chapter 8: write

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(🎊Yay I'm back🎊)

*Cream puff*

"c-custard w-who i-is she" I stuttered and pointing at the little girl.

"She's the friend I was talking about"

What was she doing near the dark cookies, they could hurt her or even do something worser then that. Before I could even do something custard jumped the fence and started running towards them.

"What is he doing, he's gonna get himself killed" walnut stammered, without thinking. I jumped the fence as well which left walnut shocked in place.
I kept running after him in such a creepy place, but stop after he tackled one of the dark cookies making them both fall down.

The purple one with a mushroom hat looked at before giving me a childish smile and waving at me. I had no words or action what-so-ever, I was just confused.
Just then they waltz right up to me, grab my arm and shaked it intensely. Now I'm just more confused, they introduced themselves as poison mushroom. I gave a little smile then looked behind them to face the little girl, she was hugging a plushy and.....was she bleeding from the head, I got so caught up being concerned that I didn't know the custard and the pink hair one got up.

" Staring isn't polite creampuff" custard said snapping me back into reality "ah, sorry" I apologized feeling stares around me.

"Anyways strawberry crepe this is creampuff, creampuff-strawberry crepe" custard introduced us to eachother, but it was pretty clear that we didn't trust eachother so much. But still, half of my attention went to the little girl.
"So, who the little girl" I asked

"Oh, her name is........" He mumbles at the last.

"Excuse me but what did you say" I asked again and he mumbles again.

"Her name onion"

I look at strawberry crepe and nodded.

"I swear to god, there is no one there"


"Walnut pov*

" Walnut!, What are you talking about" creampuff stammered.

"There's literally no one there, I've been watching you guys talk to air like there's some one there" I said in defense, I looked over at custard.

"And you! I dunno what nonsense you've been putting in my bff head but your crazy" I said in despite, I haven't gotten an answer yet but his jaw drop in surprised, so were pinky hair kid. "I thought every kid could see her but I guess not" pinky hair says. We all stayed silent until someone got an idea or something, idk.

Custard came back with a paper and.....pencil? What would that do and what!?!? Are they trying prove, this is getting ridiculous, I watch as custard talk to air and pointing at the stupid piece of paper.
Then I saw something that I could never forget, the pencil floated In the air and began to write something, when it was done the pencil dropped and the paper started floating,  'helo, my name is onion, and I am a gost (I tried making it looked like a child wrote it)' was scribble oni it and fails writing the word 'ghost' but I was too shock, there has to be something behind this.

"Ha ha, very funny now stop hallucinating, there's obviously just a piece of string holding them to make it look like it's floating, and if there was a ghost which there is none they didn't even know haw to spell 'ghost'"

"Now that was just rude to say to and eight year old ghost"

Strawberry crepe and I kept on arguing while the others just watched, but just then I heard the other trying to calm someone down, I shortly looked over and there was still nothing, not until I looked down at the paper , strawberry crepe shortly ran over there  but I was still stunned, water droplets fell onto the paper even tho it was not raining. Just then my head started to get heavier...

And heavier...

And heavier-




"Idiot, quit faking being past out"

"Crepe that isn't funny......."

After that line, everything started to shut down.

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