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Jiyong stared at me and I stared back at him. We were both sitting on top of the bed with our legs crossed, our faces mirrorring our frustration, and our wrists still tied with the stupid red cord which is why we're still in this stupid situation. My infinite wisdom tells me that this day is going to be far worse than yesterday. I swear, my brain is trying to fry itself at the thought of us still being knotted together.

Fortunately, today is 'Exhale Friday' since I don't have any class schedules. If I had, I would've completely lost my mind. I just can't imagine attending my classes with Jiyong following me around. That would be totally weird.

"Damn it, what the hell are those magic words", he exclaimed to himself.

Suddenly, my phone inside my bag started ringing but since I'm still caught up with my own misery, I decided to ignore it.

"Hey, strawberry is ringing", Jiyong grabbed my strawberry-printed backpack and handed it to me. I gingerly pulled out my phone and before I can even greet who was calling, my eardrum was almost ruptured by CL's booming voice.

"SANDARA PARK! Where are you?! Your professor is looking for you! The entire graduating Marketing students are being called in! They said something important is about to be held in your department", she yelled.

"W-What?", my breath was caught on my throat as I tried to process what she just said.

"Hurry up and come to school now!", she hissed and hang up. I looked at the phone in my hand like it was about to detonate.

"What happened?", Jiyong asked.

With my head ready to explode, I immediately grabbed my bag and ran towards the bathroom, ignoring Jiyong's voice. I slammed the door shut and was about to enter the shower while fumbling through my backpack for my clothes but to my surprise, I can't freaking reach the shower area!

Oh no. Oh no no no no NOOOO!!!. I gawked at my wrist and felt desperation rising through my veins.

"Let me in", Jiyong calmly said at the other side of the door.

Let him in?! I subconsciously crossed my arms over my chest while shaking my head. GAHH! I can't believe this! I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS! There is no way in hell I'm letting a guy to be in the bathroom with me while I take a shower!

"Open the door", he softly knocked twice.

My eyes are probably as wide as saucers as I glanced at the shower curtain. NO WAY! I just can't imagine taking a bath with just this thin piece of plastic curtain protecting my naked ass!

"Hey. I thought you're in a hurry? You might be late", he knocked again. Realizing that I'm wasting my precious time, I immediately opened the door and faced him.

"I need to go to school. I wanted to take a bath but your shower area is too far from the door", I informed him.

Without uttering another word, he walked towards the nearest drawer and pulled out some of his clothes. He also grabbed his mp3 player and headset lying on the desk while I followed him around curiously.

When he was about to enter the bathroom, I yanked the cord and stopped him.

"What are you doing?", he asked.

"What are you doing?", I asked back.

"You need to take a shower. I'll take a shower after you. Don't worry, I'll sit at the corner with the headset on and I won't peek", he replied nonchalantly. How can he be nonchalant about this?!

Before I could even flip out, he entered the restroom and sat on the floor with his back facing the shower area, his arm rested on his bended knee. He then placed the headset on his ears and fumbled on his mp3 player without glancing at me.

Oh, what the heck.

I quickly entered the shower area and closed the curtain. Inside, I moved like a tsunami as I toppled every shampoo bottle and soap containers to finish taking a bath in a blink of an eye. I don't even remember how I cleaned myself as my thoughts are completely going in every direction. After showering in record time, my heart is pumping in an abnormal pace. I never imagined that taking a bath can be such an exhausting cardiovascular activity that can induce adrenaline rush. Gosh, I feel like a lunatic.

After putting my clothes on, I stepped out of the shower area and glanced at Jiyong who was still seated on the same position as before. I sat beside him and poked his shoulder.

"Your turn", I said when he took off his headset.

"I'll be fast", he gently placed the headset on my ears and handed me his mp3 player.

I was about to shift my sitting position and turn my back at the shower area when my peripheral vision caught sight of Jiyong taking off his shirt. I don't know why and how it happened but I just found myself watching his movements. It's as if everything was in slow motion. He lifted the hem of his shirt and pulled it off his body. He messed his hair with his right hand and my eyes roamed around the tattoos on his arm.

