Chapter 5

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- Weightless by All Time Low
- Saturday by Fall Out Boy

Chapter 5

"Ma'am Brenda, this immoral student here walked out of my class without permission." He glowered at me. "And called me a fruit."

Principal Brenda stared at me confusedly, "A fruit?!"

I nodded, embarrassed. "Tomato."

She and Mark let out a surprised laugh, and I snickered at myself for doing that.

"Isn't tomato a vegetable?" Mark said, earning a glare from Professor Fletch.

"I would be glad if you suspend this immoral student." Professor Fletch added, my smile instantly dropping.

I looked at Mark, guiltily.

Honestly, if I just knew that Angie will have tantrums again, I would've stayed. I would've let the team miss one practice. They're good either way, and I trust them.

Now, I'd be suspended for nothing.

"Mark, you are excused." Principal Brenda said. Mark nodded and tipped his head to the door, gesturing he's just outside, before he exited.

Principal Brenda viewed my records, doing a double take before turning at me.

"Mr. Espinosa," She narrowed her eyes at me.

Shit. I'm fucked.

"Is excused in your subject or at any subject in 10:00."

"What!?" Professor Fletch and I said at the same time, surprised. Well, he's shocked.

"National Volleyball Tournament is two weeks ahead. And Cheshire High haven't prove anything yet against Colton University."

I felt like smirking when I heard the words.

"But-" Professor Fletch insisted but Principal Brenda raised her finger.

"Adrien is Cheshire's best player. If Adrien hadn't attend his practice, we would have lesser chance of winning. Am I right professor?"

Right Fletch? "Yes." He glowered at me and I raised a brow.

"And if we lose in the tournament, Cheshire High would descend from the rankings of Association of International Schools. And if our ranks lowered, that means we would have to cut our staffs' wages." She shook her head, "The point is, you know who's to blame."

I turned my back at Principal Brenda so she wouldn't see my face, then smirked at Professor Fletch.

"He has your class in Saturdays as remedials right professor? And he even has straight A's in your subject." By the look on her face, I could tell Principal Brenda seemed proud. "Why would you infringe his right- no, our right to win first place in National Volleyball Tournament?"

"Uh.." Fletch drawled but she spoke. "Mr. Espinosa, starting tomorrow, will be excused in your subject or at any subject in 10:00 for two weeks until the tournament is over. Do I make myself clear professor?"

He nodded.

"You're dismissed Professor."

With that, he left the office and slammed the door.

"As for you Mr. Espinosa," Principal Brenda said, handing me a strip of mint gum which I kept in my pocket. "Cheshire Cats must be in the first place at N.V.T. understand?"

"Yes, Principal Brenda." I turned to the door but then, she called. "I'm not yet finished."

"Sorry, Principal."

Principal Brenda reviewed my records again.
"You have a lot of upcoming activities, Mr. Espinosa. International Football League, International Football League Finals, Cheshire High Annual Intramural Games, Cheshire High Annual Sports Festival, National Inter-school Basketball Play-offs, National Volleyball Tournament, Cheshire University Intramural Games, Cheshire University Sports Festival,  Winter Season Games, and a dozen of invitations from other schools." 

Goodness.. With that much of upcoming games, I don't know if I can even pass with my subjects. 

"Although you're academically competent, you would have trouble coping up. I'm sorry but I would add another subject in your Saturday remedial classes. Is that okay for you?" I was hesitant by her offer and wasn't able to speak for a second because honestly, I spend my time with my family every Saturday.

She continued, "Or else, I'd have to remove you as part of-"

"No!" I instantly said, but it made me look as if I was mad so I explained. "What I mean is, having three subjects as remedial classes is alright."

She smirked."Good." 

Good bye Saturday.

"Your punishment by the way," Goodness. The first punishment I will ever have since I started as a Freshman. "Is to clean the parking lot after your school hours. For the whole month."

"Yes, Principal Brenda."

Principal Brenda is strict but she's cool for a Principal. "Tell Amy I said hello." She added. My mother enrolled me here because she's her college best friend.

Now, I got to have some help from my bros.

In cleaning the parking lot.

Author's Note

Hi Everyone! 

Sorry guys for not updating for what seemed like years.. I'm so damn occupied and I'm really sorry.. I'll make it up to you by posting another chapter before the year ends. :)


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