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Writer's Note:
I noticed that if you view wattpad online, sometimes the chaps are cut. I put 'Writer's Note' at the end of every chap for you to know if it's cut or not.




Waking up in the morning with Jiyong still hugging me tightly is just TOO MUCH! My brain almost exploded last night from too much thinking until I drifted to sleep and now, I have to face this day tied to him while trying to act like a normal functioning human being. STRESS!

My heart is beating wildly as I stared at his sleeping form. I can feel the warmth of his skin against mine and it is driving me crazy. What the hell is he thinking being so touchy with me?! And what the hell am I thinking letting him have his way with me? Gah!

When Jiyong suddenly moved and snuggled closer to me, my breath is caught in my throat. I tried to wiggle free from his hug but his arms suddenly tightened their grip on me, preventing me to move away. His eyes slowly fluttered open and he stared directly at me, making my heartbeat double its pace.

"Good morning, cheeseball", Jiyong sluggishly said and sat up, his muscles flexing as he pushes himself up with his hand. He raked his hair with his fingers and glanced back at me as I lie on the bed stiffly. "Time for work. And we still have to go to your school in the afternoon", he said in a casual tone, as if last night's 'kissing episode' and this morning's 'hugging while sleeping' is but a figment of my imagination.

"Y-Yeah", I said timidly.

As we do our normal routine to prepare for work, I cannot look at him directly in the eyes. I fear that I might melt into a puddle of shame if our gazes meet. Just recalling that incident when he...*GULP*...kissed m- KYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT IT! His lips... STOPPPPPP!!!!!!!! ...sucking my lips... ACCCCKK!!!!!!! His tongue... OTTOKAEEEE!!!!!

"Hey", he called out as I stood in the farthest possible distance away from him. "Help me with my necktie."




"Come here."

GAAAAAAHHHH!!! Oh my gosh, I'm going to have a panic attack!

Probably sensing that I have no plans of going near him, Jiyong headed towards me with the necktie on his hand. I had to stop myself from backing away so as not to be obvious that he has that huge effect on me when in truth, I'm on the verge of collapsing right now.

"I said, help me with my necktie."

"O-Oh. Okay", I focused my entire concentration on fixing his necktie while trying not to die because I swear, I can feel his intense stare at me. My fingers are almost quivering as I tie the stupid knot when he suddenly moved and rested his hands on my waist. OHMYGAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! Why is he acting this way?! I can't handle this anymore! HELP ME!

"Why are you so stiff?"

"I'm not", I defensively said, still not looking at his eyes. Why the hell is this stupid necktie not cooperating?! And OMG, his hands are on my waist! *faints*

"Are you not going to change that bastard's id in your phone?"

"Mmmhhmm?", I mumbled dismissively .

Suddenly...SUDDENLY, he entwined his arms around my waist and pulled me closer, pressing me to him! I looked up in surprise and met his gaze.

"What Mmhhmmm?"

GAHH!! Cyborg Kwon, stop! JUST STOP! Don't do this to me, JEBAL!!


"What?", he playfully smirked at me, his eyes directed on my lips.

"JIYONG! Fine, I'll change Joo Won's ID in my phone!" I shrieked, pressing my hands on his chest to get away from him. OH MY GOSH HELP ME! HELP MEEE!!!


"I promise!"

He tilted his head and scrutinized my face. "Mmmmmhhhmmm", he mumbled as I swallowed hard. I was paralyzed when he suddenly leaned down and pressed his lips against mine for a few seconds before drawing back. His face lingered near and I can still feel his breath fanning my lips.

"Promise stamped", he whispered.

Multiple organ failure starts NOW.


The little flames in the candles danced, lighting the entire cave beautifully. Seunghyun's eyes never left a specific small candle, pondering over things.

"What is a jursa doing in the Underworld?" Jang Hyuk voice thundered all over the cave, startling him. He bowed his head and stepped back, giving his respect to the ruler of the Underworld. Jang Hyuk is not very pleased that someone stepped inside the Cave of Woes where the candles of death are kept. Each soul's mortal life is embodied by a candle and guarding each one is his utmost duty.

"You are not supposed to be here jursa"

"I just have a few questions", Seunghyun said.

"And I am not bound to answer any", Jang Hyuk shot back.

