Chapter 2: You Only Live Once

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- Time Bomb by All Time Low
- Somewhere In Neverland by All Time Low

Chapter 2: You Only Live Once

It's alright Adrien. It's alright to be fucking thirteen minutes late for Volleyball practice.

I called his attention as he write some notes on the board. "Sir."

He continued writing. He might have not heard it.

I've thought of adding 'tomato' but it might just piss him more and then he'll never let me out. "Sir?"

He might have not heard it again.

"Sir!!" My voice came out close to a shout.

I glanced around and noticed the whole class was looking my way. No, looking at me.

Shit. Why did it took me this long to realize?

"Sir Fletch!!!" Now, I am clearly shouting.

My classmates gave me a look of sympathy, which means I'm just embarrassing myself because it's obvious he's ignoring it.

Having no choice, I did that idiotic thing that's running in my mind.

"Sir tomato!"

All heads snapped up at me, including sir Fletch's. I didn't expect that would work.

I felt like grinning when I saw their amused faces. Well, except for his face which was actually red as of it got overcooked and somebody tried to put it out with a fork.

Now that he's already looking- glaring at me, I continued, "I'm excused for Volleyball practice."

He turned his back at me instantly but I caught him rolling his eyes before he did. "Can you not see I'm discussing?" Are you kidding? You're writing!

"But sir-"

"Sit down!!"

I looked at myself. Goodness, I'm not even standing.

I did a double take when I saw the time at the digital clock.

Shit, it's 10:13 already. Tournament's two weeks ahead, but we haven't even began the practice. And yet, I'm the one who always tell my team to 'practice more often'. How ironic.

I quietly got up and grabbed my bag, wanting to leave unnoticed.


My eyes darted to the Dickhead and he's smiling sheepishly at me, holding my seat which produced that stupid noise. I glowered at him. Right now I'm really questioning myself why the fuck am I still friends with this idiot. He barely helped me but then he make things worse.

Because of him, I got noticed.

"Where do you think you're going?" Sir Fletch called.

I ignored him like he did a while ago and casually walked towards the door.

"Mister Espinosa."

Vengeance Fletch. Vengeance.

"Mister Espinosa!"

I turned at him and smirked, remembering the song I played this morning, "Somewhere in Neverland." I replied and slammed the door shut.

Alright. That was rude. But it's cool somehow. Right, not that cool somehow.

I peeped at the class next to our room but didn't see Mark inside.

"Where is that Asshole?!?" I muttered under my breath.

Don't get me wrong, I do not hate my friends for calling them asshole and dickhead. It's just that we, all the guys of the football and basketball team had this Bro Alphabet which consists of our nicknames. A for Asshole which is Mark, because he was always called an 'Asshole' for being the asshole he is. B is for Bastard, which is me because I was the reckless one and a lot of people call me a 'reckless bastard'. Next to the alphabet is Cocksucker which is O'neal, Dickhead which is Tristan, Faggot which is Jules, and Jerk which is Albert. And it goes with the others which aren't our close friends anymore but still part of the alphabet. It's informal and profane according to most people, but it's fun. As our saying goes, 'you only live once'.

I took out my phone from my pocket.

6 missed calls from Angie

Shit. I'm screwed.

As I rushed to the corridor, I sent the text to Mark.

Me: Where are you? You're not in your class.

I decided to leave my bag at our secret hiding place, an empty maintainance closet under the abandoned stairs. No one knows about it until Mark banged his head on the knob while making out with some hoe. And according to Mark's experience, it was huge enough to accommodate the whole football team, which I don't believe at first but it's true.

My phone vibrated, notifying a text from him.

Mark: Bastard, your girlfriend's bout to kill me for not having you at your volleyball shits. So shut the fuck up and get your ass here. Right this instant.

He didn't answer my question but he told me to 'get my ass there'. Where's the logic in that?

I suppose it was at the gymnasium. Because it's obvious, the Volleyball team couldn't practice neither at the Football field nor at the Swimming pool.

Me: Right. I'm on my way.

I replied to Mark's text and pocketed my phone as I ran through the halls.

"What the-" I gasped, realizing there was someone standing on the way. She also gasped when she saw me.

I stopped but her head still came in contact with my chest as her hair blew over my face. The scent of sweet pea overwhelmed my senses. Goodness, that smell is addicting.

I got out of balance, tottering to the other side and landed on all fours.


I looked at my self, that wasn't me; I looked at the girl I ran into, oh, that's only her.

I instantly stood up as soon as I noticed she just stumbled into the freshmen class. With Hayes as their professor.

I had to save her from upcoming lambasts specially Hayes is terror. She is known for yelling, throwing chalkboard erasers and even highlighters on students. But it's alright, I am her favorite student anyway.

"I apologize miss." I said, and professor Hayes just nodded while her mouth was hanging open.

My attention returned to the girl I ran into. "You..." She growled.

Let me guess... reckless bastard?

She turned her head at me, pushing her bangs away from her face. She's pretty, except there was a bit red on her forehead.

And surprisingly, I didn't hear her say 'reckless bastard'. Her eyes were just wide, and I don't know why but her jaw, was hanging open.

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