Chapter 3

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Francis and Kory have been hanging out a bunch since they found each other again, both of them have been learning new things about each other throughout the three months they've been talking.

Like Francis learned that Kory plays the electric guitar and he's in a band, Kory learned that Francis was playing for their college's basketball team. Kory promised that he would go to one of Francis's games to support him.

On Friday the two boys walked to their class, ever since they found out that their last class of the day was the same. "So, Francis, what are you doing tomorrow?" Kory asked bluntly. "Hmm nothing I'm pretty sure. Why?" Francis looked to Kory waiting for an answer.

"Well, do you wanna learn how to play guitar?" Kory faces Francis with a smile on his face. "oOO that sounds really fun, I'd love to." Francis starts to feel his cheeks heat up, but decides it was just the weather.

The boys get to class and sit next to each other, both just happy to be in each other's presence even if class was miserable. The weekend arrives, Francis shows up at Kory house, the same house that he knew; cause Kory never left.

He fixes himself, kind of anxious but he ignores it and rings the doorbell. Francis was greeted by korys mother, who was still looking more beautiful than ever.

"Oh hello Francis! You've grown so much, you're so much more handsome now!" Kory's mom exclaimed with a big smile on her face, she welcomed him into the house.

"It great to see you Ms. Gilmore, I've really missed this place, and you look beautiful Ms. Gilmore. You really aged well." Francis really did mean all the things he said but at the same time he was just sucking up to Kory's mother, he loved moms; not like that of course🙄, but they were always so sweet.

"Korys in his room upstairs, same place it's always been. I'll be in the living room, have fun!" Ms. Gilmore calls out since Francis was at the top of the stairs at that point.

"Got it!" he yells in response, he chuckles to himself, Korys door still hasn't changed; dark red and blue hand cut paper butterflies and a sign that read "Kory's Room" written in childish handwriting were still taped to the door.

Francis knocks on the door, "Come in!" Kory yells from the other side of the door. Francis walks in, to see Kory on his bed with his guitar in a 'Ready to Play' position.

Francis drops his bag in the corner of the room and sits next to Kory on his bed, as Kory takes off his guitar and hands it to him.

"Okay so I'm thinking of teaching you a simple song, one I learned when I first got my guitar." Kory starts off. "Damn ok getting right into business, what song is it?" Francis asks.

Kory responds, "How about the Adventure time theme song? As childish as it sounds, it's pretty easy. It was one of the songs I first learned on the guitar." he says pointing to the guitar. "Alright! Let's do this!" Francis says in a determined tone, not realizing how difficult this was going to be.

After an hour and a half, Francis falls onto Korys bed in frustration after failing MULTIPLE TIMES. "It's fine Francis, you did pretty good and almost got it right, you're just mixing up some notes. But you're doing better than I expected!" Kory says, trying to cheer Francis up. "UGH my fingers hurt.. so much.." Francis groans out, annoyed.

"I mean yeah you haven't really developed any calluses on your fingers and you've been playing for an hour and a half so your fingers are bound to hurt." he says in a soft tone, noticing that Francis was frustrated and didn't want to add more fuel to the flame.

Kory takes the guitar from Francis's lap, "Here why don't I play some songs I know, and you can rest your fingers, yeah?" he says softly and tilting his head a bit. "Yeah ok.." Francis sits up, and mumbles loud enough for Kory to hear.

Kory plays at most three songs that he knew by heart, Francis just stared at him, he looked so peaceful and ethereal playing the guitar; doing what he loves. After he played the whole song of 'Francis Forever', Francis got motivation from hearing Kory play.

"Okay I think I'm ready to play again.." Francis states softly, still staring at Kory. "Ok then, here you go." Kory looks down at Francis, but quickly looks away as he gives the guitar to Francis.

Francis gets in position to play and yet again, he gets it wrong- "PFTT- BAHHAHAHHAH" Kory burst out in laughter, Francis looks at him slightly annoyed but also finding it funny. "I don't know how b-but HAHAHA you played the among us sus song on a-accident!" Kory falls back onto the bed holding his stomach from laughing to hard, his eyes tearing up.

Francis starts laughing as well and falls into the bed, both trying to catch their breaths. It really wasn't that funny but it's one of those situations where you laugh uncontrollably at something stupid.

After calming down Francis tried doing the sequence of notes again, he failed at least 3 more times before the one specific try. Once Francis finished playing the song, a short silence filled the room. Francis looks up from the guitar to look at Kory, "I.. I DID IT!?"

"HaHa yeah you did! I'm so proud of you!" Kory says bouncing on the bed grabbing Francis's hands in excitement. The boys with stupid smiles on their faces celebrated Francis's musical victory.

They looked into each other's eyes, and suddenly Francis kissed him. Kory kisses back, but they immediately pull away with wide eyes realizing what just happened between the two.

"I.. I have to go now!" Francis gets up his face bright red, he hurriedly leaves the room, at this point not caring about leaving his stuff. Kory just sat there, frozen in shock with his hand over his mouth, he didn't even chase after him.

Francis quickly says his "goodbyes" to Korys mom, and leaves the house; thank God Francis still had his keys in his pocket and he drove back to his apartment. Both the boys re-think their actions, both definitely not sleeping properly that night.

Hiiii how was that? Thoughts on their relationship? What do you think? ANYWAYS make sure you take care of yourself, drink water and eat <3

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