Nevertheless, Seunghyun continued with his inquisitions. "The red string is hindering Sandara Park's early death, is it not? What if I refuse to be a mortal? If I do, she will be saved"

"Your words reflect how inexperienced you are, jursa. You are trying to stop the inevitable in exchange of the the two being bounded together by a string that does not stretch", Jang Hyuk sat on a rock and stared at the dancing flames of the candles. "Ascendant Yang Goon swore on the River of Unbreakable Oath. If he does not untie the red string, punishment by our Ancient Laws will be bestowed upon him. Besides, do you really want the destined couple to be literally binded together for your own selfish reason? A mortal's life can only last so long. Even with the red string, they will still die eventually. Do you think they can go on living like that until one of them dies?"

Seunghyun sighed heavily and darted his eyes around, marveling the beauty of the place with the candles at every nooks and corners of the cave. There were also candles floating on the water at the cave's pond and there were some that are floating in the air. It was indeed a beautiful sight. His heart sank when he saw the flame of one of the small candles flickered and eventually died.

"Is there really no way of saving her?"

"Death is absolute", Jang Hyuk calmly said.

Seunghyun's fist clenched tightly as his gaze fell on yet another small candle that is about to die.




I blinked twice while staring at him. I don't have a frigging clue why the vagina is here in our school. My head is already pounding with the amount of work to be done for the Senior's Farewell Festival and I really don't need this loud guy to ruin my day.

"Do you remember me? The hotdog man. Jiyong hyung and Dara noona's friend? Seungri the great?"

"Yes vagina, I remember you", I grumbled.

He scrunched his nose and pouted. "I came here to help you!" he whined. Is he trying to be cute? My gosh, my allergy is kicking in.  

"To help me with what?"

"The Senior's Farewell Festival. Dara noona texted me and asked me if I could help you out. You're CL, right?"

Damn it, Dara. Why did you send a vagina instead of coming here instead?

"Thanks, but no thanks. I've got everything covered", I grabbed the box of decorations on the floor and was about to walk away but the idiot snatched it from me.

"I'll carry that!" he exclaimed and grabbed the box from me. "Lead the way", he said and draped his other arm on my shoulder. I immediately elbowed him making him grunt in pain.

"I know your kind, you flirt. Don't do your moves on me, it won't work", I warned him.

"Why are you so grumpy, sweetheart?"

"Don't you 'sweetheart' me!", I shrieked.

"Honeybunch?", he winked, making my skin crawl. OMG, somebody please get this talking vagina away from me!

"CL!", Dara's voice entered my ears and when I spun around, I saw her and Jiyong approaching us. "We're here to help", Dara said.

"What took you so long?!", I whined as she entwined her arms on me, pushing me to walk while clinging to my body. Jiyong and Seungri followed in a close distance behind us, arguing about something.

"Sorry. I texted you that Jiyong and I entered his father's company, right? Everything is so hectic lately"

"Yeah, you mentioned it. Why? What's his father's business?", I asked.

"A lot. Real estate and construction, financials, etc."

I furrowed my eyebrows and glanced back at Jiyong, who's expression remained stoic despite Seungri's larger than life stories and hand gestures.

"His father sounds like a business tycoon. What's his name?"

Dara glanced back before whispering her reply, "Lee Soo Man"


"WHAT?! LEE SOO MAN?!", the hotdog man exclaimed, beating me to it. He then faced Jiyong and started spouting nonsense like a mad man. "Hyung, you didn't tell us you're filthy rich! Oh my gosh, would you like to buy my soul?"

"Stop it, you punk", Jiyong sternly said and threatened to punch him. "You know I don't take anything from that old man"

The shock from the little revelation was cut short because of the shrieking KwonDara minions who are crowding the entrance of the little theater where the decorations for the festival are being made. I shook my head as Seungri stood beside me. "Wow. They have fans?"

"KwonDara minions", I mumbled.

We both jerked back in surprise when the crowd broke in loud cheers. I glanced behind me and saw Jiyong wiping the sweat on Dara's forehead by the back of his hand.

"KWONDARA! KWONDARA! KWONDARA!", Seungri was chanting and jumping merrily while leading the pack of idiots. Wow. I just took my eyes off him for a moment and he immediately become the KwonDara minions' leader.

