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Me and Kitty Kat are currently laying on Alaric's bed watching Mean Girls. Yesterday she watched the whole Twilight saga with me! I feel like we've been in this shitty box for weeks. It's been two days since I had the dream of Elijah sparing Niklaus, when I woke up I told Katherine and she was very mad. I am very happy, they're both alive and that's all I care about.
"Hello Katherine, Eva." I turn my head and see Stefan walking toward us I send him a friendly wave and turn my attention back to the screen. Katherine then gets up, I groan and close the laptop getting up with her.
"Two days, I've been waiting. I'm supposed to be free of Klaus' compulsion by now. He's supposed to be dead!" Katherine complains.
"We ran into complications."
"Doesn't really matter. I just need to find him. Do you have any idea where he might be?" Katherine them zooms Stefan into a wall, I hear the door opening and see the person I have been missing.
"Lijah!" I yell and run wrapping him into a hug.
"I knew you wouldn't go through with it! I missed you!" I press a kiss to his nose.
"He promised too reunite me with my family my angel. I missed you as well." He presses a soft kiss to my lips. That makes me feel almost complete again. Then I see Niklaus over his shoulder looking grumpy, I unlock my self from Elijah's hug then run over to Niklaus and hug him much like I did moments ago to Elijah.
"Niklaus I'm so happy for you! How do you feel? Finally being your full and amazing self?" I pull back from our hug and look up at him he still looks grumpy.
"What's wrong are you okay?" Niklaus detaches him self from me and walks away. What did I do? Did I say something wrong? I don't think I did. Elijah grabs my hand and sends me a sad smile.
"Klaus, you're back. Look who decided to come for a visit." Katherine says revealing Stefan.
"You just keep popping up, don't you?" Klaus asks Stefan.
"I need your help...For my brother."
"Well, whatever it is, it's gonna have to wait a tick. You see, I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention." Elijah starts walking forward as do I while we are holding hands.
"You understand how important family is, or you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own." Elijah says looking at Stefan.
"And so I shall." Niklaus says from behind us, we both spin around. Niklaus stabbed him in the heart with the same dagger as before. I feel as though my world is crushing my soul once again. Elijah yells out in pain putting his hand on Niklaus's neck. Niklaus shushes him in response. Elijah is dying right in front of my eyes, I feel asthough I am dying with him. Niklaus drops Elijah to the floor and I drop next to him. I grip onto the dagger ready to pull it out. "Katerina make sure she does not pull the dagger out." Then Katherine suddenly zooms me to the couch. I feel completely at a loss. I just got Elijah back and now he has been taken from me again. And by the other man I love. I sit on the couch staring at Elijah's dead body, completely frozen. I have no idea how long I've been stuck in this state of shock, Niklaus stands in front of me and grabs my chin making me look up at him.
"Don't sit there and pout it's time for us to go."
"Why?" I whisper to him my vision blurring due to tears.
"You knew he was going to kill me sweetheart. And you didn't tell me, you betrayed me and this is your punishment." He says in a sickeningly calm voice, his face is void of any emotion. I close my eyes feeling completely defeated not even having the energy to defend my self. I stand up and walk to the front door, I turn back to look at Elijah one last time before walking out the door.

Damn this chapter made me super sad while writing it. 😪

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