chapter 4: discovery

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Blackberry pov💜 (Yay a new pov)

"There's no one there child" I said

the kids looked at me with confusion in their eyes except for onion friend (strawberry crepe) they knew what was going on, "ma'am" the prince (custard) spoke breaking the silence "yes" "so are we allowed to stay at your place or no" asked the prince looking at me with worried eyes "I suppose but-" I got interrupted by a Yay from the children's. "What but Mrs, what do you mean their's no one there" the purple one said, it seems they don't understand my responses "their is someone with us she's right there" they whined, the other two cookie agreed with them and their weird accusation with someone being there when there is clearly not.

We were walking back to my place but three of the kids wouldn't stop bickering about someone being there, it's starting to piss me off, I turned around and children stop bickering "children please stop bickering to eachother it's giving me a headache" I spoke with a little angry tone "gosh your acting like my ex-husband" I whispered to myself and kept walking as the children's follow behind.

After awhile someone broke the silence "Mrs" turned around to see who spoke and my eyes landed on pancake cookie.

"yes child"

"What did you mean we're acting like your husband"

"It means you kids are acting crazy"

The kids were offended by my comment but it's true there was nobody there maybe the rumors are true but whatever.

Pancake cookie🥞

All of us were offended by mrs.blackberry comment so we just stayed quite untill we got to mrs.blackberry house, "wow you live in mansion, a scary one Infact" custard commented while we all looked at the huge mansion while mrs.blackberry went to the door and gesture us to come inside.

As we followed mrs.blackberry into her house I turned to see onion terrified upon seeing the mansion infront, I place my hand on her shoulder "onion are you scared?" I asked. She looked at me with tears streaming from her eyes but didn't say anything just walked into the house, "hey you can tell me onion we're friends right" I said but she kept walking into the house, I'm starting to get worried about her, maybe I should talk to custard about this.

Custard pov👑

Mrs.Blackberry said we can look around while she prepares beds for us that's nice, as I was looking in the living I found an interesting photo of Mrs.blackberry and her family but the faces of her husband and a smaller cookie were ripped out while her picture had a few rips on it and I know this might sound rude but that creepy like the ones in horror movies. I had a closer look and realized that
She was smiling, I mean you can barely see it but she was
What happened to her, she seems nothing like the one we know right now like at all, as I walk out of the room and went to the upstairs I heard crying from one of the rooms. I search through each room and came upon a room where mrs.blackberry kneeling down and crying and I think there was something in her hand but I couldn't see, "uh mrs.blackberry" I said and she shot up and probably wiped her face then looked at me with her usual cold face "ah yes prince did you need something" she asked, I wanted to say something but stuttered with my words. I didn't even see she went passed me I looked behind me and watched as mrs.blackberry walked away from the room.

I poke my head out of the room and looked left and right before moving my head back inside the room, I walked over where mrs.blackberry  was at and looked around to see what was going on and to solve a mystery of mrs.blackberry and what happened to her emotions.

"Come on!!!!" I yelled I've been searching for hours and haven't found anything about this mystery, I continue wondering through the halls of mrs.blackberry home. That when I come upon her room and curiousity got the better of me and I went inside. I started scattering a around the room search for any evidence while trying not to make a mess, I was looking under her bed and found a box so I took out and dusted it off bit to see
Onion name on it, so I opened the box to see a lot of pictures of onion cookie (I have finally added cookie to a name that isn't a pov). I rummage through the picture of onion just trying to figure this out when I saw a peculiar photo that said 'happy birthday darling' then it click into my mind , onion is mrs.blackberry daughter but then why
Why didn't she see her?!?! Her daughter was right infront of her so why.

"You don't know do you now" I turned to see strawberry crepe standing at the doorway looking me

"Don't know what"

"The fact that onion dead, the fact is that's just a ghost of her"

My face turned pale, was onion really dead and if so how do they know. My mind was filling in with questions like 'how do you know' or 'if she dead then how can I see her' and other stuff like that.

"I-I don't get it" I stuttered, they walk up to me and sat down then said "I don't really like talking about it" then got up "but you now know why mrs.blackberry doesn't see her" they said before leaving the room.

The intired I couldn't sleep at all, I just found out that my friend is dead, I needed to clear my mind so I left the room and went to the kitchen for some milk cause I needed it real bad. After leaving the kitchen when I saw blackberry in the living room crying again 'and here I thought she was emotionless' I thought, I walked up to her I could see onion next to her but didn't seem to notice her "mrs.blackberry" I whispered, she looked up at me "dear sh-shouldn't you be in bed" she stuttered "I actually wanted to know more about onions death.

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ghosty friend  (Discontinue)Where stories live. Discover now