I unconsciously pressed something on the mp3 player and the intro of Glenn Frey's song "The One You Love" entered my ears. (song: )

GAAHHH!!! Mp3 player, I hate you!

And then....AND THEN! Jiyong lets the piece of cloth slide off his hand in a manner that can only be described by the words 'sexy' and 'hot'. My body literally froze and my breathing halted at the precise moment his shirt landed on the floor. I abruptly lifted my gaze again and marveled his chiseled torso. *GASP!

HIS NAKED UPPER BODY, PEOPLE! What is air?!!!! What is dignity??!!

It's over. My soul has officially abandoned my body.

When Jiyong glanced towards me, I gasped in surprise and hurriedly turned around. EEEEPPPPP!! He caught me! How very humiliating!

Pretending to be deeply concentrated on the mp3 player, I began humming to an upbeat song that is entirely different from what is currently playing on the music device.

Afterwards, I spent the next few minutes with my hands clasped in front of me, sincerely reciting a prayer. Those few minutes felt like an eternity. Never did I imagine that I would be trapped inside a bathroom with a naked man showering just more than a meter away from me.

My inner whinings were cut short when I felt Jiyong tugging the red cord. I took off the headset and lifted my gaze. He was now standing in front of me, his hair dripping and a towel loosely draped on his shoulder. Thank goodness he's fully clothed because my heart can only take as much shock for the day.

"Let's get ready so I can take you to school"

"Okay", I meekly said and followed him to the bedroom.

"Oh, I wore the wrong jeans. Turn around", he flatly said and before I can even turn around, he was already unbuttoning his pants.

I take it back. Today is not 'Exhale Friday'. It's 'Asthma Friday'!



There are multiple levels of wrong going on here. Something tells me this is going to be a parade of one misfortune after another.

The Marketing Building is usually empty during Fridays but I don't know why the entire student population seemed to come up with a unanimous decision of hanging out on the corridors today. This is such a rare occurrence, and it's creeping me out. Plus, they seemed to be waiting for something.

As I walked towards my classroom, I noticed that more than half of the females within the premises have their eyes on Jiyong who was lazily trailing behind me. I admit, Jiyong is quite handsome and his stoic and non-committal air makes him more captivating, but must they really stare?! And why are they giggling giddily while pointing at his direction? I looked over my shoulder and noticed that Jiyong is not even paying attention to anyone and is just quietly following me with his hands shoved inside the pockets of his hooded jacket.

I continued walking and was about to get my notebook and pen ready when I noticed that I don't have my backpack with me, which is weird because at the parking lot, I remembered pulling out one of my books from my bag.

"Need anything?", I heard Jiyong asked and when I turned around, I finally understood the reason why those girls were giggling a while ago. My strawberry-printed backpack was slung over his shoulder and he doesn't even care if it totally doesn't suit him.

I grabbed the backpack from his shoulder and took hurried steps towards the safety of the classroom, away from the curious gazes of the other students.

As we entered the classroom, all gazes gravitated towards him. I immediately took a seat at the back of the room and whispered urgently at Jiyong, "Take the seat behind me and pretend that you don't know me"

He quietly complied, much to my relief. When the professor entered the classroom, that relief vanished and was replaced by rapid palpitations and blurring vision. Presiding over the class is not our usual professor, but the department head whose specialty is freaking out the students with her glare. Silence enveloped the room as Professor Jung Joo Ri arched her eyebrows and looked at us one by one with her piercing eyes. We actually half-expect a giant centipede to leap out of her mouth and crawl all over her face.

"All of you, proceed to the auditorium", she instructed and marched out of the room.

Ohhhhh, this is not going too well. I have a very bad feeling about this.

Upon reaching the auditorium, we were all shocked that it is filled with students from different classes and courses. Exactly what is up with this day?

