Meeting Klaric

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I pound on Alaric's door, when no one answers I open the door to let myself in.
"Niklaus?! I need to talk to you!" I yell walking into the apartment, what I see shocks me.
"Katherine? What the fuck are you doing?" She is sitting on a chair with blood pouring out of both of her thighs.
"Eva, shouldn't you be sulking and spending my money?" She then stabs herself. I take a seat on the couch in Alaric's studio apartment.
"I would but I need to talk to Niklaus before I continue."
"Let me guess a dream?" I look at her with confusion lacing my face.
"How do you know about that?" She shrugs with a knowing smirk and then stabs herself again wincing. "Ahhh I see, your compelled by Niklaus. Is there a way to make you stop?"
"Not unless her removes it." I nod getting up I decide to turn the radio on so we don't have to sit in the quiet.
"Do you want blood or something? I feel bad just sitting here doing nothing. I could be your juice box as long as you don't drain me."
"Are you sure, it will hurt." I start rolling up my sleeve so she can bite into my wrist.
"It's not the first time, but you're only getting the wrist, the neck is a little too kinky for me with someone who one looks just like me and two is my ancestor." She nods then bites into my wrist as I wince slightly. Once the wound is already open it doesn't feel that painful just weird. She pulls away.
"Thanks." I nod then go into Alaric's bathroom and put a band aid on my wrist. When I come back into the living room I see Klaric and some random dude are in the living room.
"Niklaus I need to talk to you." I say very sternly, then he looks at me with wide eyes, then they slowly fill with affection.
"I'm guessing your going through the same thing I did with Elijah. Your not in your own body so I'm sure that's why you have no effect over me, thank god Ill actually have a clear mind during this conversation. So too the reason I'm here, you are going to leave Jeremy and Jenna out of your curse breaking. Anyone else I don't care." I say to him while looking straight into his eyes, he's clearly still in his trance. He finally come out of it then smirks at me going to touch my cheek, I smack his hand away.
"Your not going to do any touchy feely while in Alaric's body! He's like an alcoholic father figure to me, disgusting! Couldn't you have chose anyone else!" He looks hurt by my rejection, honestly I don't feel that bad, I mean he does have to murder my sister to free himself.
"Fine love, It's a pleasure to finally meet you." I roll my eyes since he totally ignored my whole speech.
"You are not going to hurt Jenna or Jeremy. Kapeesh?"
He nods "Whatever you wish my love."
"Thank you." I clap my hands, "Sorry to leave you Kitty Kat but I'm going to go sulk in peace." I start to walk toward the door when Klaric grabs my forearm pulling me to his chest.
"I finally have you in my arms, you are not leaving so soon."
I push him off of me, "I said no touchy feely! I'd like to see you try."
"That can be arranged." Then he grabs my chin gently, looking into my eyes. "You will stay here until I allow you to leave." In my mind I'm irate! He really just tried to compel me, that son of a bitch! This is why I wear vervain! "I will stay here until you allow me to leave." I then sit with my back against the headboard of Alaric's bed and pull the blankets over me. Katherine looks at me with a concerned expression and I just send her a wink. Random dude in the kitchen then holds a glass of bourbon up for Klaric.
"All I could find. Guy likes his bourbon."
"I knew there was something about him I liked. There's a high school dance and I'm gonna need you to take out witch bitch." I get up from the bed and grab the bottle of bourbon from the kitchen, I grab Katherines arm and drag her to the bed with me and hand her the bottle, she smirks and takes a big drink.
"Love what are you doing? She's here to pay for her sins not to sit around with you getting drunk." I roll my eyes and pull the blanket over me and Kitty Kat.
"I'm simply having a drink with a friend Niklaus, please don't spoil my fun." I send him a pout, he sighs irritated going back to his conversation with the random guy. I take the bottle of bourbon from Katherine and take a tiny sip. God I hate bourbon.
"If she has that much power, she can sense me coming from a mile away. I won't be able to get near her. You have to do it."
"In this body? I'm a haggard history teacher. She can easily hurt me. I mean, not me, Klaus me, but you know what I mean."
"No witch could handle channeling that much power. It'll kill her. It would kill me. You just have to make her use it"
"You mean like provoking her to death?"
"Won't take long. Just keep attacking her until it kills her. His body, Alaric's, will last longer than hers will."
"How? He's human."
"I can help in that department. I can do a spell to protect you." Klaric then looks at me and Katherine, she's looks down in fear and I ask a question that's been in my mind since I figured out Niklaus is a hybrid.
"So when you complete this whole ritual you will basically be a giant puppy?"

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