chapter 9: headache

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"Is my daughter gonna be ok?"


"Yes she'll be just fine, she just had a sever head injury from falling on the ground too hard"

"Thank goodness"

"You must leave now, the visiting hours has ended for the day"

What's happening...?

Walnut pov*

What's going on....

My body feels heavy....

My head is throbbing....

Maybe I should just rest for awhile....

I don't how long I was in this state but soon my eyes started to flutter open. I saw that I was in a white room with a blinding light over my eyes. As I struggled to sit upwards I heard the door open. It was the nurse just checking in, once she noticed it was sitting she started to walk over to me.

"H-how are you f-feeling"

"Ok, my head still hurts but I'm ok"

"T-thats g-good"

"May I ask, what's your name?"

"O-oh, it's medicine a-and I'm this room's nurse. S-so I t-take of the patients h-here"

"Well for a nurse you do stutter alot"

Her face flushed pink through embarrassment. I giggled, soon I heard the door open again. It a was boney guy and I mean literally. He came walking towards me, his pen and clipboard in hand.
"You may take your leave medicine" he said and she nodded in response before taking her leave. After she left the room he looked at me before sitting on the chair the nurse used.

"Hello walnut, I'm dr.bones and I be doing a check up before you father comes in here to ask you some questions" he said. Why would my dad be needed in this? Is he here to pick me up or something?
Before I could say anything I was hush by the doctor as he started his check up.


3rd person*

Almond was at the hospital lobby with the coffee siblings latte and espresso waiting for them to get called in.
"So why do want us here??" Espresso asked,
"What do mean" almond ask in confusion. The two men looked at eachother confused until latte giggled.

"Latte, what is the meaning of this!???!!" Espresso spoken loudly. "Well I may or may not need help with something that has to do with walnut"

Espresso was more confused but before he could say why they were called into the room.

They walked inside room, walnut was sitting up looking where the door is. Almond smirked as he walk over to his daughter.
"Hey kiddo, how have you been doing lately" he said patting her on the head.

"I've been doing good, I just have a small headache that's all" she said with a bright smile. Soon latte came over and crouch to be at her level.

"My student creampuff said that you fainted after her friend started crying, onion was it not"

Walnut tilted her head in confusion while espresso and almond stared at her in shocked, 'didn't that girl died years ago' espresso thought.

"Don't tell me your going crazy as well!" Walnut Stammered which gave latte a bit of a surprise. "What do you mean by that?" Latte ask.

"Cream puff, custard and two cookies of darkness kept trying to prove that their friend is real but all they did was talk to air" she complained.
"Walnut, thank you for explaining but what were you guys doing near cookies of darkness" her father question but she couldn't give an answer.
"Let's change the topic, walnut did you see anything before you past out?" Latte asked. Walnut had a long thought process but everything was so blurry it gave her a bigger headache. She shook her head not able to give an answer.

Soon the door opened again and a little kid head popped out. It was cream puff, she came here with....a certain cookie of darkness.
Espresso moved out of the way in shocked as latte and almond stood up ready to attack.

"No no, please don't attack h-he's with me. I promise"


Cream puff pov*

I stood infront of him like a shield. I wasn't gonna let anyone harm him!!!

"Cream puff what do you think your doing, come here this instance!!! That is a dangerous person" professor latte yelled but I didn't move one bit. "Please hear him out first, please!!" I beg but they didn't listen. Professor espresso grabbed my arm and pulled me away from my position and held me in a defenseless state.
"I suggest you leave now, dark prince...." Professor espresso demanded. He didn't move a muscle, he just stood there emotionless.

"He isn't gonna harm anyone, he just came for a answers" I pled, trying not to let anything happen to dark choco. Suddenly I felt a tug on my skirt, I looked down to see onion on the verge of tears. I almost forgot she came with us. Out of nowhere latte attacked, before she can cast the spell onion started crying. Espresso hands fell off me as he struggled to co-op with some sort of headache. Actually everyone in the room started to lose some strength, all except me and dark choco. Dark choco seems to be shock from what he is witnessing. But I remember a few weeks ago the same thing happened to walnut before she ended up in the hospital. We both looked at onion who was continually crying, her tears stained her the cloth of her plushy.

We both looked at eachother before heading out of the room looking for help. But everyone looked weakened like they just came back from war.

"Cream puff, you go check upstairs while I go check on the near by forest and the kingdom" dark choco demanded, I nodded in response as we took our seperate ways.


Dark choco pov*

I left the hospital and scurried to the forest where some of the animals were. I was making sure how far onions cry can go. It seems that there's a certain radius from her to the people. I made it to the forest just to be greeted by a falling wolf. It must of gotten to them, I went towards the wolf. It was quite a big one but I managed to move to a nearby tree and layed them on the stem.

I thought I've seen all the surprises but I was wrong. The wolf slowly transform into a person, almost my height just a bit smaller. I looked at where the wolf had fallen and marked it with my sword by drawing a line. Then I went back to the hospital knowing how far the wave can go.


Cream puff pov.

I ran upstairs to see if any of the people signs of weakness. I ran upstairs to be introduced to cold air and a fainted nurse. "M-ma'am a-are you ok" when I didn't get a response, I just ignored it. I looked up and the walls were covered in frost from head to toe.

"IS ANYONE THERE" I screamed and again I didn't get a response. At this point I was getting worried. I wanted dark choco, I can't do this alone. "It's ok creampuff, you got this. You just need to muster up the courage to do so" with that motivational quotes I said to myself. I muster up that courage and 1...2...3.......
I can't do it!!!!!!!! I'm just a scaredy cat who can't do anything without an adult.

I stared at the frosty unknown.

What happening to the hospital......

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