We were asked to occupy the seats in front and of course, Jiyong sat beside me. My classmates were already throwing bewildered glances in our direction, which I just ignored because clearly, I can't tell them that Jiyong and I can't be apart since there's this stupid magical red string tying us together against our will!

Then, we were asked to draw a number and a presentation topic from a box. And then, SURPRISE! It turns out that the department head suddenly decided that our class should give an impromptu presentation in front of the students and professors. Insanity. Curse you Professor Jung Joo Ri. You are so freaking crazy I don't even know why you are still walking freely on the streets.

Someone needs to arrest that crazy woman.

"Who picked number one?", her voice, which we passionately despise, echoed all over the auditorium. I swear, she is completely effed up in the head. Impromptu presentation? What the hell, right? She needs to be locked up in a cell. Or in a dungeon....with dinosaurs.

"You're number one", I heard Jiyong's voice in my clouded mind. I turned my head and jerked back in surprise to see him peeking over my shoulder, his face near mine.


"You picked number one", he repeated.

What does he mean I picked numbe-...GASP!!!. EEEEPPPP!!

"Sandara Park picked number one!", my classmate sitting at my right merrily announced.

No! Noooo!!!! I buried my face on my palms and tried to turn back time with the power of my mind. Why, of all the available days in the calendar, did the department head decided to be crazy today and organize this impromptu crap? Why?! My bright, shiny and glittery future is becoming bleak!

"Please take the stage, Miss Park", Professor Jung Joo Ri said over the microphone. It took my entire willpower not to collapse on the floor and shudder while gasping for my final breath.

I exhaled audibly and weakly stood up while scanning the faces of the students behind me. My knees buckled and I almost had a freaking heart attack when I saw CL among the audience looking intently at me, and at Jiyong who is still sitting beside me.

I quickly diverted my gaze and stood up again. I'm not even sure how I can walk towards the stage while hiding Jiyong. To my surprise, he just stood up and started walking, completely unfazed by the startled faces of everyone around us.

I feel slightly stupid by just standing on the stage...with a guy tagging along with me! He bowed to Professor Jung Joo Ri, who was unable to utter a word at the stranger before her. Jiyong nudged me to step closer to the microphone so I did, while he stood silently in a near distance behind me.

An excited murmur filled the auditorium as the students and professors looked at Jiyong and me interchangeably. My brain is completely frozen and part of me already died of embarrassment. They were all curious why I brought a chaperone with me and I feel like I have to explain myself and clear any misunderstanding. Gosh, this is embarrassing.

There were beads of cold sweat at every available pore of my body as I breathed loudly at the microphone, tightly clasping the folded piece of paper where my presentation topic is written. I don't even know how to start. My mind is completely blank.

"Hwaiting", I heard Jiyong's disinterested voice behind me and I wasn't able to stop myself from chuckling. That's the lamest 'Hwaiting' in the history of mankind. One that can only come from a cyborg.

"SANDARA PARK!!! HWAITINGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!", someone screamed from the audience and I might be mistaken, but I think that was CL.

I inhaled deeply and tried to focus on the matter at hand. Here goes nothing...


The day is far from over. And the misfortunes just kept on coming.

As soon as Dara's presentation was finished, the two stormed out of the auditorium since one of Jiyong's clients phoned him and requested to meet with him ASAP.

Ignoring the weird looks from her classmates, Dara was gasping for breath as she ran behind Jiyong. She didn't even know how they were able to reach the parking lot, mount on the motorcycle and arrive at their destination. Everything is happening in a blur.

"Where are you meeting your client?", she asked while struggling to unclasp the open-faced helmet, trying her best to keep up with Jiyong's hurried actions. He walked towards her and helped her remove the helmet.

"Hurry up", he said, ignoring her question.

"Okay, okay!", she replied and was half-running and half-walking behind him, her white flowy skirt that falls right below her knees already a bit messy-looking. Seeing that Dara is huffing from exhaustion, Jiyong heaved a deep sigh and slowed down, grabbing the backpack from her.

