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Third person pov

Licorice and poison mushroom cookie were on a walk since they had nothing better to do, during their walk they stumble upon a meadow that they decided to relax there for a bit before heading back to the castle. Licorice was reading a book (they had stuff with them) sitting near a tree while poison mushroom rolled around in the grass when a eye catching butterfly landed on their face, they stood up and the butterfly flew away so poison mushroom (being the little kid that they are) followed the butterfly.

Licorice pov✡️

I looked up from my book just to see poison mushroom not their WTF!?!? where did they go did they chased a stupid butterfly or something (what assumption 😑) god I took my eyes off them for a minute then suddenly disappeared, I placed my book down and got up from my spot and started looking and call their name, great I gotta go on a little mushroom kid hunt now 'sigh'.

Poison mushroom🍄

I was chasing a butterfly untill it flew further from my view, I pouted, I look around and oh no I separated from licorice maybe I shouldn't have chase the butterfly 😔 I turned to my right and walk in that direction and stumble upon a graveyard "wowww" I said in amazement I continue walking through the grave yard and saw a tomb that says 'here lays onion cookie' with a plushy infront of the tomb I was gonna pick it up until I heard a voice behind me "e-excuse me t-that my plushy can you please h-hand her over" I turn around to see a little girl with purple hair and a white dress and she looked scared "ooohhh here you go" I said handing her plushy, she grabbed her toy quickly like I was gonna hurt her or something but I wasn't plus I don't have shroomies on me which made me sad cause I couldn't give any to her, "d-do you wanna play hide'n seek with m-me" she says nervously, which made me happy the walk with licorice was getting boring "ya sure what game....uuuhhh what's your name" "o-oh it Onion cookie and you?" "Poison mushroom and I prefer they/them pronouns". We played for a long time I almost forgot about getting back home with licorice, we were playing with shroomies I found nearby when someone call my name "poison mushroom! Poison mushroom! God where are you" hey I recognize that voice, I ran towards the voice with my friend running behind me "I'm over here licorice" I yelled.

Licorice pov✡️

"I'm over here licorice" someone yelled, I turned around and poison mushroom pounced on me "oof, w-wa poison mushroom what are you doing here in a graveyard?!?!" I said confused but I was relieved to see poison mushroom "I was playing with a friend" they answered my question I looked behind them and one. Poison mushroom get off me and I stood up "um poison mushroom their's no one there" I said "their is someone she's right behind me" they whined, I got so confused and concerned cause I swear their is no one behind them I think it's an imaginary friend "ya sure we'll tell your 'friend' good bye cause we're leaving and heading back to the castle" I said, they turned around and wave to tomb that was right infront of him just further I grab their hand and sped walk home.

After speed walking for awhile we finally made it back, I opened the door to see dark choco and pomegranate "welcome back you sure took your time" she said leering towards me, poison mushroom walked in and towards dark choco "hello poison mushroom how was your walk with licorice" he said gently "it wasss good I made a friend" poison mushroom answered "a friend?" Pomegranate question then looked towards me like I know something ya something that wasn't there!!!! "uuhh ya they made a 'friend' at the graveyard" i responded they looked at me with weird expression probably the way I said 'friend', I look at poison mushroom then looked at pomegranate and whispered to her "ok here me out, when they introduced me to their 'friend' but their was no one there like at all" she looked at me confused then looked at poison mushroom "what was their name poison mushroom" "ooohhh her name was onion cookie" they said with a smile, pomegranate looked satisfied while dark choco looked stuned "why don't you go play with strawberry crepe" dark choco said he seemed worried about something, they agreed and walked up to strawberry crepe room, then he looked at us and said "can you follow me please" me and pomegranate looked at each other confused but still agreed, what with dark choco?

817 words

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