"Let's go", Jiyong said and began to walk ahead with Dara trailing behind him. I grabbed Seungri by the collar and snatched him away from his newfound crew. "Come on", I grumpily said.

"HUBBY! CLING!" Dara exclaimed and entwined her arms around Jiyong's torso. He then raised his arm and draped it over her shoulder. The entire hallway became a mad house as the deafening cheers erupted once again.

Gah! Am I seriously seeing this?

I followed Dara with my gaze and sighed heavily. I wasn't that worried before but seeing how things are progressing, I'm beginning to fear of what might happen. Dara may be cheerful but in truth, she's very pessimistic and worries about a lot of things. Being an orphan, she craves for love and attention and she tends to get attached to people who shows her a bit of kindness.

With the way things are, I can see that Dara is already falling for him.

"Don't worry. Jiyong hyung will take care of her", Seungri said and walked past me while carrying the box of decorations, making his presence known to the rest of my team as he greeted them loudly.

A smile finally formed on my lips as I followed him. I didn't know this vagina is sensitive to other's feelings.



I'm desperately trying not to stare at Jiyong. Being near him is like doing an intense cardiovascular activity and it's proving to be a potential hazard to my health. I'm barely holding on to my thin strand of sanity. Any more of his cuteness and I might vomit rainbows and unicorns already.

I've returned the 'Old Man in the Moonlight' book without letting him read it because I don't want him to get any ideas of the 'destined couple' crap that was written on the book. Reading it planted some weird ideas in my brain and it's driving me insane. We need to figure out how we can be untied before I lose myself and just attack him in the middle of the night.

But seriously, I think my little infatuation for him is starting to become something else...and it's scaring me. The pictures of us kissing are still in my phone and whenever I look at them while he's fast asleep, I feel overwhelmed with emotions that I had to breathe deeply to calm myself. The kiss that we shared that night is something that we need to discuss and yet, both of us are avoiding the topic.

I'm trying really hard to act like I normally do - calling him hubby, clinging to him, acting cheerful... But it's becoming very difficult lately because when I do those things, I feel a knot in my stomach and my heart starts thumping in an unusual pace.

I lightly shook my head and tapped my cheeks, urging myself to focus on the documents before me instead of thinking about those things. No, I shouldn't be swept away with my feelings. This kind of thing between Jiyong and I is inevitable since we're tied together. I bet if he was tied to another girl, it will also come to this.

There was a slight pinch in my heart with that thought. What if instead of me, Jiyong was tied to Min Young? Or to any other woman? I'm sure he would've treated that girl the same way as he did with me. After all, despite his stoic exterior, Jiyong is a warm and caring guy.

I stole a glance at Jiyong's desk and saw the photo of him and Min Young. I want to rant and tease him that he's cheating on me, just like before. I want to whine and complain goofily about that picture but for some reason, I can't do any of those. Honestly, the fact that Jiyong still keeps that photo on his desk stings a bit. I mean, why would he keep it?

"Hey", he suddenly called out making me jerk back in surprise.


"You haven't called me hubby today", he said and rested his chin on his palm while deeply staring at me.

*THUMP* Damn it.

"We're in the office, Mr. Kwon", I said while averting my eyes, trying to appear like I'm fully concentrating at the documents that I'm preparing.

"You're very quiet these days", he remarked and stood up from his desk. Oh shit. Gah! Go away! "What happened to those pictures I took?"


"What pictures? By the way, you have a schedule for the rest of the week but I managed to squeeze my classes in between. You also have to meet Mr. Feng about..." I gave him a lengthy explanation about his itinerary just to avoid the topic but the cyborg easily see past through my strategy.

"Those pictures I took of us kissing. Where are they?" he bluntly asked and sat on my desk, facing me. I'm pretty sure that despite his deadpan expression, he's enjoying watching me as I blush in the deepest shade of red. This bastard.

"I deleted them", I smugly replied.

"Oh? Then we have to take it again"


"You said you deleted them and you were the one asking for a picture of us kissing, right? So let's take it again", he said in a serious tone and pulled out his phone.

"JIYONG!", I shrieked, utterly mortified. What the hell is this cyborg thinking?