They reached the restaurant and Jiyong instructed her to just sit at the next table. She gladly complied and took the table at Jiyong's right side, the red string of fate dangling in between them.

When Jiyong's client arrived and their meeting started, all Dara could do was continuously sip her drink while trying to prevent herself from dying out of boredom. Twenty minutes of hearing their discussion about finance is enough to make her lose her mind. Minutes turned to an hour and Dara was about ready to commit suicide. She's bored to her skull and she has probably developed a brain tumor by listening to the informative stuff coming from Jiyong's table.

With a heavy sigh, Dara pushed her glass of juice away and roamed her eyes around the restaurant. She has already consumed enough drinks to fill a lake and her bladder is already complaining. She wants to pee but seeing that it appears to be a very important meeting, she held it in. Jiyong stole a glance at her but Dara kept a straight face, even though the pain is seriously killing her. She doesn't want to trouble him in the middle of his work.

A few seconds passed and she was sincerely praying like she have never prayed before. Time crawled ever so slowly, torturing her at every tick of the clock. She was breathing in short gasps and was already hearing voices in her head but she still held it in. She wanted to interrupt Jiyong's meeting but she just can't find the right moment as new clients kept on arriving at his table to join whatever the heck it is they're heatedly discussing.

It was pure torture. The kind of feeling that would make a person offer all his money just to use the restroom. Her thoughts are already becoming ridiculous as she tries to channel all her concentration elsewhere. Dara firmly closed her thighs while wiping the cold beads of sweat from her face.

Suddenly, Jiyong stood up, gave her an inconspicuous nod and started heading somewhere. She hurriedly followed even though taking a step is proving to be a big challenge as her bladder is ready to explode. When Dara saw that he's walking to the location of the restaurant's restroom, she almost sheds tears of joy.

"You should've given me a signal that you want to go to the restroom", Jiyong muttered without glancing at her.

"I didn't want to interrupt you", she reasoned and bolted towards the ladies' room, but the red cord is not long enough for her to reach one of the cubicles. Dara unleashed an anguished shriek while pulling her hair in frustration, unmindful of the startled stares of the people inside the restroom. She hurriedly went out and bumped into Jiyong, who was standing in front of the door with his right arm raised.

"You can't reach the cubicles, can you?", he said matter-of-factly.

"I really need to pee!! You have to come with me inside!", she complained, almost in the brink of insanity.

"No, I can't. Let's go to the men's restroom instead", he dismissively said.

"I can't go there!", she shrieked.

"Think logically. If I accompany you inside the ladies' room, I'd probably get thrown out of there before you reach the toilet. So just use the men's restroom instead"

Dara bit her lips and stared at him pitifully.

"Alright", she meekly agreed and started walking towards the men's restroom.

"Wait", Jiyong stopped her and made her wear his hooded jacket. He zipped it up and pulled up the hoodie to cover her face.

"There. Lower your gaze and walk behind me", he said afterwards and proceeded to the men's restroom, shielding Dara from the bewildered stares of the guys inside. Before anyone could react, Jiyong pushed her in one of the cubicles and swiftly closed the door.

Dara heard a mini-commotion outside of the cubicle but she didn't pay any attention to it as she was already rapidly unloading the gallons of pee that she has been holding in for the last hour. The relief she felt was incomparable, as if a sense of spiritual contentment is bestowed upon her. It was pure bliss! Nirvana does exist!

With a happy heart and a light bladder, Dara flushed the toilet and let out a sigh of relief. She was about to leave and pushed the door, but the door wouldn't open. Dara furrowed her eyebrows and tried to push it more forcefully but it wouldn't budge.

"Are you alright? The guys here said the doors in the cubicles are all broken", she heard Jiyong's voice from the outside.

Oh no!

"I can't open it!!", she replied in panic.

"Stand further away, I'll try to kick the door", Jiyong instructed.

