chapter 7: new friends

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Cream puff pov🧙‍♀️

I've been noticing custard has been acting off these pass few days, he's been acting sadder now'n days, I mean I never really talked to him but he just seems he needs a friend to talk too 'maybe i should go talk to him' I thought 'b-but maybe I shouldn't bother him' it felt like there was a whole argument going on in my brain but stop when someone tap my shoulder.

I looked over and saw walnut and I immediately blushed, I mean I had the hugest crush on her but she was my bestie as well. "Whatcha doing" she asked "well-" I paused for a moment "custard has been looking down lately a-and I don't know what to do" "what ya mean" she looked at me confused "I don't if I should comfort me or not" I answered

"Well that isn't hard" she said "just go talk to him" as she pushed me forward to custard who was on the swing, I looked back at walnut who just gave me a thumbs up, I sigh before walking up to custard the iii. "Um hi" I shyly said.

"Oh! Hello my fateful comrad what your name?"

"Oh w-well I'm creampuff a-and I've noticed you've been acting off lately"

"What do mean?" He got up from the swing and looked at me, I got nevous like I didn't know what to even tho I do.

"You been looking a bit sadder t-then the other times I've seen you"

"I guess you're right"

He looks away from me.

"Hey why not come with me to meet a friend" he said, I was unsure at first but agreed "can I bring a friend i-if you don't mind" I ask and he nodded, I looked over to walnut and gesture to come over, and so she did.

Walnut pov🤎🌰

'We've been walking for HOURS!!!!!!!! Where is custard taking us?' I complained in my thoughts, 'why did I agree to this, this was a terrible idea' as I continue walking custard stop  and I was relieved. God where did he take us, I looked around to see a graveyard with adventurer and... THE DARK COOKIES there!?!? Oh god, papa never told me to go near the dark cookies so why? Why did custard bring us here, I looked over at creampuff who had a nervous expression as well "custard!!" I whispered "why did you bring us here there are dark cookie, t-they could hurt us we've have to leave"

Creampuff nodded as I took her sleeve and started pulling us away from there but creampuff wouldn't move at all. Turn to see what she was looking at but all I could see were other cookies "c-custard w-who i-is she" creampuff stuttered and pointing at literally nothing, "she the friend I was talking about" custard whispered back.
WTF are they talking about?????

Adventurer cookie pov🏞️

"We aren't together anymore" I said "so your divorce then" dark choco replied as I nodded "well after onion death, things hadn't been the same" I said as I picked up onion in my arms "I've fell out of love and she let me go"

"I also found out I was bi but more into males" I continued with left the other guys a little bit shock "daddy" onion said "yes sweetie"

"what does bi mean"
Shit, I forgot she still eight.

"We should get going now" dark choco said before leaving with the other people (people, cookies idk!?!?!). I walk inside of blackberry home so I can check up on her and it seems she's doing fine for the time being, I just hope she can keep the act up.

Walnut pov 🤎

Since the other people are gone I can finally see what custard and creampuff are looking at, I got closer to the gate with custard and creampuff but saw... nothing, like there was nothing there except tombstones and wilted trees.

"ONION!!" Custard whispered yelled "I want you to meet some friends" isn't onion the child that die when she only 6 or 7?

I looked at creampuff who had an eye wide expression while looking down, when I looked I saw
What are they looking at?

721 words

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