Chapter 7

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- Damned If I Do Ya (Damned If I Don't) by All Time

- Sugar, We're Goin Down by Fall Out Boy

Chapter 7: Be A Good Guy

"You should've seen Bastard's face when I told him to go fuck himself." Mark and Tristan burst out laughing.

"Right. Hilarious." I said to Mark sarcastically and glowered at him as if I'm telling him to shut up, although I'm honestly telling him to shut up.

He understood the message and tried to refrain from laughing by pursing his lips. But the Asshole failed miserably and laughed even harder.

Professor Walter snapped, "Mister Antares, Mister Espinosa, and Mister Dickinstone!"

Mark and I instantly looked at each other with frozen grins on our faces. Mark was turning red and I know exactly what he was thinking.


We couldn't contain our laughter anymore and laughed out loud.

"Mister Dickinstone, are you seated there?" Professor Walter asked, biting her lip. It's obvious she also wanted to laugh.

There was a moment of silence until everyone exploded into guffaws.

Mark went into hysterics, he fell from his seat and now was kneeling into the ground while I was clutching on my stomach, dying from laughter.

Tristan's face became purple from embarrassment. He glowered at me and at Mark, who's not yet finished laughing.

Shit. We're going to make up for this later.

"Return to your seat." Professor Walter motioned to Tristan, not mentioning his last name anymore. "And Mister Espinosa,"

She shook her head, eyes scanning around the room then pointed passed us.

"You exchange seats with Ms. Simpson."

I turned to look at where she's pointed.

There sat at the middle were two ladies. And the other one looked familiar. I stood from my seat as she began frantically throwing her belongings in her bag.

Is she the? Right.

She's the girl I ran into this morning.

I quickly gathered my textbooks and nonchalantly shoved it inside my bag.

Mark shot me a confused look as if he was trying to ask me something but shut up instead.

I got up from the seat then her seatmate took over.

Here's how I make up for making fun of Dickhead.

By being a good guy.

I walked up to her, intentionally staring.

She isn't looking back at me. Just gazing sheepishly at the floor or glaring in front.

I sat beside her, putting my backpack next to hers and saw Mark at the corner of my eye. He smirked and cocked his brow at the girl who's now sitting at my seat.

The Asshole got a new victim.

I shook my head and chuckled as I divert my attention back to the girl I ran into this morning.

Just at that moment, I heard Professor Walter say, "From now on, that would be your permanent seats during my class."

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