~*Chapter 1*~

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By the way I'm using a picrew for Daniela because I can't be bothered actually drawing.

Daniela's POV

"Ugh Daniela I blame you for making us leave town." My stupid brother Carlos says as we are driving in our van, with our stuff to move into Abuela's house.

"You know I can't control it!" I say in defence, because I really can't. We've warned people but they push and push and push and there's only so far a rubber band can stretch before it snaps.

"Okay then. Let's disown Dani!" He says with a smile. I know he's joking but I still sit there with my mouth open.

"Mama! He just-" Mama chuckles at our little 'fight'.

"Alright alright, we aren't disowning anyone and Dani, we know you can't control it but you have to try." She says, somehow cheery. Considering we just got kicked out of our old town I don't know how she could be happy.


We arrived at Abuela's house to be greeted with the smell of Arepas and Empanadas.

"Mama! Estamos aquí! (We are here!)" Papa shouts as our sweet old Señora Posada walks downstairs. Her smile was big and she held out her arms, hugging every one of us in order from oldest to youngest.

"Ay mi familia I'm so happy that you are here! I cooked some food because you all must be so hungry!" She says, looking very excited. I guess she's glad to see us...

"First they should probably unpack..." Papa says. I mean, he isn't wrong.

"Alright, I've prepared your rooms. The twins are sharing but the rest of you get your own room. Go to the room with your name on it and put your stuff in there. We can unpack after a snack!" Abuela says. She wants to have a snack before doing the work? Best Abuela ever.

We all walk upstairs and find our doors with our names on it. I open my door and find a small, cozy room. The walls were a silvery blue colour, the sheets on the bed had blue feathers and there were a few pieces of furniture like a wardrobe and a desk.

I put my bag on my bed, grab my pijamas and put them on my bed. Then I grab the book I'm currently reading and place it on my bedside table. After that, I put my bag next to my bed and make my way downstairs.

I must have been the first one because no one else was downstairs. Abuela is still cooking in the kitchen.

"Querida, can you do me a favour? I started cooking today and I completely forgot to do the weekly shopping. Here is the list, if you get lost ask for directions." She says, giving me a reassuring smile. "Don't forget to take the money!"

"Okay. I'll be back soon Abuela." I said, grabbing the list and the money on the counter. Let's see, this shouldn't be too difficult...


I was so wrong. Everything is everywhere but nowhere here! It's like in one corner of a shop there will be lettuce but in the other corner you find the cucumber! It's so random...

I look around helplessly, then suddenly a girl about my age approaches me. She has brown curly hair, green glasses and a big smile on her face.

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