Outside of the cubicle, the guys in the restroom are continuously increasing to watch what is going on. Murmurs filled the room as they were all huddled up, asking each other why a girl is inside and pitching in ideas on how to get her out. It's turning out to be quite a spectacle and Jiyong is getting slightly annoyed.

He kicked the door a couple of times until he succeeded in forcing it open. Dara was pressed in a corner and upon seeing the multitude of faces of the guys in the men's restroom who were curiously trying to have a look at her, she pulled up the hoodie and covered her face.

"Let's go", Jiyong tugged the cord, causing Dara to stumble towards him. He protectively placed his arm around her shoulder and guided her out, ignoring the chatters of everyone around them.

As they were going back to the table, they didn't know that they passed by the two deities who were having another round of fight.

Bom was furiously stomping her feet while shrieking in annoyance and Seunghyun was not even a bit affected by her tantrums.

"This is unfair! How can I help them and fulfill my tasks as a Hadana if I don't have my ethereal orb!", she screamed while looking at the ceiling, hoping that Ascendant Yang Goon is watching her from the Upper World.

"And you!", she turned to Seunghyun and placed her hands on her hips to appear more imposing but the unfazed Jursa just cocked his eyebrows at her, "Locking her up in a cubicle in the men's restroom?? Seriously? What kind of challenge is that?! You're just embarrassing the destined couple! I still can't understand why you Jursas had to pair up with us string-keeper deities!"

"Huh? Huh? What? Are you saying anything?", Seunghyun blinked his eyes innocently at her, driving her completely nuts.





Unannounced school presentations, sudden meetings with a client, being locked up in a men's restroom. NIGHTMARE. This day hates both of us.

Not a single word was uttered between Jiyong and I since we left the restaurant and decided to go to the nearest library to find a clue about those deities who got us into this mess and see if we can also figure out the magic words. Yes, we definitely need to resolve this fast because with the amount of frustration that we're currently experiencing, I can feel that both of us is already in the brink of harvesting people's heads .

My simple life as a university student seemed to be a faraway memory. It's already dark, which tells me that I've officially spent the last 24 hours of my life stuck with this guy whom I still can't figure out. All sorts of thoughts were running through my head as both of us were waiting for the elevator at the library building. From time to time, I can't help but glance at the red cord binding our wrists and whenever I do, he will oddly glance at it as well.

I was playing with the straps of my backpack when Jiyong yanked the cord and tilted his head towards the elevator, where a pregnant lady is already waiting for us to get in. I didn't notice that it already arrived since I was pondering on a lot of things. I gingerly stepped in and leaned on the elevator wall while Jiyong stood in front of me.

"Jiyongggggggggg", I mumbled.


"Jiyongggggg ~ ~", I mumbled again in a tired voice.

"What?", he glanced over his shoulders and waited for my reply but since I didn't give any, he turned his attention away from me again. I honestly don't have anything to say and was just calling him for the heck of it. My brain is cluttered with a lot of concerns and I don't know what to feel anymore so I just opted to do useless things to keep my mind off the problem at hand.

His back was facing me and I was about to poke his shoulders when the elevator suddenly jerked forcefully and abruptly halted. My eyes were darting nervously everywhere and I didn't realize that I was already clutching a fistful of Jiyong's sweater while he was holding the pregnant lady.

"Oh my God", I heard the woman whisper AND THEN....I saw the gush of fluid running down her legs!!! GAHHHHH!!!!!! I frigging lose my mind and pressed myself on the elevator corner while interchangeably looking at the woman and the puddle of liquid on the floor with horrified eyes. *WHOOSSSHH*. An ocean of what I think is amniotic fluid gushed out of her again and I almost lost my consciousness right there and then.

"Emergency button", Jiyong told me and I literally leapt towards the elevator panel and repeatedly pushed the emergency button in panic.

"It's not working!", I complained and pulled out my phone with trembling hands. I am seriously palpitating right now but fortunately, the lady is calm and even gave me a reassuring smile. I threw a glance at Jiyong and shivered at the intense stare that he's giving me, as if making me understand that if I don't pull myself together, he'll rip my limbs apart.

