Hello Love

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Holy shit I feel like someone hit me in the head with a hammer. "Love wake up." I feel someone shaking me and open my eyes. I see the my beautiful pair of blue eyes staring at me, I feel my whole soul engulfed in complete happiness, much like when I met Elijah. "Now you are the one in a trance." He caresses my cheek and I can't help but lean into his soft touch.
"Niklaus." I wrap him into a hug. "I'm sorry." He pauses for a second then hugs me back.
"For what my love."
"You mother should have never suppressed part of you. I can't imagine the pain she has put you through due to her indiscretions." I pull back to look at his face he looks to be having a thoughtful moment.
"Thank you." I respond by pressing a kiss to his cheek. He grabs the back of my neck roughly and kisses me. I melt right into his kiss and start playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. When he finally pulls away I am completely out of breath. He sends a smirk to me before turning away. I instantly feel the trance go away when he turns around, then I feel the pain in my head again. "What the fuck did your witch dude do to me? I feel like absolute shit."
"A sleep spell, I'd say sorry but I wouldn't mean it."
"Using my own words against me very rude Niklaus." I say getting up and streching. "Well it was very nice to meet you offically, but I must be going. I hope to see you around." I say and start walking toward the door. When I try to walk through it I'm met by an invisible barrier. I punch it until my knuckles are bleeding in pure rage. I finally got Elijah back and now I'm stuck in here.
I turn around and storm toward him looking him right in his eyes, "Lift this stupid spell or I swear to god."
He walks closer to me pressing his chest against mine
"What? What will you do?" Stupid blue eyes. I turn around and lay on the bed.
"Stupid magical shit." All I wanted to do was check on my friend then go back to our hotel and cuddle. Why am I so stupid. Niklaus then lays beside me looking me in the eyes then he gently rubs below my eyes. Great I didn't even realize I was crying.
"Eva, I just don't want you trying to interfere with the ritual when it takes place." I roll my eyes at him.
"What part of I don't care about anyone other than Jenna and Jeremy did you not understand. I just want them to not be involved in any of this, and why would I go to the ritual? I don't want to see my sister die." He looks sadly at me.
"I'm sorry, I was trying to send a message to the Salvatore's and your sister, I wasn't going to actually harm her."
"Leave them alone from here on out. Like I said before kill, eat, sacrifice whoever else you want to. I honestly don't care. I mean you can ask Elijah I love when he rips out peoples hearts! You should have seen what we did with these puppies it was awesome!" He sends me an amused look, "I did see it love you sure put on quite the show."

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