Chapter 4

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- That Girl by All Time Low
- Tell Me I'm A Wreck by Every Avenue

Chapter 4

I arrived at the gym, 25 minutes late, and convulsively breathing- barely breathing.

"Where were you?" Angie asked flatly and I gave her an incredulous look. Goodness, I have just arrived! The campus is so fucking huge and I ran just to get here!

"I was at class." I said instead and paused, taking a deep breath before continuing, "Fletch didn't let me out."

She scoffed, "That's a lame excuse."

My brows shot up at her remark. What is she thinking? I went to Rock Band with the group and played Xbox 360?

"You could ask-" I exhaled a lot of air, "Tristan."

"No thanks."

"Look, I apologize. I already told Fletch I was excused but he..." I stopped. She wasn't listening anymore.

She walked towards the court and signaled to begin.

Kesha went to Angie's opposing side and gave me a sympathetic look.
I don't think anybody doesn't know about me and Angie's relationship. Words travel at the speed of 100 students per 30 minutes here in Cheshire.

Honestly, whenever I liked a girl, I don't get the chance to have a relationship more than staying friends because I have to keep my position as well as my popularity. Kesha knew that. She had been one of the girls I liked but just stayed friends and now belongs to my second group, which were all cheerleaders and volleyball players. And which I am the only guy.

Angie served the ball.

It went passed the net, then passed Kesha, then passed the court.

"Out!" One of our team mates who was the temporary referee said, giving the ball to Kesha.

My eyes darted to Angie, meeting her glaring, angry ones.

She groaned and announced,"The practice's over."

Everyone looked at her incredulously. Especially me.

"But we haven't started yet?!"

She turned back at me and smiled, which is obvious, it's fake. "We already did. While you're not here."

Goodness... "What is wrong with you?!"

"You!!" She jutted a finger at me and glared at everyone. "What are you all looking at? Get lost!"

Then she strolled out of the gym.

My team mates walked up to me and apologized, although it's not their fault. Honestly, it's nobody's fault. I don't know what is happening with my girlfriend, she has been acting somewhat strange lately.

I decided to pass by the clinic and see my bestfriend's condition. I was-


"Not quite." I said. "What happened there Asshole?"

He's sitting beside a trash bin full of bloodstained tissues with tissue stuffed in one of his nostrils and three boxes of tissue were stacked in his lap.

"Your girlfriend spiked the ball to my nose."

I was about to laugh but seeing he's actually pissed off, I changed my mind. Mark has been my bestfriend since Sophomore year. It was my third year in Cheshire High as the quarterback that time and the only close friends I have was the dickhead and Albert.

Mark's the best player next to me, and having a lot of things in common, we became close as brothers.

"Oh. Ouch."

"No, it's not just ouch. It's Oh my fucking nose! Oh fuck! It's fucking bleeding!"

"You're overreacting." I shook my head and he rolled his eyes.

"Either way, about Angie, she's been acting strange these weeks."

"Yeah. She spiked the fucking ball to my fucking nose."

I sighed. The Asshole. Can't honestly get over his nose.

I glowered at him, "Not that, Asshole."

"What was it then?"

"I don't know." That made sense. "I mean, I just feel as if there's something not right about her." I muttered. "Us."

"Then, break up."

"No! I love her."

The tissues stuffed in his nose fell off, surprised by my answer. Goodness, I'm surprised myself either.

"You love her?" He ask as if it's impossible.

It isn't impossible. I love her. Right?

"I..." Love her? "Love her."

"Damn." He said and gave me a small smirk. "You hesitated."

"No. I didn't." I instantly said and Mark rolled his eyes.

"I know when you're lying or not." He smirked.

"Alright. Our relatio-" I stopped and change what I was going to say. "It isn't working out for us."

"Then I guess, you should talk together, understand each other's perspective, then break up."

"What?! I can't-"

"Accept your relationship as friends or enemies, go on a date-"

"I can't-"

"Don't get jealous, party all night, have mind-blowing se-"

"Hey Asshole!!" I shouted.


"I can't. She's cheerleading captain, I'm the quarterback."

"So what Bastard? How does that have-"

"If we broke up, everyone who expects a lot from Cheshire High's best couple will be disappointed. They will think it would have a bad effect when we broke up. And Cheshire would lose it's best players. We'll be forced to step down our positions, lose our popularity-"

"Really? That's just what keeping your relationship work?" He laughed. "I never actually thought of that."

I crossed my arms, "I never actually thought of you as the relationship guy."

He stood up from his seat, took one box of tissue and left the other boxes.

"I maybe the school's asshole but I still take serious things seriously."

I snatched the box from him and pulled some, "That's why you never had a girlfriend ever."

He snatched back his tissue and smirked, "Yeah, but I always get laid."

I shook my head in disapproval as we left the clinic to walk to our secret maintenance closet where we kept our bags. "Your code honestly fits you."

"Mister Espinosa!!"

We stopped in our tracks and I mentally groaned. Not now.

I turned around only to find my angry professor, holding a slip as red as his face which only means one thing.

A trip to the principal's office.

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