?", she teased.

"Instead of asking me that, why don't you do your job so that the destined couple's feelings will finally be connected. Once the string is fixed, our punishment will be lifted", he coldly replied.

"Awww, but seeing your annoyed face gives me great pleasure!"

Seunghyun was about to retaliate but he was distracted when Dara plopped herself on the couch. Since the two deities are invisible, the destined couple have no idea of their presence.

"You really have a huge place", Dara said.

"I can just sleep here in the couch while you sleep in your room. I'll be fine here so-", her sentence hang as she realized what she was saying. Jiyong kept silent while standing at a near distance, eyeing her. Dara sighed and yanked the red cord gently, as if convincing herself that all these is but a bad dream.

"I forgot. We're tied together so we can't sleep in separate locations", she mumbled weakly.

"If you don't want to sleep here, just tell me where you want to go"

"It's fine! Don't worry about me!", Dara gave him a tight-lipped smile and stood up, proceeding to the bedroom.

"Bedroom is this way, right? Let's go sleep! I'm exhausted!", she chirped merrily. Jiyong just kept observing her, not uttering a word.

Dara stood in the middle of the room and looked at the single bed.

"Sleep on the bed, I'll sleep on the floor", Jiyong lied on the floor without glancing back at her, draping his right arm over his eyes. Dara silently climbed on the bed and lied to her side, her back facing Jiyong. All those acts of pretending to be fine drained her energy and temporarily escaping to dreamland is probably the only way to save her sanity after all this madness.

Minutes of silence passed between them but neither one of them can sleep. The bottled-up frustrations started surfacing and Dara felt the tears pouring from her eyes. She tried to stifle her sobs by burying her face on the pillow. Multiple problems pummeled her in just one night and she can't help but feel sorry for herself. Of all the crazy things that could happen, why this?

Jiyong sat up and leaned on the side of the bed, his back facing Dara. He rested his right arm on his bended knee and began talking in a hushed tone.

"I'm...a financial adviser. My work hours is unpredictable since I'm not employed under a company and only work for certain clients. At night, I sometimes take up gigs in Hongdae with my band. If I don't have to meet up or have a conference call with a client, I spend my day studying the market trends", he started. Dara wiped her tears and curiously glanced at him before rolling on the bed to shift her position, staring at his back leaning at the edge of the bed.

"I got these tattoos when I started playing in the band during college. These are tribal designs. I don't have any favorite fruit. I don't like anything in particular. But I guess, strawberry is fine"

A tiny smile formed on Dara's lips. "I love strawberry", she whispered.

"I can see that", Jiyong tentatively glanced at the stawberry-printed pyjamas that she changed into at the restroom a while ago.

The two continued talking as they chase sleep while Jursa Seunghyun and Hadana Bom continued with their banters while standing at the other side of the bed, observing the destined couple.

"YOU.ARE.ANNOYING!", Bom hissed.

"Thank you", Seunghyun smirked.

"Stop saying this is all my fault! If you didn't provoke me, I wouldn't have thrown my ethereal orb at you. Technically, you are at fault too. This mess is -"

"ZzzzzZZZZZZzzz. Snore snore"

Bom's eyes turned into tiny slits. They continued bickering until they heard Dara mumble on her sleep, "Good night, cyborg".

Bom and Seunghyun became silent as they stared at the couple sleeping. Jiyong is still sitting, his head and arm draped at the side of the bed while Dara is sleeping in a fetal position, her head almost touching Jiyong's head since she's positioned horizontally across the bed.

"Friendship turns to love when we're not looking", Bom remarked after a while.

"It will now start from here. Are you ready Hadana?", Seunghyun tauntingly asked as he formed a black ethereal orb on his palm.

"Do your worst, Jursa", she confidently said and watched as Seunghyun showered the couple with misfortunes using his ethereal orb.

Writer's Note:

The earlier chaps is just an introduction to the plot and characters. You will get to know more as the story progresses so please enjoy this ride with me ^_^

I think some of you will be confused as to what the magic words are. Just as I've mentioned in the first section, Bom just tricked the destined couple. There are really no magic words to fix the string. As Ascendant Yang Goon said in the previous chapter, the first option to fix the string is to connect the feelings of the destined couple. The second option is yet to be known ^_^

Here are the other versions of the Chinese folklore "The Old Man in the Moonlight" which tells the tale of the Red String of Fate.

The Old Man in the Moonlight
source: http://anthro.ucsd.e...taleid=Story026

Part 1: It is said that in the Tang dynasty (period 12) a man named Zhang Hui visited the city of Song where he came upon an old man sitting beside the road with a bag, reading a book in the moonlight. He asked what was in the bag, and the old man explained that it was full of red cords used to tie together people destined to marry. Once people were tied together, there was no way that they could avoid marriage. Furthermore, he told Zhang Hui that he had already tied him to a wife.

Zhang chuckled and went on his way. Not long afterward he met the wife who had been tied to him and they were married. This is why a matchmaker is sometimes called an “Old Man in the Moonlight” (Yuexia Laoren) or simply “Old Moonie” (Yuelao).

Part 2: The family of a certain Zhang Qingjun was quite wealthy, his father being a high official, and Qingjun, a thirteen-year-old, did not believe this story when he learned it from his tutor. A few days later he had a dream in which he met the old man and learned that he was destined to wed the girl who worked in the fruit stand across the street. When he awoke he was skeptical, but as a matter of curiosity he went out to have a look at the girl. She was six years old, was completely filthy, and had a stream of snot running from her nose. He was horrified and furious, and in his anger, he threw a rock that hit her eyebrow and sent her crying into the house. (That was, of course, very naughty on his part, but thirteen-year-olds can be quite naughty sometimes, which is why their fathers must occasionally beat them.)

A decade passed, and Zhang Qingjun, now 23, took the imperial exams and received first place. A marriage was arranged for him to the daughter of the Prime Minister.

After they were married, he noticed a scar on her eyebrow, and it developed that she had received it years before when a nasty little boy had suddenly thrown a rock at her. At that time she worked in her parents’ fruit stand, but the business had failed and both of them had died in a boating accident on the river, from which she had escaped. The prime minister had happened upon her and adopted her.

Zhang Qingjun confessed that he had been that nasty little boy, and he explained about meeting the Old Man in his dream. As punishment for his attack on her, his new wife playfully condemned him to a lifetime of putting on her eyebrow makeup each day in a way that would cover the scar.


Lotsa Love

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