It's a Good Thing I'm Slight Sadistic.

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Me and Katherine are in the kitchen making coffee, I have been letting her drink my blood but I think she may be getting a bit peckish.
"So what are you going to do if you find a way out of here Kat?" I hand her a mug of coffee and start pouring my own.
"Run like hell."
"Sounds smart, bring me with you please."
"Sorry honey but your two boyfriends aren't going to let you go anywhere, especially with me of all people." I roll my eyes and take a sip of the coffee then automatically spit it out.
"God why the fuck did I think to try this nasty shit again." I run over to the sink and start trying to rinse out my mouth. Then I hear Katherine say, "Everything okay?"
"No Katherine everything not okay, that shits disgusting!"
"Sweet heart I do believe she was asking me." I hear his sexy accent and I spin around, damn he looks super grumpy.
"What have you been doing?"
"Talking shit about you and making coffee." I respond in a sarcastic way. Then he grabs Granny by the throat holding her in the air. God what is up with me finding violent extremely hot.
"Tell me what you've been doing." He compels her, not that it will work since she still has vervain in her system.
"Making coffee and talking to Eva." He releases her from his grasp and she tries to catch her breath.
"Wait. Take off your bracelet." She takes it off and hands it to him.
"Now, I want walk over to the window and stand in the sunlight."
"Niklaus don't be an ass to my grandmother."
"Don't worry your pretty little head, its just a little experiment." I sigh annoyed of his dramatics not that I can really say anything.
"But I'll burn." She say looking terrified.
"You don't have a choice." Niklaus comes over and takes my cup of coffee out of my hands before I can dump it in the sink. Katherine is crying out in pain as she is burning in the sun. Niklaus takes a sip of the coffee with an evil smirk on his face. How is he so irresistibly hot? He continues smiling at her being in pain for a few more moments before finally saying.
"That's enough." She then zooms into the corner of the apartment.
"You know I might be slightly masochist but that was a little much." I say to Niklaus who is still smiling at Katherines misery. He looks at me and says seductively, "I'll keep that in mind Love." Then he is standing in front of me looking at my lips, I find my self looking at his in return. I bite my lip trying to keep my self from pushing my lips against his. He then leans forward and pulls my lip from my teeth with his. He bites it drawing blood then sucking my lip to get more, I let out a soft moan in response the pain turning to pleasure in an instant. He then pulls away with a knowing smirk. I can't seem to catch my breath feeling extremely turned on. He leans into my ear and I hold my breathe, "It's a good thing I'm slight sadistic." Then he bites on my earlobe and I can't help the soft yelp that escapes my lips. He then begins to drag sloppy kisses down my neck, I feel as though fire is consuming me. He suddenly pulls away griping my chin looking at my neck, I whine in protest. He looks super pissed. "Who did this to you."
"What?" I ask still in a trance. He looks into my eyes with concern.
"You have a huge bruise on your neck."
"Oh I didn't even notice, that would be courtesy of Demon Salvawhore. Don't worry though I deserved it, I shot him twice with one of Alaric's guns." Then I hear a whooshing and he's gone. I turn to Katherine who look disgusted.
"Sorry, I forgot you were here."

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