I hurriedly dialed the emergency number but nothing, I can't connect. I looked at my phone with disbelief and realized there is no signal. Oh.Shit.

"T-There is no signal", I stuttered while trying to keep calm.

The pregnant woman is now writhing in pain while Jiyong tries to support her because she refuses to sit on the floor. I swear, her face is doing everything that face shouldn't do! It's like she's going to morph into a monster and eat our livers! Oh my God, is it really that painful to go into labor?

Jiyong checked his phone as well and seeing that there is really no signal, our eyes met and on that exact moment, I knew we were screwed.

"C-Can't we call for help?", the pregnant lady, who is still trying to keep it together, asked.

"Ma'am, please sit on the floor first. We'll see what we can do", Jiyong calmly said. As soon as the woman sat and leaned on the elevator wall, Jiyong and I jumped into action like a pair of 'mission impossible' agents who are desperately trying to keep the bomb from exploding. I resumed on repeatedly pushing the elevator's emergency button while screaming on top of my lungs. Jiyong tried calling for help on his phone and from time to time, we will exchange positions to try our luck. Suffice it to say, we are about to lose our minds.

With all the chaos going on, the pregnant lady kept apologizing for everything.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left the house at this state"

"I'm sorry that you have to go through this"

"I'm sorry, I had uncontrollable gas"

After that, she started saying random crap which is actually adding up to my stress. Okay, as long as she's calm then it's alright. But after a while, a galaxy of pain hits her and her face started contorting in a very terrifying way. GAHH!!

Then she lost sh!t and went all-out psychotic! Her modesty went out the window and she started screaming bloody murder!


The sound that came out of her mouth is not human! It sounded more like a wounded animal! She is about to explode right before our very eyes! My knees became wobbly and my breathing became erratic. My stress level is way up there. Up in the sky. Zooommm!!

"I think the baby is coming out!", Jiyong shouted amidst the woman's shrieks.

Ha ha ha, yeah right.

"Check for the baby's head!", he yelled once again. I just kept on standing on a safe distance, away from the line of fire. My distraught mind is not responding too well on any of his instructions.

Oh my God. This is not happening.

"J-Jiyong", I was already hyperventilating while staring at the two of them. The woman is now lying on the floor with knees bended upwards while Jiyong is squatting beside her, his clothes already soaked with grimes and slimes.

"Are we really going to do this? Let's just wait for hel-", before I could finish my sentence, the woman unleashed an ear-shattering scream that had me freaking out.

Oh my God! Oh my God! #$@%-><#&*!!~~#$$~!!!!!! 0_o

I stumbled on the floor and positioned myself in between her legs. I peeked on her va-jay-jay and saw THE BABY'S HEAD!!!


She was simultaneously moaning and screaming and wishing for her immediate cremation! I don't know what to do! THE BODILY FLUIDS ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE! Mucus and blood is coming out as if she's not giving birth to a human baby! I swear, it is NOT a pretty sight! I honestly want her to stop pushing before an alien predator comes out of her and starts to attach itself to us!

"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!", she screamed and started pushing! Her eyes rolling at the back of her head just like Frodo! Her knuckles were already white at the intensity of her grip on Jiyong's arm.

Oh my God, save us!!!

"Catch the baby!", Jiyong instructed so I held out my open palms, totally clueless on what to do. She flooded my hands with all the possible disgusting slimy matters that makes me want to puke all over her va-jay-jay!

"Breathe and then push", Jiyong tried to coax her while I try not to vomit inside my mouth. I need a therapy after this.

"UGGHHH!! I'M GOING TO DIEEE!! I'M GOING TO DIEEEE!!!", she exclaimed while shaking violently. I can't even give her any words of encouragement. Only guttural sounds are coming out of my mouth! My nervousness scale is skyrocketing.