He chuckled and finally stood up, shoving his hands in his pockets. "You are so cute when you're flustered", he said.

"And you're not cute when you're being annoying!", I shot back.

"But you have a crush on me"

"I don't anymore. I think you're the one having a crush on me what with the kissing and all", I hissed.

To my astonishment, Jiyong just laughed at my annoyed face and pinched my nose, like I'm an adorable puppy. "You are so cute when you're angry", he remarked, making my blood boil. Here I am having inner conflicts because of my confusing feelings but this cyborg is enjoying rubbing it in my face. He's obviously not taking anything seriously!

I huffed in annoyance and was about to retaliate when the door suddenly opened, revealing Min Young. Her eyebrows immediately furrowed as she saw Jiyong still laughing at me.

"Jiyong, there's going to be a meeting with the sales team of the amusement park bid in a few minutes. They need you there. Dara, come with me while Jiyong's gone", she said.

"Okay", I mumbled and was about to head towards the door when a tug on my wrist stopped me. Oh crap, I forgot! I glanced back at Jiyong and he was just standing there with an impassive expression, pretending like there's nothing wrong. How can I follow Min Young when he's not going to come with me?

"Dara? Let's go", Min Young repeated.

"Uh...Min Young, I need to accompany Jiyong in the meeting"

"Why? It'll just be a brief status meeting"


"Because what?"

I bit my lips and sent telepathic cry for help at Jiyong but the freaking cyborg just averted his gaze. GAH!

"Dara, let's go", Min Young pressed on.

"It's alright, potato head. I do need this cheeseball in the meeting", Jiyong finally interjected.

Min Young looked interchangeably between Jiyong and I before finally nodding. "Alright", she said. As soon as she closed the door, I whipped my head towards Jiyong and glared at him.

"Why didn't you help me sooner?!"

He just shrugged his shoulders before walking past me. "Because you're not calling me hubby", he said.

Seriously?! ARGH! He can be a child sometimes!

"Why do you care so much? I'm not your type, remember?"

"Yeah, you're not", he said in a flat tone and smirked at me.

This cyborg! "Then let Min Young call you hubby instead!", I angrily said.




Dara was fuming as she walks beside Jiyong, who is enjoying her annoyed face.

"What's with that face? You're the one who suggested it", he said and poked her cheek, earning a growl from her.

"Leave me alone"

"I can't. We're tied together", he lifted his right arm and dangled the red string playfully near her face.

"Oh, shut up!", Dara hissed.

Hadana Bom giggled as she walks behind the bickering destined couple. When the two entered the conference room, Bom passed through the wall and stood in a corner while resting her hands on her waist - thinking whether she'll lend a helping hand to Dara...or Jiyong.

"Good afternoon Mr. Kwon. Hello Dara", Joo Won greeted as soon as they entered. Jiyong frowned while darting his eyes around the empty conference room except for Joo Won.

"Where are your other team members?"

"They are still on the field, gathering data so I just consolidated our status report to discuss with you", he replied.

Dara can almost swear she felt Jiyong activating his cyborg force field. She knew Jiyong is still not very fond of Joo Won but what she doesn't understand is why would he hate him this much.

They took their seats and the awkward meeting commences. It is evident that Joo Won is trying to grab Dara's attention and it is more evident that Jiyong is not liking it. Dara, on the other hand, is busy scribbling notes, totally unaware of the unspoken war between the two guys until Hadana Bom finally meddled. Bom waved her hand when Dara grabbed her glass of water. Oddly, the glass tilted and the water was poured on Joo Won's lap, drenching him.

"Omo! I'm sorry!" Dara shrieked and pulled out her handkerchief to help Joo Won wipe the spilled water from his clothes, oblivious to the fact that she's wiping his thighs, near his danger zone.

"Miss Park...", the stern voice of Jiyong stopped her from wiping Joo Won's clothes. When she directed her eyes at him, she almost backed away in fear at the steaming cyborg shooting daggers with his glare. "I think Mr. Moon can manage fixing his clothes", he muttered under gritted teeth.

"Oh, it's okay. Dara is always like this. And you're already aware that we're quite familiar with each other, right Mr. Kwon?", Joo Won said nonchalantly although the meaning behind his words is obvious. The first bullet has been fired.

