Chapter 3: Just Help Already

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- Mrs. All American by 5 Seconds of Summer
- American Idiot by Green Day

Chapter 3: Just Help Her Already

She was spacing out for a moment then she asked, "You?!" As if that wasn't possible.

"Um. Yeah?" I replied, somewhat unsure of what does she mean by me.

Maybe she meant......??? Nothing.

She probably didn't mean that.

Goodness Adrien, stop the dirty thinking and just help her already!

Right. Just help her already.

I held her waist and lift her, groaning a bit to implicate my strength. Bastard.

I closed the door and was surprised to find her staring at me. My body actually. I felt like smirking but stopped myself.

I can't help but stare at her. I don't know why. Now, we're staring at each other.

I think I know who this girl is. I just can't remember her name. That made sense.

But honestly, I always see her around. I even greeted her at her birthday during sophomore and junior year. Her name was I think, Zoey? Chloe? Um... Joey? Joey???

Goodness, it's obvious, I'm terrible at guessing names. Why don't I just ask my group? Or why don't I just ask her? No, that's a total turn-off.

"Ahem." I cleared my throat and lowered my voice an octave to make it sound more masculine, "I apologize."

I instantly regretted what I did and inwardly cursed myself when that came out too raspy. Goodness, I almost sounded as if I'm Groot.

I ran my hand through my hair anxiously.

She was spacing out again. A small smile made its way across my lips.

She seemed pretty approachable. If I just had the time, I'd to talk to her. "But right now, I'm actually on a hurry."

My eyes widened. Shit. I didn't mean to say that out loud.

Either way, I'm actually on a hurry. And maybe my girlfriend had already killed my bestfriend. I hope not. The Asshole hadn't made his last will and testament yet. I honestly want his Harley Davidson. I'd trade my car for that.

She opened her mouth slightly, but closed it anyway. I waited for her response, then she nodded.

I stopped a smirk at her speechlessness and smiled instead, patted her shoulder as I turn to leave.

Maybe I should talk to her. She seemed nice and pretty. Get to know her name first, bastard.

I pulled my phone from my pocket as I ran to the halls.

Shit. It's already 10:18?

3 Messages from Mark

Mark: Where the fuck are you??? You said you're ON YOUR WAY?

Mark: Getting into the gym doesn't take that long especially when you're already ON YOUR WAY.

Mark: Bastard, FUCK YOU.

I was surprised to see his last message. Goodness, I didn't do anything. But what made me more surprised is that how come I didn't even felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

Me: I apologize if it took that long. There just some problems I went to fix. What did I do?

I sent my reply and stopped, realizing I was running to the swimming pool when I was supposed to be going to the gym.

What the fuck is happening with me? I don't even swim.

My phone vibrated. I turned to the other way, which now I'm sure was the right way to the gymnasium as I viewed his message.

Mark: You didn't do anything. It's your girlfriend. If you need help, I'm at the clinic. Don't fuck anything up, kay?

I ran my hand through my hair and sighed.

I already did.

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