Chapter 15

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"It's a boy!" Dk exclaimed. Louis smiled, and looked at us.

"That's great!" I said letting go of Harrys hand and walking over to hug her.

"Your gonna be a great mom." I whispered.

"What are you going to name him?" Harry asked. Louis smiled and turned Harry.

"We were thinking Benjamin Grey..Does it sound okay?"

"That's a very nice name." Harry grinned cheekily.

-2 hours later-

"I won't let these little thing slip out of my mouth, cause it's you, oh it's you, it's you they add up too. I'm in love with you and all your little things." Harry sang to me as we lay on our bed.

"I really don't want you to leave.." I murmured into his chest. He moved slightly under my weight.

"I know, but we have this whole next week before I leave for tour." he told me. I sighed, getting up.

"Wanna go get food?" I called from the bathroom.

"Yeah, uh can the guys go?" he yelled.

"Sure! Are they bringing the girls?" I heard him get up off the bed.

"I'll ask." I thought for a minute.

"Will.. will you ask Li to come?" I asked.

Harry then appeared at the door wearing only jeans. His hair was tousled and he never looked more irresistible. I bit my lip, thinking how lucky I was to have a boyfriend like Harry.

"Like what you see?" he winked. "And yes, Liam is coming." I walked over kissing Harry on the lips.

"You're so gorgeous." he winked.

"Nah ahh. Look at my mouth," I smiled. "It's full of metal. Which reminds me, these thing should be long gone by now! Can we get me an ortho. appointment?"

"Yeah, finish getting ready. I'll call the orthodontist right now." he replied walking off.

I smiled at the thought of getting all this dang metal out of my mouth and at the way Harry pronounced "Orthodontist". I'd had braces forever!

I pulled on some light washed jeans and Harrys 'Hipsta Please' tshirt. It was big but thats the style now right? I really didn't care, I just wanted food. I pulled my hair into a cute but simple messy braid. Whilst applying my makeup, I stabbed myself in my eye, so I had to reapply my makeup all over again.

"Babe, you ready?" Harry called from the bedroom.

"Yeah!" I yelled pulling on white Toms.

I sprinted into the room, grabbing a jacket and pecking Harry lightly on the lips.

"You're getting those braces off tomorrow." he smiled down at me.

"Really!" I asked excitedly. He nodded, grabbing my hand and pulling me to the door.

"I'll beat you!" I yelled running to the car.

"Oh no you won't!" Harry yelled from behind me. I was almost there but I could feel him behind me.

"Oh my! A quarter!" I giggled, stopping in my tracks abruptly and pretending to pick up a quarter. Harry ran slam into me, knocking us both over. I laughed a little too hard at our dismantled bodies on the ground.

"What's so funny?" Harry grinned while pulling me up.

"Nothing!" I shook my head.

I climbed in the car and urged Harry to hurry up. He got in and stuck the key in the ignition. I reached forward and turned the music up.

Ironically, Summer Love was playing. I loved the boys new album, it was mature and playful at the same time.

"Enjoying it a little to much, eh?" Harry asked. I stopped singing and looked him confused.

"Huh?" I asked.

"The song?" he gestured.

"Oh! Yeah, a little." I blushed. He smiled and began to drive. Before long we were both singing every word to every song that came on.

"Nandos? We eat here all the time!" I playfully pouted. He looked at me strangely and began to back out.

"I'm kidding, stop. I want my chicken!" I laughed. He grinned and pulled back into the parking space.


"Could I get some more coke?" I asked the waitress. She nodded taking my glass rudely out of my hand.

"Well then." I scoffed. Everyone looked at me. "What?" I asked.

"Get used to it. She's just jealous." Liam said softly. I nodded.

The waitress came back and as she handed me my drink, she "tripped" causing it to fly all over me.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!" she told me, a hint of a smirk on her face. Everyones mouth was agape, we all sat there staring at her. Dk turned, grabbed some napkins and began helping me get the coke off of myself. Harry stood up abruptly and walked off into the back of the restaurant.
I didn't think he was allowed back there but oh well. When he came back, he told the waitress that the manger wanted to see her.

"Can you believe she did that?" Emma asked, shocked.

"Yes." Niall mumbled.

"She was super rude." Erin implied. Dk and I nodded our heads.

"Are you ready to go home?" Harry asked. I smiled, disappointed.

"I would hug you but.." I said motioning to my soaked shirt. Liam got up and walked over to me.

"I don't care." he mumbled hugging me. I smiled and rubbed his back. Niall jumped up and ran over.

"Me neither!" he yelled, not caring about the weird stares we got.

"Okay, nialler." I grinned hugging him.

Harry and I left after that, going home to cuddle in the bed and watch any movie we could find on the tv.

KathleenWhere stories live. Discover now