Nap time

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I stayed the night at Elijah's hotel last night, nothing else happened last night just cuddles. Who would have thought Elijah sleeps in just his underware? Honestly I thought he slept in a button up with his suit pants still on. He gave me his button up to sleep in, jokes on him he isn't getting it back. Currently Elijah is snuggled up to my back still asleep. I had the best night of sleep, I had a dream of Niklaus again, he was talking to a beautiful dark skinned women with curly black hair. I wonder who she was? I should probably bring Katherine some blood today, its been a few days. I feel Elijah start to wake up his grip tightens on me. 

"Good morning Lijah." I roll over and press a kiss to his nose. He grabs the back of my head and brings me into a passionate kiss. When he pulls away I feel all tingly, "Good morning my beautiful angel." 

"Do you have any blood bags here I can steal?"

"So you can take them to Katerina?" 

"How did you know about that? I said she was my grandmother."

"I saw it in my sleep dear, you should not help her. She does not deserve your kindness." I scoff at him. "Why because you are the reason she's still in there?" I have a smirk on my face as does he.

"No because she tried to kill those you care about."  I laugh.

"I feel bad, is she a bitch yes but I don't want her to suffer for the rest of her life." Elijah then gets out of bed. "Come back, you're so warm," I whine and pout.

"I have a tour with Jenna of the historical sights of Mystic Falls in an hour. Will you accompany me?"

"What can Jenna tell you about Mystic Falls that you don't already know? Don't tell me your crushing on her Lijah, she's a taken women." He pulls me out of bed before handing me my pants from yesterday, I roll my eyes at him before putting them on. 
"I assure you I am not as you put it "crushing" on her. Her irresistible niece on the otherhand." He then presses a kiss to my lips.
"Lijah what are you trying to find."

" The location where witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes in a field together and, uh, burned."

"Let me guess, your witch needs to harness the power that was left by their deaths." Elijah nods to me in conformation before turning to open the closet in his room. In the closet there are a bunch of suits that all look the same. "Unless you have women's cloths in that closet we will have to stop at my house." 

"I do not, perhaps we could change that?" Elijah looks at me with a loving look.

"I would love that."


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