Chapter 8

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- Disconnected by 5 Seconds of Summer
- The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls

Chapter 8

I looked at my new seatmate. Her reaction was pretty hilarious but I might piss her off if I laugh at her.

She looked honestly shocked.

I sat next to her and made sure to catch her attention.

Her friend glanced at us and smirked. That smirk though. She'll surely get along with Asshole.

My seatmate glared back in response and turned at me.

She gasped when she caught me already staring at her and instantly turned her back at me to look away. I was surprised as well but I didn't make it seem obvious.

Alright. This is awkward.

I decided to be the one to initiate the conversation to make things less awkward.

"Hey." I called. 

I was waiting for her to turn at me but she didn't.

"Hey." I called again, but she's still not looking.

Goodness, this is more awkward. It's as if she's ignoring me.

Maybe this is because of what had happened earlier at the corridor. Right. That's why she's ignoring me. I've been so much of a bastard today, I need to do something nice.

A moment later, as if it was a delay, she looked at me.

"Um, hey?"

Her ocean blue eyes met mine and as her smile appear on her lips, I was dumbstruck.


The look on her face. It instantly made me feel bad for being such a bastard this morning.

"I apologize." I said at the same time she said "I'm sorry."

I stopped for a minute, kinda confused but continued "For running into you this morning."

"Oh. I'm sorry too." She muttered with a shaky voice.

"For what?"

"Shouting at you. I didn't mean to, I was just." She paused, took a deep breath and spoke again, her voice still shaking."I was shocked and-"

I chuckled, staring straight into her eyes. "No. It's alright, it's my fault anyway."

She blushed and I smiled. Mark was right, she's honestly shy. Explaining to someone she barely know must have took her a lot of courage.

I noticed she began twirling her pen, almost as if she's whirling it. I don't know what she is doing but it looks cool.

"How do you do that?" I asked, and she hesitantly spoke.

"I multiplied the quotient? By it's-"

"No." I chuckled, "I mean that thing."


I took out a pen from my pocket and began mimicking her.

This is embarrassing, I can't even do it close to how she does.

She laughed. Her laugh was somehow funny, and I can't help but smile as well.

She instructed, "You move it counterclockwisely." Alright.

"No, to the right." My right or hers? 

"To the right." She gestured in the air.

Goodness, am I still not doing it right?

"Not like-" She reached to my hand and supported it. Then a minute later I can finally do it!

I mean, with her help.

I inwardly chuckled, although on the outside I was already grinning like an idiot.

She smiled. It was genuine this time. And I know because I can honestly feel it.

Then suddenly, I heard Professor Walter's voice from in front. "Go. Now."

My eyes caught Mark's just as he stood. He smirked and pointed slyly to his seatmate.

I shook my head. The Asshole, as usual being himself.

They left the room and I had no idea with what happened to them, it was as if I was so drowned with talking to Zoey.

Am I not?

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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