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From Seungri: Hubby hyung! We're already here at the basement studio. Miu miu miuuuu ~ ~ *kisses*

Jiyong rolled his eyes and pocketed his phone after reading the message. He thought he already achieved emotional maturity when it comes to dealing with the Big Bang band members, especially their maknae. But they kept on proving him wrong every time. They are a bunch of idiots, those guys. *Sigh*

As he exited his office, he came across Min Young in the corridor. "Is Dara going somewhere?" Min Young asked.

"She got off early to meet with her roommate. Why?"

"No. I mean, is she going to take a long vacation and go on a trip somewhere?"

Jiyong looked at her quizzically while frowning. "Not that I know of."

"Did you two break up?"

"What? No. Did she tell you something?"

"I see", Min Young said thoughtfully. "Never mind. Perhaps I'm mistaken. She talked to me yesterday about our photo on your desk."

"What did she say? It's something weird again, isn't it?"

"Well", Min Young glanced at him tentatively before continuing, "She said the reason why you're keeping that photo on your desk, aside from the fact that it's the only photo that your stepmom didn't ruin, is because that's one of the happy memories you have of your childhood. She said I'm one of your closest friends, and she asked me to still be there for you even after I get married."

"That woman, seriously", Jiyong chuckled while shaking his head lightly. "Don't mind her, potato head. Even my father wasn't able to deflect her cheeseball power."

"It's good to see you smiling like that, Jiyong", Min Young remarked, making him glance at her.

"Live happily with your future husband, Min Young", he said as he exited the building, leaving Min Young behind. She stared at his retreating back as a smile curved on her lips.


"Hubby hyung!" Seungri draped his arm on Jiyong's shoulder as soon as he entered the basement studio in Hongdae. "Did you already propose to Dara?"

"Huh?" Jiyong shook off his arm and headed towards Youngbae, Daesung, and Jursa Seunghyun who were all huddled on the couch. "No. What made you say that?"

"Oh. Nothing. It's just that she asked me to take care of CL during the picnic, and I thought you two are getting married already that's why she's worrying about CL."

"She probably said that because she's worried that the guy her friend is hanging out with is you."

"What's wrong with me? I'm cute!"

Daesung and Youngbae exchanged glances and both rolled their eyes. "I'm surprised he's still alive with that bloated ego of his", Daesung remarked. They had no doubt that Seungri's mouth would earn him a sniper bullet in the skull someday.

"Poor CL", Youngbae said.

"Chaerin and Seungri complement each other. When the time comes for their destiny to be fulfilled, their story will be beautiful as well", Jursa Seunghyun interjected, rendering everyone silent.

"What did I just hear?" Daesung complained.

"Shut up, you're creeping us out", Youngbae said jokingly and threw his towel at the jursa. "Jiyong, when will we make our move?" He suddenly asked. Daesung and Seungri's expression became serious as they stared at Jiyong.

"Tomorrow. Are you sure all of you want to do this?"

"Hyung, we're friends. And that's what friends do - we kick some asses!" Seungri exclaimed. "And we make money in the process."

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