chapter 6: ghost cookie

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(if a friend of mine reads this then... Who cares my book!!!!!! I type this shit HAHAHA 😈)

Pomegranate pov🪞

"AGH!!!!!!" I Yelp, everyone looked at me and licorice was about to laugh his head off, it felt like the whole kingdom had eyes on me but I didn't care all I wanted to know is what fucking touch me.

"WHAT THE FUCK TOUCHED ME!?!?!" I yelled, it felt so cold like ice on my skin (idk what to say) poison mushroom and the onesie one looked at me confused while dark choco and strawberry crepe looked plain and custard looked worried but why? "What are talking about its just onion giving you a hug" said onesie (pancake, look reader she doesn't know who he is ok), WTF is this child talking about there is no one there I swear.

"WTF are you saying there is one there kid" I yelled "is this what you meant when you said poison mushroom friend is DEAD!?!??" The two kids (poison mushroom and pancake) looked shock, so wait those two kids didn't know... Oh I fucked up real bad.

Dark choco 🍫

I smack my face.

I looked at poison mushroom and the onesie one who were practically crying on the inside then looked at strawberry crepe and custard...

"Crepe, you're holding hand's with your rival" I asked, strawberry crepe looked down to their hand's then quickly remove their hand out of custard grasp. 'were they blushing' I thought but I ignore it.

Pomegranate was still panicking about how much she fucked up while licorice was laughing his head off, look we maybe working for dark enchantress cookie but we aren't that evil. "Issss this true dark choco" poison mushroom said with a sad face but all I could do is stare and nod it hurt me to see poison mushroom realizing their friends is gone. with that said they ran to onion hugging her, so did the other cookie children, I looked up to see licorice cookie still laughing at pomegranate but he was lucky that pomegranate calmed down a bit. she looked at me "dark choco" she said "how did you know about this" she gave me a cold stare waiting for me to answer her question.

before I could say two cookies walked out of the creepy looking house.

pomegranate pov🪞

before dark choco could answer two cookies came out, a cookie who was patch up with bandages and...

I instinly blush when a saw the other cookie she was really beautiful if i'm gonna be honest, she had purple hair and a black dress which made her galaxy eyes stand out (idk what to say). she looked at all of us but when her eyes landed on me my heart skip a beat, I covered my face with my sleeve hoping she wouldn't see "are you here to pick up a cookie or your just here to see the graveyard" she asked " yes and no" I responded.

"we didn't know crepe and poison mushroom would be here actually" dark choco continue my sentace but instead of answering she turned to custard "chili here to pick you up prince" she said, who's prince
eh, whatever.

the kid group hug ended, custard and the onesie cookie left. then she turned to dark choco and bow down saying "it's nice to see you again sir" the adventurer panic but bow down eventually, "please no need to be formal lady blackberry" dark choco said, the two cookies came up but I was so confused was the pretty woman a maid or...

"I see you've gotten better, your lost was..." dark choco paused "unfortunate" what did he mean by 'your lost' but whatever he said made the two cookies step back. I looked over at licorice cookie hoping he knew what was happening but sadly he didn't, I looked back at blackberry who had a cold but sorrowed face while the patched up (adventurer cookie) cookie was panic, he looked over to blackberry and said "how about you go inside for a bit" she nodded, i'm not gonna lie I was a bit worried.

adventurer pov🏞️

I watched as blackberry ran insde, I knew she was gonna cry but she didn't want anyone to see her doing so. I looked over to prince dark choco "c-can you see her too" I stutter, the red and emo looking cookie looked confused while prince dark choco nodded and oh boy was I relived to see someone else could see onion.

"how was your wife holding" prince dark choco ask, I scratch the back of my neck "well..." I paused and looked at the red cookie who looked like she was gonna destroy me.

"We aren't together anymore".

797 words

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