The Masquerade Ball

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Gilbert House

Jeremy and Matt are helping aunt Jenna into the house as me and my twin Elena are trailing behind with all of our bags and Jenna's get well flowers. Kitty Kat decided to compel Jenna to stab her self with a big ass kitchen knife because Elena and Stefan were still fucking around even though she told them not to. This would all be so much easier if Katherine loved Damon instead of Stefan. You know since he was obsessed with her for 100 something years. Apparently Katherine had compelled Jenna to also be her little spy.

"Easy, Grab the door Jer," Matt says

"Hey stop fussing, I'm fine." Jenna says while holding a hand where she stabbed herself yesterday.

"Jenna you had a knife in your stomach 24 hours ago. Your not fine." I say to Jenna with a don't argue with me look on my face.

"The doctors said that you have to take it easy." Elena says

"Yeah, you don't want to rip your stitches, hemorrhage and die, alright?"

"Yeah, the only thing I'm gonna die from is embarrassment."

"I'm going to put the food in the fridge don't drop her," I say then walk into the kitchen. Honestly I didn't hate Katherine before this. Sure she cut off my biological fathers fingers and stabbed him in the stomach but to be honest he's a douche and totally deserved it for killing all the vampires. I mean kill the ones that are a threat sure but to kill Anna, Peral and Harper. Ugh they were just trying to live as normal of a life possible for a vampire kinda family. Damon and Stefan have there own issues with her. What she did to them was messed up with the whole pretending to love Damon and making Stefan drink her blood thing. I don't really care what she does as long as she doesn't mess with the people I care about. Selfish of me sure but the bitch is a vampire its in her nature to drink peoples blood and kill them just don't do it to me and all will be jolly. But she killed Caroline and now tried with my aunt. The bitch needs to be put down. Elena and Jeremy come into the kitchen and Jeremy asks "So what are we gonna do?"

"Make lunch," Elena says I send a bitch please look to her "No, about Katherine."

"We're not gonna do anything, Jeremy."

"Elena she killed Caroline and tried to kill Jenna. The bitch isn't going to stop until she's put down. We cant let her get away with this shit. She's just going to keep killing people we care about until she gets whatever she wants."

"Yes we can. If it keeps us safe then we can."
"And what if she tries something else?" My point exactly.

"She won't. Katherine hurt Jenna because I didn't do what she said. I'm doing it now, me and Stefan are over. She wins, the end."

I sigh then say "She cut off Johns fingers for no reason what makes you think she's going to be all sunshine and rainbows now."

"Exactly, Elena you are being naïve and you know it. Lets go Eva" Jeremy says and I start following him out of the kitchen toward the front door.

"Where are you going?" Elena shouts at us.

"Out. Well be back." He shouts back. We walk out of our house and start walking to the car. I get into the passenger seat and he gets into the driver seat. I get my phone out of my cross body bag that I kept on and see a text from Damon.

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