chapter 2: memory

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warning: there will be hurtful words and bullying

---------memory sequence-

*Where they first met*

???: Ya go run off you brats

Random Kid: no wonder why you have no friends *runs away and cries*

???: Heh friends who needs friends anyways *hears noise* heh more people to torment how fun *runs towards the kids to torment them*

Kid 1: oh look, it's the loser loner, come here to cry to your mommy oh wait you don't have one do you now

???: ...

Kid 2: boo hoo hoo, why don't you go back from where ever you came from dor-

???: *Chokes kid 2* don't ever bring that up again or I will destroy you *throws kid 2 against the wall*

Kid 1: *runs towards kid 2* you little freak, you could of killed him you are gonna get your karma for what happened here it could anywhere and anytime and this is just a warning *grabs kid 2 and runs away with him*

???: Heh what a loser, karma isn't real

????: T-thank you

???: Huh *turns around to see a little girl*

????: I-I said t-thank you

???: Ok listen here dork, I didn't do this to save you and I didn't even know you where even here

????: b-but you still saved me even i-if you didn't notice me

???: Ugh whatever *walks away*

????: W-wait can I at least know your name

???: *Stop and turns around* it's strawberry crepe cookie and you

????: It's onion cookie

*The promise*

Onion cookie: hey strawberry crepe

Strawberry crepe: ya what is it

Onion: will you always protect me when there's danger?

Strawberry crepe: huh what that's supposed to mean of course will I promise

Onion: r-really!

Strawberry crepe: yep pinky swear, and your also my frist friend of course so ya I will always protect you

Onion: *giggles* thank you

Strawberry crepe: no probs

*The incident*

Strawberry crepe: *walking to onion house when an ambulance rushed by* huh did something happened * runs after the ambulance and arrives at onion house* what's going on *runs through they crowed and under the yellow tape*

Police 1: hey hey kid get back here right now, hey kid did you hear me!

Strawberry crepe: *runs into the house to if anything happened* Oh no no no no
*Runs towards the fallen chandelier where onion family, some doctors and people are when a police man grabs them* hey hey! Let me go now please *struggles to get out of the police grasp*

Police 1: kid you're not supposed to be here only family and doctors are aloud

Strawberry crepe mind: 'no no no no I promise to protect you always and I failed, heh I guess this is karma for me' *they stop trying*

*At the funeral*

Strawberry crepe: *looks down at onion dead Body and hold her hand* I swore I would protect you but I failed, if I was there sooner you would of been saved *cries, walks away from Onion and bumps into the bullies*

Kid 2: heh looks like karma got you real hard now did it, why don't you go die in a ditch

Kid 1: hey that's a little two far now plus he just been to a funeral

Kid 2: SHUT UP KID 1! I'm gonna make you wish you were never born

Strawberry crepe: * kid 2 beats them up while kid 1 watched in horror* ugh get off me *punches kid 2 off of them* fuck both of you bitches * runs away*

------end of memory sequence

Strawberry crepe pov🍓

I woke up with sweat dripping off my face 'Ugh that stupid memory again why couldn't have gone away like all my other memories and why this one' I thought while wiping the sweat off my face, it's been awhile since pm (poison mushroom) went on a walk with licorice god it was so boring with out them. I got off my bed and was about to go to my machine lab when some one knocked on my door I wasn't be expecting some one so I opened the door to see pm, "Hellllllllo  crepe" pm said "hey pm howz ya walk been" I asked in curiousity.

They explained the whole story they even mention the smallest details but one part interest me the most "wait wait you made a friend at the graveyard who would even go there" I said jokingly "yeeaahh she was scared at first but warmed up to me a bit" they explained "wow what an adventure sooooo can you tell me what she looked liked or what's her name" I said with curiousity, they had a long thought process probably trying to remember what she looked liked until they said that stunned me for life "I think her name was onion cookie"...

...onion c-cookie... That name kept repeating in my mind over and over again until....

"Crepe are you ookkk" pm said looking worried that snapped me out of my mind and I felt water coming from my face "creeeepe are you ookkk you're crying" I touch my face and they were right but I couldn't hold it anymore I Brust out crying my head off.

Poison mushroom pov🍄

I was trying to comfort them but they kept mumble words like 'i failed her' and 'i promise to protect her' I didn't know what they were talking about but I was really worried cause their my friend I had so many questions for them, after awhile they stop whining but tears kept falling down then they looked at me "hheeyy why don't we go on a walk to clear our minds for a bit" I say "right now!" Crepe says in surprise "yup"
"Alrighty then" they say as I escorted them to the woods.

Strawberry crepe pov🍓

We've been walking for a awhile now and the sun is starting to set "hey um pm are we going in the right direction" I said to pm concerned "honestly I don't know" they answered which freak me out, we're kids we can't find the way home all alone oh god this was a terrible idea "hey don't worry too much we're almost there" they said calmly "and how do you know for sure" I ask "there was shroomies I pulled out from the ground and these seem like the same ones I pulled out" they pointed out and continue walking, after walking for some time now we finally mange to get to the graveyard They gesture to follow them and that's what I did "onion where are you I've brought a friend" they called out but no one responded. I was about to say something but got cut off short by a little girl voice " poison mushroom cookie this is rather a late visit" she poked her head out from behind the tombstone looked at pm then at me in shock "s-strawberry crepe" onion stuttered in shock "onion" I said back, I was about to run up to her when "HEY WHAT ARE YOU TWO BAD COOKIES DOING NEAR OUR FRIEND!!!"

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