Chapter 19

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I sat in the leather, burgundy recliner of the small hotel room looking at the luminous sky from the window. I was the only one awake, everyone else was asleep which didn't surprise me, it was only around seven. I decided to get up and fix myself a cup of coffee. Quietly, I stood and tip toed to the small, cluttered kitchen. This city didn't have big, fancy hotels, and I was beginning to question why we didnt just stay at Dk's parents.

I poured my coffee and sat back In the recliner, pondering upon how truly lucky I actually am. Great boyfriend, great friends, great life. It was then that I heard Dk shuffling into the living room, she stopped, staring at me as if I'd lost my mind.

"What?" I whispered. "Why are you awake?" she questioned me. I shrugged my shoulders in response. I got up, brushing by her and prancing lightly to mine and Harrys shared bed, which he was still snoozing in. I climbed in next to him and slid my body close to his, feeling his warmth. It wasnt long before his arms were wrapped tightly around my skinny body. I smiled as the sun caught the silver of my promise ring.

"I love you." Harry mumbled.

"I love you too." I replied undoubtedly.


"Get up, get up, get up!" I heard someone shouting. The bed was shaking and I was half asleep, I didn't quite grasp what was happening. My vision settled to see Zayn and Niall jumping on the end of my bed. I smiled to myself and yanked the cover, watching as they fell to the ground. I laughed as I climbed out and sat on Nialls back. I pinned his arms behind him and screamed, "DON'T WAKE ME UP!"

He laughed. "Usher references?"

I smiled and shoved his arms back down. I stood up and turned to leave. I started to step over Zayn but stepped on him just for the fun of it.

"Ow.." he mumbled.

"Yeah, well now you learned your lesson." I smirked.

I rounded the corner and grabbed Harry from the kitchen.

"Come on. We have to get ready. I'm making Liam meet someone today and we have to double date." I told him. He nodded, following.

I slipped on skinny jeans, a graphic tshirt, toms, and straightened my hair. I slid a pair of square framed Ray Bans in my thick, straight hair and walked into the bedroom where Harry was standing, deciding what to wear.

"What do you think -" "Just put on your signature white tshirt and black jeans." I interrupted him. He turned, looking at me. I batted my eyelashes at him flirtily. He smiled, his dimple showing and leaned forward, kissing me softly, but with an intensity that made me want him more when he pulled away.

I ventured to the living room to find exactly the person I'd been searching for.

"Liam, you ready?" I asked. He nodded, not looking at me, a solemn look on his face. I could tell he was thinking of Danielle.

"Okay. Were leaving in a few." I said, prancing back to where Harry was.

"You ready, slow poke?" I prodded, hurrying him.

"Yeah, but first, can we take a picture?" he asked. I nodded slowly.

"Yeah.." "Ok."

He pulled me to his side and held out his iPhone, capturing a very cute, if I do say so myself, picture of us. I watched over his shoulder as he uploaded the picture to instagram, with the caption 'Girlfriendstagram? Love her.' I laughed and looked at him.

"Why do you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?"

"Girlfriendstagram." I air quoted with my fingers.

"Oh," he shrugged. "I don't know. I like it."

I nodded pulling him by his wrist to the living room.

I looked at Liam and Harry and smiled.

"Now, let's go."


"Auden." I watched as Auden introduced herself to Liam. She smiled at him, showing her white teeth.

"I'm Liam, as I'm sure you know." he smiled at her. She nodded. I smiled to myself, and turned to Harry.

"Let's go get food!" he nodded and wrapped his fingers with mine and pulled me along beside him. I looked at the ground as Harry stopped to sign autographs for some fans. I looked up when one of them grabbed my arm and said, "Not all of this fandom hates you. I'm actually a pretty big fan of yours, and I was wondering if you could sign this?"

I looked at her in shock that melted to a smile. I nodded. I signed the paper for her and she thank me and left.

"Now everything is going as planned." Harry smiled.


I just got out of the hospital. U g h. Help me.

K baiiiiii.

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