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What the fuck my head feels like a god damn boulder fell on it. I open my eyes and try to stretch but can't. I open my eyes and see this creepy crusty dusty looking dude in front of me. 

"RAPE RAPE HES GOING TO RAPE ME!" I scream then I notice we are in some spooky super old house. Welp that strategy isn't going to get me anywhere. I look back at him and he is wide eyed looking like he's seen a ghost. I should be the one looking like that he kidnapped me! 

"Just a taste," he says and then bites into my neck.

"Don't touch me you blood sucking mosquito bitch!" I say while in pain. Then he pulls away coughing like he's dying. And that ladies and gentlemen is why I wear AND drink vervain. "That's what you get hoe!"

"Trevor control yourself!" some bitch that looks like Alice from twilight says. 

"Eva are you okay?" I turn my head and see my sister sitting there looking absolutely terrible she has blood all over her cloths. Right linked to that bitch. 

"No Elena what kind of question is that. He bit me. My head feels like death and I can't move cause I'm all tied up. What is up with vampires not asking for consent!?" I yell back at her and she looks like she's seen a damn ghost now too. "Can you untie me now?" She nods and come over and unties my hands then I sit up and untie my ankles. "Sorry Lena bitch fit over are you okay? Who the hell are they?"

"They are still here," Alice wannabe says.

"What do you want with me?"

"Us Elena, I'm here too in case you forgot."

"Oh my god, you two look just like her." Okay pretty sad Alice includes me but my sister doesn't.

  "But I'm not. Please, whatever you-"

"Be quiet!"

"Lena I would shut the fuck up before she turns you into a capri sun." She sends me a glare.

"But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert; you don't have to do this." I facepalm at her stupidity.

 "I know who you are, I said be quiet."

"What do you want?" Then Alice backhand bitch slaps her and she goes flying. 

"Do you need incentive to be quiet as well?" Alice asks me

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"Do you need incentive to be quiet as well?" Alice asks me. I shake my head no and pretend to zip my mouth shut and throw away the zipper. She chuckles and grabs creepy dudes arm and walks up the stairs into a big hallway. I walk toward Elena and check for her pulse okay seems fine. SHIT SHIT SHIT. What if this is some fucked up doppelganger sex trafficking's shit. Omg were totally going to die. I feel right above my eyebrow and feel dry blood. Mother fucking creepy vampires. I touch my neck and see I'm still bleeding ugh. I take Elena's sleeve off her ugly ass shirt and rip it to use as a towel. I then press It up to my neck and wince. Hopefully I don't become a juice box again. I take my heels off and sit down next to my knocked the fuck out sister. 

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