"No! NO! I AM NOT GIVING BIRTH HERE!", she announced in a very demonic voice while huffing. She literally willed herself to stop pushing and was stubbornly trying to stand up despite Jiyong's protests. She managed to stand up, a waterfall of sweat streaming down her face.

"M-Ma'am, please sit down", I pleaded.

"Ugghh!!", she whimpered and pushed, followed by a whooshing sound that will forever haunt me in my dreams. The BABY FELL RIGHT OUT OF HER BODY, dangling in the umbilical cord!!!!!!!!!

NgaaaaaaaaaaahhhhHHH!!! *faintsssss ~ ~

Jiyong was quick to respond and caught the baby in his arms while I hugged the woman from behind to support her. We then heard the sound of the elevator bell and when the elevator doors opened, we were swallowed by full-blown chaos. Reporters, medics, building security and the fire department were present. Our bizarre situation was forever immortalized as pictures of us were taken - with Jiyong kneeling on the floor with the baby on his arms, the woman standing up and me hugging her from behind.

I grabbed the oxygen mask and stuck it on my face as the medics jumped into action. I've been scarred for life. I can never see childbirth the same way again. Never ever ever EVER!


Since the pregnant woman's husband came, Jiyong and Dara decided to just stay behind and did not hop in the ambulance.

On the other hand, Seunghyun and Bom were leaning on a nearby tree while watching everything unfold. Both are now silent, sensing the uneasiness and frustration that the destined couple assigned to them are experiencing.

"I'm getting worried for Sandara Park", Bom remarked.

"I'm actually keeping my eye on Kwon Jiyong. His reactions are more suspicious. He's keeping everything bottled up inside", Seunghyun commented.

Dara noticed Jiyong's grim expression.

"Are you alright?", she asked. He gazed up and his cyborg face is on once again.

"Yeah, I'm fine", he replied in a flat tone and divine silence passed between them afterwards.

*crickets crickets*

They just stood there at the side of the street looking like beggars as they are covered with slimes and dirt.

"Well...that was the most intense thing I've ever experienced", Dara started. Getting no response from Jiyong, she started chattering to lighten up the mood. "This day is full of bad luck, isn't it? Good thing we were able to successfully get through this day without losing our heads ha ha ha!"

Jiyong raised his hand and opened his palm at Dara. "Please...stop talking", he muttered under his breath.

*crickets crickets*

"Tied together, huh?", Dara mumbled to herself while looking at the red cord and faced Jiyong, giving him a smile. "Oh! I haven't thanked you for taking care of me-"

"I'm not taking care of you. I'm tolerating you. Don't put any meaning to my actions. I just don't want you complaining about everything because it irritates my ears and it gives me a headache", Jiyong coldly said.

"One more thing, stop acting cheerful when you're clearly not fine. You look stupid when you're doing that", he added and took long strides away from there. Dara followed silently, still shocked at Jiyong's sudden outburst.

The two deities trailing behind them exchanged knowing glances.

"This is your plan all along, isn't it Jursa? Giving them misfortunes to pile up frustrations until one of them snaps", Bom somberly said while watching the backs of the destined couple.

"Kwon Jiyong is a broken soul and he tries to hide it with a tough exterior. Sandara Park may appear cheerful but she's purposely doing that since she thinks that's the only way for other people to accept her. Both of them are quite a character. What Jiyong told Dara really hit a nerve. I think you better think of a plan to counter me, Hadana. I just gave them some elementary challenges and they're already falling apart", Seunghyun noted.

"If only I have my ethereal orb, I could've prevented that presentation and that client meeting. I could've given them a relaxing day where they can know more about each other and feel comfortable with each other's presence", she wistfully replied.

"There's one more challenge left for this day", Seunghyun added.

Still walking in silence, Jiyong and Dara reached the establishments area where there are a string of restaurants. Dara dared not utter another word in fear of receiving another onslaught of blunt words from Jiyong. She is becoming self-conscious of the curious stares that they're getting from other people because of their messy state but Jiyong seemed unfazed and just continued roaming aimlessly, lost in deep thoughts.

