chapter 5: answers

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Blackberry pov 💜

I was shocked with the sudden question about my daughter death so I ask "why may you want to know prince" "w-well um" he paused before continuing "strawberry crepe told me about it and I wanted answers be he wouldn't give them to me" so strawberry crepe told him, I patted the spot next to me gesturing him to sit next to me "I might as well tell since you now known too much" I said. He sat down then looked at me begging for answers but I stay quiet for a bit before speak "well you see onion was my-"

"Your daughter right"

I looked at him confused but before I can ask why.

"I know what your thinking, I found a box filled with pictures of onion and found out she was your daughter"

So he was snooping through my stuff, he looked down to the floor with a disappointed face.

"I'm sorry I bothered you I'll be taking my leave now" he said getting of the couch and walking but I really wanted to give him his answer so I told him.

"She was crushed by a Chandler"

Custard pov 👑

"Wha-" I was stunned by the sudden response "I gave you your answer" she said and I swear I saw a year falling off of their stone face, I went back to sit next to her to comfort her, she was uneasy at first but came around as I slowly shut my eyes good night but I still had more question.

I opened my eyes to a bright light in my eyes "agh" I groned while block the light from my eyes, I looked over to where blackberry was sitting but she wasn't there maybe she went somewhere. I got off the couch and struggle to keep my composure but mange, I walked around for a bit looking for blackberry cause i was hungry, I mange to find her at the entrance talking to somebody but idk who.

"Come in blackberry please let me stay for awhile" the person begged

"Why do you always come to me when you don't have a place to stay" she Yelp back

"Come on please" the person begged again, how long has this argument been going.

"This argument has been going all morning if you need to know" I jump a bit before looking behind to see strawberry crepe eating popcorn "ok first of all, where did you get that, and secondly how do you know that" I asked and they respond with "I've been sitting on a chair watching the whole thing since I woke up and the popcorn I made myself" I stood there looking at strawberry crepe with a 'what the heck' look on my face.

"Fine just don't bother the kids" I guess blackberry gave up "yes!!! And also what kids" the person asked, blackberry looked at us then said "children this is adventurer cookie... My ex-husband" so that's who she meant, I not gonna lie but he looks stupid.

Pancake cookie 🥞

I woke up to see that custard and onion wasn't in there beds and I panic a little, I looked around the room to see poison mushroom playing with toys and that it. I walked out of the room and went down stairs, for some reason the a stranger here (adventurer cookie) but I didn't question it, I walked into the living room to see CUSTARD and ONION!!!!! Strawberry crepe was there but I didn't trust them yet, I went in. Onion was drawing while strawberry crepe and custard were watching tv, custard head was laying on strawberry shoulder and they had a tint of pink on their face I think but I didn't like one bit (#jealous pancake)
So I went over, sat down a moved custard closer to me, custard didn't really care while strawberry crepe was looking at me in confusion but I just stick my tongue out at them and just watched the show that they were already watching.

Pomegranate pov 🪞

"How long is this gonna take walk gonna take, my feet are hurting" I complained but they just ignore me 'HMPH, how rude' I thought as we walk, dark choco looked at us "we're almost there" he said and we nodded, finally this took to long.

We got to the graveyard to see
STRAWBERRY CREPE AND POISON MUSHROOM!!!!! All of us were stunned see them, their not supposed be here at all and If they were here the whole time who looked after them?!?!

As we continue to obverse them we found out that they were playing with the 'good cookie' kids, after awhile dark choco walk up to the children's like he was gonna murder them.

I know we're bad cookies but we wouldn't go that far well except poison mushroom bit their just dumb to realize their poisoning someone with mushroom.

Me and licorice just watch him going to the kids and then
Just patted poison mushroom on the head
WELL THAT WAS A DISAPPOINTED, I was yelling in my head but stop when licorice poke my back, I look at him and his confused face then looked at where dark choco and the children were at and they were just looking at me, creepy much. I just looked back when

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