chapter 3

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Custard cookie III👑

I was playing with pancake cookie in the park when I spotted two of the cookie of darkness coming out of the forest nearby and going to the graveyard where our friend was, I snapped out of my thoughts when pancake poked my back "hey custard you've been starring off a in space" pancake said "sorry pancake I just saw two cookies of darkness heading to where onion is, I think we should go check it out" I say and run towards the graveyard while pancake followed behind.

Third person pov

"Hey chilli" rye said "what is it" "your kid uh disappeared..."
... "WHAT!?!?" Chilli pepper yelled then looked where pancake and custard where playing "oh fu-".

Pancake cookie pov🥞

Me and custard were peaking behind the fence watching the two cookies of darkness and oh boy was it boring "custard can you tell me why we are doing this again" I question "two cookies of darkness are heading towards onion, I scared if they are going to hurt her" he replied. We continue to to watch them until "s-strawberry crepe" onion stuttered "onion" the pink hair one said then ran towards onion.

I think custard was right, I poke my head out of our hiding place "HEY WHAT ARE YOU TWO BAD COOKIES DOING NEAR OUR FRIEND!!!" I yelled out and they all looked at me maybe I shouldn't have done that "pancake, c-custard were you there the w-whole t-time" onion said in shocked. Me and custard climb over the fence and runs towards onion, I placed my hands on her shoulders "onion those are bad cookies custard told me so" I said. Onion looked confused "we're not gonna hurt her if that's what you thought" the pink hair cookie said.

Strawberry crepe pov 🍓

They both looked at me and I started to sweat a little bit "and how are we supposed to believe you" custard said glaring at me 24/7, "sheee's our friend too" pm said.

We've been bickering like forever when "can you kids stop bickering to eachother please we're in a graveyard" somebody says which startled all of us, except onion for some reason...weird. we all looked at the person and I immediately recognized them "aren't you onion mother" I said then she looked at me considering that she'd seen me before "you are my daughter friend the one who came running towards us correct" she says coldly, they all looked at me confused I can't blame tho them for not knowing our history together "mrs.blackberry how do you know that bad cookie" said the cookie wearing in a onesie pointed at me but she didn't respond it was just silence.

"Uh mrs.blackberry" custard said breaking the silence "do you mind if the five of us stay at your place for the night it's getting close to midnight" custard mentioned and I was surprised he even consider me and pm, we all looked at her waiting on for an answer buy all she did was tilt her head in confusion then responded "sorry I've must heard wrong prince (she calls custard the iii prince since he has royal blood) there's only four of you children" that sentence shocked them well except me and onion "buuuuttt Mrs she's right there" pm pointed at onion but she just got more confused but still kept her emotionless face (how did they know... I have no clue) "there's no one there child".

591 words (I can't think of a title)

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