They passed by a garden restaurant where a business event is being held. There was quite a crowd on the open venue and some of the people are chilling at the side of the street with their champagnes in hand.

"We already ended our relationship". Dara's eyes widened upon hearing Joo Won's voice.

"Joo Won", she whispered to herself, making Jiyong glance at her curiously. He stopped walking while Dara took a few steps in front of him, trying to ascertain if it indeed was her ex-boyfriend.

She saw Joo Won with his arm snaked around a scantily dressed girl while a group of his officemates were around them.

"I guess I got fed up with someone who's always doing everything that I want her to do and acting cheerful all the time. She doesn't have a clue on how it really is to have a relationship and just-", Joo Won stopped upon seeing Dara staring at him.

Jiyong tugged the cord but Dara didn't move even if Joo Won is now approaching her.

"Let's go", Jiyong said and turned around to walk away, dragging Dara with him.

"Dara", Joon Won said.

Dara stopped on her tracks, her chest heaving up and down to stop her tears from falling. Jiyong halted his steps and glanced at her.

She then turned around and smiled like a fool, "H-Hello". Joo Won sharply looked at Jiyong and back at her.

"Are you following me? I thought we ended it coolly last night? I'm really sorry, but I guess we're not meant for each other", he blurted out. Dara's eyes widened in disbelief and tried to say something to defend herself but ended up with nothing. Joo Won's officemates as well as the girl whom he was flirting with looked away to hide the smirk forming on their lips. They're obviously entertained with Joo Won's little show.

Dara bit her lips and lowered her gaze. How much more does Joo Won plan on hurting her? Isn't it enough that she's suffering this much pain because of their break up? Does he really have to embarrass her in front of his officemates?

She was about to turn around but Jiyong's hand stopped her. He then glanced back at Joo Won and yelled, "I'm sorry Joo Won-ssi. I really can't accept your feelings. You're right, we're not meant for each other. And will never be. I like women. I don't sway in the same direction as you"

He then grabbed Dara's hand and marched away from there, dragging the surprised Dara with him and leaving an entire crowd of flabbergasted people.

"Whoah!", Seunghyun exclaimed while applauding together with Bom because of Jiyong's magnificent comeback to annoy Joo Won.

"So Dara's ex is a conceited bastard, huh?", Bom exclaimed merrily while clapping.

"Yeah. I guess he won't be as conceited after false rumors about him spread because of Jiyong's quick retort", Seunghyun replied.

Meanwhile, Ascendant Yang Goon and Ascendant Jae Sang were hiding behind the shadows, their hands clasped behind them while watching the entire chaos. Old Man Coyote Jae Sang was thoroughly enjoying everything that's happening as he tried to stifle his laughter. The lunar matchmaker god Yang Goon, however, has deep creases on his forehead.

"Something is not right", he whispered and slowly waved his hand. A tattered old book appeared, floating in front of him. The book is known as the 'Red String Registry'. Once the red string of fate is tied to a couple, the book will magically enlist their names on its page. When the time comes that the red string is nearing its fruition, the lunar matchmaker god assigns a Hadana to the couple while Old Man Coyote assigns a Jursa. The names of the chosen Hadana and Jursa will also magically appear beside the names of the destined couple in the 'Red String Registry'. It is a book which is of great importance to the lunar matchmaker god as it is the record of all the destined couples as well as the deities assigned to them.

"Kwon Jiyong. Sandara Park", Ascendant Yang Goon said and the book opened to the page where those names are written. He ran his hand over the page in silence.

"So....what's wrong?", Ascendant Jae Sang peeked over his shoulders and saw the names of Jiyong and Dara listed on the book together with Seunghyun and Bom.

"Mmmhmmmm", Yang Goon stared at the sky, pondering over something.


Writer's Note:

Joo Won isn't gay. It's just Jiyong's comeback to piss him off lolz!


Lotsa Love

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