"Yeah, I'm well aware of that, Mr. Moon. I was there when you embarrassed her, remember?"

"J-Jiyong, Joo Won, stop this. We're at work", Dara reminded them.

Joo Won sighed and faced Dara. "You're right. I haven't got the chance to apologize to you, Dara. I meant what I said, I really regret doing what I did. And that night when I embarrassed you, I was drunk and I was trying to fit in. I know they are not valid excuses so I'm really really sorry", he sincerely said.

"It's alright. I told you I already put that behind me. Can we please resume our meeting?"

"How many years did you two go out?", Jiyong suddenly asked, his eyebrows mashed together.


"Two years", Joo Won proudly said.

"JOO WON!", Dara shrieked.

"Oh?", Jiyong could only stare in annoyance at Dara's beaming ex-boyfriend.

"Yeah. I know a lot about her", Joo Won said proudly as Dara buried her face on her palms.

OMG, I'm going to kill them both together! How can a confident and formidable cyborg be acting like a freaking CHILD!

"That's what you think", Jiyong replied.

"Try me"

"When is her next menstrual period?"

"First week of the month", Joo Won smugly said.

"OH MY GOSH! CAN YOU TWO STOP?!", Dara yelled while blushing. She can't believe the two guys are talking about her menstrual cycle in front of her! THE SHAME!

"What's her favorite pant-"


"Her favorite what?", Joo Won asked.

Dara whipped her head towards Joo Won with a mortified face. "HUBBY, stop-"

"Hubby?", Jiyong angrily hissed.

"I-I mean..."

"WHY DID YOU CALL HIM HUBBY?", he furiously yelled.

"You two are confusing me!", Dara exclaimed in frustration.

The knock on the doors interrupted the three. Min Young opened it and peeked inside, "I heard someone yelling. Is everything alright?"

Damn it damn it damn it!

"Yes, everything's fine. We just finished our meeting", Joo Won stood up and squeezed Dara's shoulder before heading towards the door. Dara sighed in relief and glared at Jiyong, who was also intensely glaring at her. When Dara stood up and was about to proceed towards the door, Jiyong blocked her path, making her step backwards.

"I'm going to bite you later", he said in a threatening tone.

"B-Bite me?"

Her heart almost stopped as he leaned down and whispered on her ear, "Don't forget, we sleep on the same bed. Mmmhhmmm..."



Dara bit her lips and side-glanced at Jiyong, who was sitting quietly at the opposite side of the couch, far away from her. He has been in a foul mood ever since the little confrontation with Joo Won and he has not uttered a single word after that. They were watching TV in the living room but both of them are just staring blankly at the television, both lost in their own thoughts and enveloped with a stony silence.

Unable to take it anymore, Dara inched closer to Jiyong and stole a glance at him again while playing with the hem of her dress.

"Jiyong, Jiyong"


"Are you mad at me?"


Dara lifted her gaze and stared at him in bewilderment. "Why?"

"I don't know", he answered and leaned back on the couch, not even giving her a single glance. Dara inched closer to him and pried some more.

"Is it because of Joo Won?", she asked, but Jiyong remained silent.

"Ahhhhhh... Jiyonnnggg...", Dara shook his arm and whined, not letting him ignore her.

"What?", he irritably shot back while frowning.

"Why are you mad at me because of Joo Won?"

He sighed and glared at her accusingly. "Why does he know about your menstrual cycle?"


"And you called her hubby!", he added furiously.

"Uhm...And you're mad because?"

"Because I'm your hubby", he mumbled almost in a whisper and averted his gaze, crossing his arms over his chest.

Warmth flowed through her as she stared at the stoic guy with tattoos on his right arm acting like a kid. Dara doesn't really get it but Jiyong seems to always need assurance all the time. She likes it though. Her heart skipped as he glanced tentatively at her and shyly whipped his head again on the other direction. Cute.

"Hubbyyyy", Dara rested her chin on his shoulder and clung to his arm. "Don't be mad anymore", she cooed.

"You called him hubby too", he said, still not looking at her.

Dara stifled her chuckle and watched Jiyong's sour expression. Admittedly, whenever Jiyong shows a negative reaction towards anything Joo Won-related, it makes her feel good. It just shows that she's not just anyone to Jiyong's life.

