Chapter 1: Idiocy is Contagious

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- Teenagers by My Chemical Romance
- Kids In The Dark by All Time Low

Chapter 1: Idiocy is Contagious

It's already 10:07 AM and I'm still stuck right here at this boring class with the boring professor right there and my bored classmates right around me. Right.

I think I'm forgetting something. But I forgot what it was. That made sense.

But honestly, I was keen when it comes to schedules and tasks, and I never forget one unless it isn't that important.



My head snapped up from where I had been staring at the digital clock to whoever idiot hit the table.

"Mister Espinosa!" He hollered and collided his palm against the table for the second time, producing a very loud noise that made the whole class flinch, including me.

I think I've heard his bones crushing on the second hit.

The annoying murmurs which I'd constantly been hearing finally died down. Thank goodness. But then I suddenly realized, he was talking to me.

"Will you sitdown!?" His face clearly indicates that's not a question. He looked hideous when he's pissed. Apart from turning into the color of a rotten tomato, he also had his teeth clenched in a contorted juncture.

I'd find it somewhat hilarious if I wasn't the one getting scolded at.

Just at that moment, a loud guffaw boomed from behind me. I looked down to see Tristan, who's turning into scarlet from laughter.

In all of my close friends, why did god chose this idiot to share all of my subjects and its schedule? Why couldn't it be my bestfriend, Mark? Or Albert and O'neal? Or John? No, not John. But why do I get stuck with this dickhead who thinks with his dickhead?

Take right now as an example; what idiot would laugh that hard infront of a pissed professor who's currently scolding his close friend?

I furrowed my brows at him, "What the fuck-" I immediately cutted my words off, remembering the rotten tomato isn't yet finish lambasting me, "Did I do this time?"

Again, Tristan burst out laughing. Goodness, why am I still friends with this dickhead?

That's when it hit me.

All this time I thought I was just sitting on my chair. But no, I was standing like an idiot. On top of it.

Right. I finally know why he found it so hilarious. Either way, I'd also laugh as hard as he did if it happened to one of our close friends.

I instantly stoop down and seated, a little embarrassed to glance around and see their beffudled faces.

How just that happened? Goodness, I shouldn't have seated near Tristan. Idiocy is contagious. Now, I'm doing idiotic things that I don't even remember doing. The next thing I'll know, I'm in a serious relationship with a vegetable.

I scowled at my thoughts. Shit. This is weird.

"I apologize Sir." I said to Professor Fletch. He stared at me suspiciously, then made a quick glance to Tristan before he focused back to his writing. As if I was planning to murder the idiot. Says the idiot who stood on top of his seat.

"How long have I been standing like that?" I asked Tristan but he's not yet finished laughing.

I sighed and shook my head. Again, why am I still friends with this dickhead?

"Bastard," He drawled, somehow sobered from his laughter, "Since the clock turned 10."

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