Let Me Out!

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"Niklaus let me out of this shitty ass apartment before I stab you again!" All I want is to get rid of this stupid headache and see Elijah. I'm currently in the kitchen throwing shit at him, he's so annoying with his fast reflexes. I haven't hit him once and I've thrown all of Alaric's silverware at him!
"My love you can't even hit me with bloody silverware what makes you think you can stab me?" I'm so sick of his annoying and beautiful face. I pick up a kitchen knife and pull my arm back to throw it at him but as I'm about the throw it he zooms over grabbing it from my hands.
"Stupid vampire zooming. Can't you just let me go? I won't interfere with your Puppy mosquito ritual thingy. I have plans tonight that I was very much looking forward to!"
"With Elijah?" How does he know about that? Stupid dreams, I really can't have any privacy from these originals ugh! I sigh in annoyance then sit on the couch.
"How much do you know about Elijah and I? Do I get any privacy?"
"I have seen you two getting very close lately." He says with a knowing smirk. Oh shit please tell me he didn't see me and Elijah doing the nasty. Oh God please no. I lay down and stick my face into a pillow and let out a scream. Yes I am dramatic deal with it. Okay I'm going to erase that from my information. God I'm still bleeding from punching that stupid magic wall.
"If you want some blood all you have to do is ask." I roll my eyes at Him.
"Yeah I'm going to have to decline, anytime I drink Elijah's I get very horny and I'm mad at you. Kitty Kat can I have a sip?" She shrugs biting into her wrist, I latch my lips onto her wrist and take a few small sips. I feel my cuts heal and my witch headache go away, I pull away grimacing.
"Thank you." I say still trying to get over the taste. I walk over to the fridge for something to drink and his fridge is completely empty. I turn toward Niklaus.
"If you are going to keep me hostage the least you could do is make sure there's food and drinks here! Kitty Kat was way better at taking care of me and I'm not fated to her." I mumble the last part.
"I have my witches fetching your necessities. They are also getting you cloths so that I don't have to see you in another man's cloths."
"Well I would ask for yours if we were on better terms. Can you please uncompel Kat? I feel super awkward with her just sitting here and not saying anything." Niklaus then zooms over and snaps her neck. "God damnit Niklaus! Not what I meant!"

It is the next day I have just been sleeping on and off this whole time. Niklaus did bring me food and clothing as he said he would. I keep seeing Elijah in the Salvawhore house with the scooby gang, they must be making there plan to kill Niklaus. I may be mad at him but I still don't want him to die. Katherine has been going a little stir crazy. I can tell she fears what Niklaus will to do her for her fucking the ritual up the first time. I'm currently examining Alaric's box of vampire killing weapons when I hear the front door open. I look over and see Alaric, "Alaric, go away no one wants you here."
"This is my house Eva." I roll my eyes and continue examining a gun with a stake in it. Katherine then looks to the front door and says, "Look who's dumb enough to come back."
"Well, somebody had to invite him in. Damon. Would you like to, uh, come in?" Oh hell no, now is time for me to get my revenge for him throwing me and Elijah in that cell. Damon steps into the house and Katherine zooms in front of him.
"Are you trying to get me killed?" Damon zooms her into the wall his back facing me. 
"I gave you vervain, now I'm here to collect. I got it from here, Ric."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, only one of us needs to get blamed for this. Get back in the house. Keep Elena from handing herself over." Alaric says okay then leaves and I lift the gun trying to aim at Damon's heart. I pull the trigger and it goes into his arm instead, he hisses in pain crouching down and Katherine kicks him in the face sending me a smirk. 
"Your lucky my aim sucks Demon, that's for Elijah you dick." I aim at his heart again but it goes into his other arm.
"And that's for man handling my granny." I throw the gun onto the floor then go into the kitchen grabbing a apple. I sit on the counter while taking a bite. Katherine rips the stakes out of Damon's arms which causes him to cry out in pain. Once he has recovered he rushes over to me wrapping his hands around my throat pushing me against the tile in the kitchen. "Kinky Demon, snap my neck and I'll just come back to haunt you with an Original vampire and original hybrid on my side." I choke out while trying to breath. I feel his grip on me disappear and look up to see Katherine is holding him by him neck up against a wall. Much like Damon was just holding me. I stand up and see my apple on the floor, damn that bitch made me waste food. I throw the apple away then grab a banana instead and sit in my previous spot.
"Get blamed for what?" Kitty Kat asks him.
"I need to know where Klaus is keeping his werewolf."
"Why? What are you going to do?"
"Dead werewolf equals no ritual."
"No. You can't interfere, Damon. Klaus will kill you and everyone you've ever met."
"I just need to delay this thing."
"No. No way."
"You should like this. It's going to buy another month of your pathetic life."
"Right. Except that I'm not the vampire he's planning on sacrificing."
"Yeah. He's got Caroline Forbes and Tyler Lockwood. Therefore, I'm in the clear." Well that's news to me. Me and Caroline used to be close but once she became a vampire she seemed to distance her self from me and got closer to Elena.
"And where'd he get that idea from?" He goes up to Katherine aggressively and she hold her hands up in surrender.
"Hey! Hey, hey, hey, I'm just trying to stay alive long enough to get myself out of here."
"What if I told you Elena had vampire blood in her system?"
"What?!" Me and katherine both yell at the same time.
"Imagine how much fun that will be competing with Elena for Stefan's love for, I don't know, forever."
"The tomb. He's got them in the tomb." God Katherine really needs to move on, I mean she's worse than Damon was with her.
"Thank you." Damon the turns away to walk out the door.
"Wait Damon can you pleaseeee do me a favor and if you see Elijah tell him I'm being held hostage but I'm okay and I'll make it up to him." I question in a sickly sweet voice. He glares at me. "No." Then he zooms away, I know I just shot him twice but he really is a dick.

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