"I just got confused. It was an honest mistake. You know you're my hubby"

But Jiyong still wouldn't budge and just rolled his eyes. Dara smiled at the cyborg throwing tantrums and stared at his profile...his nose, his jawline, his lips. She then reached up for his cheek and planted a soft kiss, making Jiyong finally look a her.

"Let's stop fighting. Mmmhmmm? Hubby?"

Silence. Still no reaction from him.

"You're my hubby. I won't commit the same mistake, I promise"

Jiyong's expression remained impassive as he snaked his arm around Dara's waist and pulled her closer to him. He then stared deeply in her eyes while drawing circles at the small of her back, making her breath hike up.

"You mean it?", he whispered.

"Yes", she answered while swallowing hard.

"I'm your hubby?", he asked and squeezed her against him, his face leaning closer to her.


He then brushed his lips against hers before capturing it, giving her a quick kiss and pulling back. He was almost crushing her tiny frame against his body as his right arm is tightly secured on her waist. Dara's hands are gripping the front of his shirt as she panted, her half-lidded eyes not leaving his. Their lips brushed against each other again, seemingly teasing, before Jiyong finally entwined both of his arms on her body and pulled her against him, claiming her lips and darting his tongue inside her. Dara moaned at the delicious sensation he's giving him and Jiyong did not realize he's already pushing her on the couch, with him on top of her.

"H-Hubby..stop", Dara whimpered as she felt Jiyong's tongue licking a sensitive spot on her neck.

"Oopps..Sorry", Jiyong whispered before kissing the crook of her neck one last time and pulling away.

Both of them are bathed in silence as they sat on the couch. Both of them knew that the physical attraction between them is undeniable and yet, they don't want to act on it because of the bizarre situation they're currently in. Confusion is inevitable since they don't know if it's just physical attraction they're feeling or if they are really emotionally invested on the other person. They are already at the point where they enjoy each other's intimacy but are still unclear as to what their feelings are.

"Tsch. We better find a way to untie this stupid red string", he finally said. "And you better change your menstrual cycle, alright?"

Dara giggled and slapped his arm lightly. "You can be unreasonable sometimes."

Jiyong smiled at her and held her hand, interlacing their fingers and staring at them while the red cord tangled between them.

"Yeah, I am. It's your fault"


Seunghyun roamed his eyes at the beautiful scenery in the Upper World and leaned on the big tree, his mind clouded with troubling thoughts. The day to untie the destined couple is nearing. After that, only one full moon is left until Dara's death. Hadana Bom and him are going to be mortals during that duration of time and he won't have an ethereal orb to help him in finding a way to save the poor soul of Heloise, known as Sandara Park. He was startled when he heard the voice of his ascendant at the other side of the tree.

"I heard you went to the Underworld"

"Ascendant Jae Sang, I apologize for entering the Cave of Woes. I just...I feel responsible for what is currently happening to the destined couple assigned to us"

"But can you change the outcome?", he asked while leaning on the tree, opposite where Seunghyun is.

"No", the jursa replied sadly.

"Jursa Seunghyun, do not concern yourself of matters that are beyond you. Focus on what you are tasked to do and at the moment, your task is to bring challenges to the couple"

"I give them challenges but given their current situation and with the little time they have left, it's not enough to strengthen them"

"Your will is so feeble that you make me laugh, young one", Jae Sang said while chuckling. He circled around the tree and finally faced Seunghyun. "Do you need a torch to light an entire forest? No. You only need a little flame to produce a massive fire. Do you need a sword to crumble a country? No. You only need words to start a war. You are a Jursa under my supervision, Seunghyun. Do not bring shame to my name by giving the old souls of Heloise and Abelard such weak challenges. The trickster deities use their wisdom to bring about the obstacles that the destined couple has to overcome."

Seunghyun lifted his gaze and stared at his ascendant who is smiling mischievously while darting his eyes at the nearby lake.

"Remember the saying - water can both sustain and sink a ship. I think the same can be said for love", Jae Sang said before unleashing his boisterous laugh.



Days have passed and although he is still a cyborg for most of the time, the change in the way Jiyong treats me is becoming more evident. The cuddling at night, the teasings, the stolen kisses...But he never once told me how he feels about me. It's honestly driving me insane but I don't have the guts to ask him. And I also don't want to hear his answer now because of one big reason - the red cord binding us.

