Chapter 9

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My eyes opened slightly and the sweet aroma of waffles filled my nostrils. I slowly threw the comforter off of me and lazily dragged myself into the kitchen where Harry was cooking waffles.

"Good morning beautiful." He said glancing up at me.

I smiled weakly in his direction.

"Not feeling any better?"

"Well, now that I see your making waffles I think I'm doing good." I grinned.

"I thought you would enjoy some breakfast." he smiled happily.

"Oh, also, why did I wake up in your bed?" I asked, confused and suspicious.

"Oh, I brought you to my bed because I figured you would be more comfortable there." he replied simply.

I collapsed into a chair and Harry sat a plate of syrupy waffles in front of me. He turned and got a can of whipped cream and applied some to the top of my waffles.

"You know me so well." I commented. He grinned and nodded. He fixed himself a plate and sat down beside me.

After a couple minutes of eating silently I asked, "Harry, what are we gonna do when I have to go back to America?"

He stopped eating and sat his fork down while turning to look at me.

"You don't have to go back to America,"

I sighed. His eyes looked as if they were filled with pleads.

"What about Dk?" I asked quietly.

Harry reached over and grabbed my hand, tracing circles on the back of it with his thumb.

"I'm sure she's already decided she was staying with Lou. I mean, they're perfect together."

"I dont know.." I said, unsure of an answer.

"Promise me you'll think about it." he begged.

"Okay," I sighed. "I promise."
He smiled and we finished eating.

"Where are Dk and Louis?" I asked.

"They went out to do something, I think Lou was gonna buy her a new outfit for the interview today. Which reminds me, am I gonna need to take you to get clothes?"

"Interview? Why does she need new clothes for an interview?" I asked.

"Well, this is the interview where we tell the world we're taken," he smirked, "and introduce our girlfriends."

My mouth literally fell open.

"Why wasn't I informed of this? I only became your girlfriend yesterday?" I said, utterly confused.

"Yeah, but we still need to be confirmed." he pointed out.

I nodded my head.

"I'm not at all presentable though." I said motioning to myself.

"I can fix that." he laughed and pulled his phone out.

"Hey! Yeah, before the Alan interview today could you also help Kat get dolled up? Thanks! I appreciate it!" Harry said into the phone and slid it back into his pocket.

I cocked my head.

"Lou, Lux's mom? She our stylist you know. So she's gonna fix you up." he told me.

"Oh, alright." I replied.

- few hours later -

"Come on babe!" Harry laughed, pulling on my hand .

"I'm coming. If it weren't for your 'wardrobe malfunction' we'd be there already!" I laughed with him.

"Its not my fault I didn't have clothes to wear." he argued.

"Oh bull." I chuckled lightly.

Harry grasped my hand as he pulled me into the back of a building. We made our way down the hall, but came to a stop when we reached a certain black door.

Harry opened it without hesitation and yelled, "Lou?"

"There you are!" she yelled back, "Get in here!" she pulled us both into the room.

"Here. Try this, It should fit you nicely." she smiled throwing me some clothes. I slid on the high waisted floral skirt and white v-neck. She handed me some sparkly shoes that were adorable.

"You look great babe." Harry said kissing my lips. Paul opened the door, "Harry! Sound check if your done, hurry. Kat come on when your done also!" he demanded. I nodded my head as Harry left.

"Sit." Lou said pointing to the chair.

I reluctantly did as I was told. She curled my hair and did my makeup. I liked that she didn't apply alot because I dont usually wear much.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Anytime love, now hurry to the stage. It's at the end of the hall to the left." she replied.

I walked to the stage, and then I was suddenly being pulled to the side by Dk.

"Are you nervous?" she whispered.

"Not really but kinda. Why are we whispering?" I asked quietly.

"Oh, I dont know," she giggled. "We're just about to make it known in front of thousands of people that we're dating two of the members from the biggest boyband in the world."
"That was a mouthful, Dk."

She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the stage and some guy attached a mic to my shirt.
"Thanks." I said as I walked over to Harry.

"Hey." he smiled and kissed my head. "Hi." I smiled.

"Alright! Get in your places!" someone screamed.

Harry and I walked hand in hand up the chatty mans stairs as we waited to be introduced, everyone was here, Dk and I were just joining them for a short period of time.

The music started playing and there was applause. We heard our cue and exited down the stairs.

Alan hugged us all and Harry, Louis, Dk, and I sat on the couch while Liam, Zayn, and Niall stood behind the sofa.

"Ah, boys, would you like a seat?" Alan said motioning to Liam, Zayn, and Niall.

"No thanks." Liam smiled. Typical Liam, he was too nice.

"Okay, well, it nice to see you boys again and girls, Kathleen and Dk is it?" we both nodded, "It is a pleasure to meet you both. Dk, whats that short for?" he asked in his high-pitched voice.
"Della-Kate." She said, smiling with her pearly teeth.

"Oh, darling, that's wonderful. Would you like some Hooch? I have lemon!" Alan said turning and grabbing two off the table and handing them to us. I took a swallow of mine and Harry took it and drank some as well. I looked at him and snatched it away but he just smiled and laughed.

"You two are so cute! But I think I might have to take you for myself." Alan winked.

"Oh no." Harry laughed putting an arm around me.

"I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding!" Alan replied, then leaned into me and said,"I'm not kidding." We all erupted into laughter.

"So, Kat, Dk, your the newest girlfriends, eh? How does it feel?"

"I'm enjoying it alot." I giggled, Dk agreed.

"How big is Harrys, well, you know?" Alan questioned.

"Uh," I blushed.

"I'm kidding! I already know!" he winked and we all busted Into laughter.

A million questions were asked and there was laughter but it wasn't long before the interview was over.

"That was hilarious! I'm sooo hungry though." Niall bellowed.

"I am too!" I agreed.

"Food it is then!" Louis screamed.

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