Rise and Shine Sweetheart

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I'm so bored we have been driving for 6 hours straight. My legs are in so much pain! We are chasing our first puppy clue, which has brought us to stupid North Carolina in the middle of no where. Niklaus is currently in the passenger seat of his suv asleep while Stefan plays Uber driver. I still have no bloody idea as to why Stefans brooding self was brought on the puppy quest, he clearly doesn't want to be here. Last night Niklaus stayed in my head all night so I didn't have to see Elijah like that. All we did was talk about mundane things all night, I woke up feeling very refreshed thankfully. I unbuckle my seat belt and lean on the center consol with my chin on my hands.
"Bunny Muncher how much longer till we get to where ever we are going? I need food."
"Eva you asked me that 30 minutes ago and I said an hour. Do you not know how to do math?"
"God Stefan you hurt my heart. Since when are you a straight up dick." I lean back into my seat with an annoyed sigh. I'm still in my cloths from forever ago and I feel absolutely disgusting. I would annoy Niklaus but he's asleep and I feel just a tinny bit bad that he stayed up all night. But also it's his fault I'm having the death dreams, so I don't feel that bad maybe 2 percent. I lean forward to turn the radio on since these weirdos prefer to have absolute silence when driving. Stefan grabs onto my wrist super tightly I turn my head to look at him and he's fully vamped out. I slowly retreat into the back.
"Stefan I'm not a squirrel you don't need to look at me like you want to bloody drink me."
I sit there for a while contemplating life then I see we are only five minutes away. I sit on the center consol with my back to the windshield. I look at Niklaus, awe he looks so cute while asleep, not all murders. I lean toward him and squish his nose as hard as possible. He grabs onto my wrist then cracks his eyes open.
"BOO! Feed me!" He looks into my eyes slightly irritated and sleepy, I quirk my eyebrow up at him in questioning, he gets a wicked smirk on his face. Then I'm suddenly sitting on his lap.
"Not going to lie Niklaus you are pretty comfy but I need food." I lean my head on his chest getting comfortable.
"We have manors to attend to love then we will go get you some."
"Don't be a turtle then."

I'm laying across the backseat of the SUV when I hear the passenger door open. Niklaus is siting there looking high off murder.
"Get your sadistic fill for the day?" He ignores my comment before saying,
"Looks like we are going to Florida, we will get you cloths while there."
"Thank God I am so over these stupid jeans. What where's Stefano?"
"Indulging in his darker side."


I feel like I'm laying on a big cloud with a heater. I dig my head deeper into my pillow hoping to get more sleep. I feel my pillow move and smack it.
"Ouch love I hope you aren't this combative every morning." I hear a condescending British voice say. I look up and see Niklaus looking way too happy with this predicament.
"I would be less combative if you stayed still." I say in a sleepy voice looking into his beautiful ocean eyes. Then I lay my head back down on his bare chest. What? Not my fault he's comfortable.
"It's 2 pm time to get up." I groan at him not moving. Then he pushes me off of him and gets up. I hear him open the curtains as light shines though my eye lids.
"No Nik." I groan and stick my face in a real pillow. Then I feel all the blankets fly off of me.
"Rise and shine sweetheart."
"Shut up puppy. Lay down, nap time." I say patting the spot he was previously laying. I feel the world spin and Niklaus is suddenly holding me upside down. I open my eyes and am met with a pleasant view.
"Damn if I knew this would be my view I would have woke up earlier." I squeeze his hot ass. In response he smacks mine.
"Ow you bitch. Put me down." I start trying to wiggle my way out of his hold to no avail. I look around and see we are in the bathroom.
"Niklaus I swear to god if you stick my head in a toilet I will stick your dick in a blender." He deeply chuckles then we are standing in a shower.
"What the fuck are you," I feel ice cold water hit my body.
"NIKLAUS YOU MOTHERFUCKER PUT ME DOWN!" I feel like an ice cube when I'm suddenly back on my feet. I go to walk out of the shower when I'm suddenly grabbed by my hips and held in place.
"As you wish my love." He whispers into my ear with lust lacing his beautiful voice making goosebumps shoot down my back. The water is still freezing but suddenly the room feels like an inferno. I feel soft kisses trail from my ear to my jaw, he stops at my pulse point sucking and nibbling. I can't help but arch my back and let out a soft moan in response. He slowly trails back up toward my ear sucking and nibbling my skin on the way. He sucks on my earlobe then whispers, "Guess I'll leave you to shower." Then he is gone leaving me wanting more.

Boops your nose 👃 👈

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