I'm afraid that we're just acting this way because our emotions are driven by the situation. Our feelings are magnified because we have no choice - being tied together with a red string, we have no choice but to grow accustomed and be dependent of each other. Perhaps, Jiyong is thinking the same way. If we become untied and are free to move individually, what will become of us? What will our feelings be? Right now, I'm so attached to him that thinking about him doing things without me by his side is a little unsettling.

I stared at his sleeping form and gently touched his cheek. He has been my strength and my shelter. I can't imagine being separated to him at this point.

Unable to stop myself, I reached for his lips and gave it a soft peck. I was about to pull away when Jiyong suddenly caught my lips again and gave me a deep kiss. He shifted his position until I felt his weight on top of me, pinning me. His hand gently caressed my back while I wrap my arms around him as we continued kissing. When our lips parted, there was a playful glint in his eyes and I knew that I'll never hear the end of his teasings after this.

But that's far from my concerns right now. For some reason, seeing him and feeling him like this is making my heart ache. It's as if...none of this will last. I forced a smile when I met his gaze, hiding the turmoil that is eating me.

"Miu miu?", I whispered.

"Meep meep", he said in a hushed tone and smiled at me.

"You caught me", I whispered again.

"Why are we whispering?", he asked with amusement.

"I don't know."

"Okay, let's whisper"

"Okay", I replied.

"Why are you taking advantage of me while I'm sleeping?" he asked.

"Because you're cute"

He chuckled softly and settled beside me, gathering me in his arms. The warmth of his skin against mine is very comforting. The troubling thoughts a while ago are slowly ebbing away.

"Jiyong, Jiyong"


"Why don't you call people by their names?"

Jiyong sighed and pressed his lips on my forehead before explaining. "I got used to it. When I was little, almost everybody in school does not call me by my name. They always call me the illegitimate son or the mistress' son. I was a kid so in return, I gave everyone nicknames and never called my classmates by their real names too. Things started from there until I got used to it and calling people by their first name does not feel right anymore."

Jiyong is an illegitimate son?

He tilted his head and looked at me, "Unlike what others think, I'm a petty person." He sighed and directed his gaze on the ceiling as he continued, "My dad left my mom to be with his legitimate family. He promised to support my mother but my mom always runs away and takes me with her because she doesn't want my father and his wife to have any problems anymore. She blames herself for messing up dad's life and she blames herself for making me experience the pitiful life that she has. So she decided to leave me on dad's care."

"I can still clearly remember that day. She told me to wear the most presentable clothes that I have. She told me that I should look really good that day because we are going to a special place", his grip on my body tightened so I did the same, pressing myself closer to him. "That was the day when she left me to my father's house and told me to live with him and his family. I tried to run after her but my father was firmly holding me. At that time, I hated how powerless I am. I can't even wiggle free from his grip and I hated it. I was thinking how great it would be if I become an adult in an instant so I can match his strength."

"I begged her not to leave...but she still did. I ran away many times from my father's house to search for her but to no avail. My dad always finds me and brings me back. Living with my stepmom and stepbrother is hell. Not a day have passed without them reminding me of my place in the house...that I'm nothing but an excess baggage. In school and at home, things are the same. I hated him...I hated my father so much for not giving me back to my mom instead. I stayed in his house because I thought my mom would come back. But she didn't. When I found out that my mother passed away, I immediately moved out of the house because I see no reason why I should stay."

I gently rubbed Jiyong's upper arm while staring at him, not uttering a word. I know recalling his past and opening those things to me is not easy for him. I'm beginning to understand why he's detached to other people and why it's hard for him to open up his emotions.

"Isn't it like those dramas that you watch?", he weakly said, trying to ease the mood.

"No", I said.


"In the dramas, they don't have...SUPER AEGYO HUG!!", I shrieked and wrapped my arms and legs around him. I heard his soft chuckles as he entwined his arms around my body.

"You're such a cheeseball", he mumbled.

"Everything's alright now, hubby", I said.


"FOOD! FINALLY!" Dara exclaimed merrily while drooling at the wide array of food he has chosen for her. It has been a hectic day in the office that's why they're having a late dinner. The office cafeteria is almost deserted because of the odd hour.

