chapter one: truth comes out

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Licorice pov✡️

"Can you follow me please" me and pomegranate looked at each other confused but still agreed, what's with dark choco?, Me and pomegranate followed dark choco to his room, "so are you gonna tell us something or what" pomegranate said with an annoyed tone and I can't blame her for wanting to why he wanted to talk to us "you've been acted strange when poison mushroom mention their friend name" pomegranate pointed out "I'll tell you when ge-" "no" I intervin with dark choco sentence "you're gonna tell us what you were gonna tell us right now" I said annoyed "I said I'll tell you when we get there" dark choco said with anger "no licorice is right you are gonna tell us right now and I can't believe I just agreed with licorice" she yelled and honestly I can't believe she agreed with me "I said what I said! Do I need to repeat myself!" dark choco yelled. We had a long ass argument until dark choco said something that stunned us "POISON MUSHROOM FRIEND IS DEAD!! ugh there I said it" dark choco yelled then silence....what the actual fuck.

Dark choco pov🖤🍫

I looked at the two stunned cookie dead in the eye until I heard "pfft do you really we'll believe you" pomegranate laugh, I looked pomegranate straight in the eye then at licorice who looked liked he kinda knew what I was talking about "licorice did you see poison mushroom friend" I said directly at him "u-uh" "licorice yes or no" I said while I give him a stern look "no!! I did not see his 'friend'" licorice yelled in response, I looked at pomegranate again who looked terrifying confused "I-I still don't believe you" pomegranate said "you wouldn't believe in anything licorice would say would you, well then why don't we go there for ourselves" I say looking at pomegranate who was silent at first but agreed "well then we'll go tomorrow ok" pomegranate said and ended it a smile.

345 words

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