"Eat slowly", he reminded her while watching Dara shove a mountain of food inside her mouth. He poured water on the glass and pushed it towards her.

Lately, being close to Dara and doing intimate things with her seems to be the most normal thing to do. He has grown accustomed to her presence to the point that just thinking about being separated from her seems to be a bit unbearable. Dara loves to talk, but she knows when to listen. Because of her cheerful nature, having her around makes him feel that everything is going to be alright. And her cheeseball personality is the warmth that he needs. Admittedly, he's attracted to her. But he's still unsure whether it's because he is just being carried away by the situation. He will think about those things, when everything's settled. Right now, he just want to enjoy having her beside him.

Jiyong silently picked up a meat with his chopsticks and fed it to Dara, who willingly opened her mouth. She beamed at him while chewing her food and clapped, making him chuckle as he rests his chin on his palm, watching her. Any person who doesn't know them would think they are a couple.

As they are on the way back to their office, Min Young blocked their path while holding some documents.

"Dara, can we talk", Min Young said.

"Uh..", Dara looked uncertainly at Jiyong before glancing back at Min Young.

"Let's talk in this conference room", she said and started striding at the nearby room.

Jiyong stood beside Dara and whispered on her ear, "I'll be outside, just stand close to the door."

Dara nodded and followed Min Young. As soon as she closed the door, Min Young threw the documents on the table and angrily pointed at them. "Do you know what this is? This is Jiyong's supposed schedule that you changed to accommodate your own schedule. Do you have any idea why Jiyong returned to the company? We're pressing for time because the stocks of the company are plummeting down and yet, you don't seem to understand it"

"M-Min Young. I'm sorry. I'll revise the schedule and consult Jiyong-"

Min Young raised her hand at her, urging her to stop as she shuts her eyes to calm herself before looking at her again. "Dara, I don't know exactly understand why you're always with Jiyong. If Jiyong and you have a relationship, I know it's none of my business but Jiyong is the son of our boss and he is a friend that I really value", she said and breathed audibly.

"If you're someone who can support him, I wouldn't say a thing and even wish for your happiness. But look at you. You're pulling him down. You're like an excess baggage he has to carry around."

Dara took a sharp intake of breath as she meets Min Young's eyes.

"Making him wear that stupid strawberry backpack, making him act like a kid. Is that an accomplishment that you can brag?", Min Young furiously said, clenching her fists in tight balls. "What exactly can you do for him, Dara?", she asked, her gaze firm on her.

Dara lowered her head and inhaled deeply while biting her lips, her heart tugging painfully.

On the other side of the door, Jiyong's eyes widened in surprise when a swirling black smoke appeared before him. Seunghyun stepped out and stood on a near distance, somberly looking at him.

"Listen to me carefully, Kwon Jiyong..."

Before Seunghyun can speak, Hadana Bom hurriedly stepped out of a white glittery smoke, stopping him. "Jursa Seunghyun, what are you doing?", she asked in bewilderment. The destined couple is finally making a connection. Their bond is finally forming so what is the jursa planning to do?

"Last challenge from a jursa, Hadana Bom", Seunghyun said in a low voice. The hadana gasped in surprise and stared at him in astonishment. She can't believe the jursa is throwing his last challenge this early. With all the other jursas she's been partnered with, they usually throw their last challenge when the red string of fate is strong enough to withstand the obstacle.

"J-Jursa Seunghyun. Isn't it too early?"

Seunghyun glanced at her, his eyes full of determination. "We don't have much time"

With that, the hadana stiffened and kept her mouth shut. Jiyong looked interchangeably at the two of them in confusion before finally speaking.

"You two are the deities who caused this unstretchable red string. We've been searching for the magic wor-"

"There are no magic words, Kwon Jiyong. But a solution has been found. You two are going to be untied on the coming full moon", Seunghyun said while staring directly at him, his words full of urgency.

"W-We're going to be finally untied?"

"And there's another thing you need to know", Seunghyun continued. "You're not the guy for Sandara Park, Kwon Jiyong."

Hadana Bom bit her lips and kept her gaze on the ground. Jursa Seunghyun's last challenge is...too harsh.

Writer's Note:

Thank you for reading ^_^

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