~* Chapter 6 *~

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Yoinkus doinkus

Daniela's POV

I wake up to the annoying beeping of my alarm. Ugh, it's Monday. With a new life comes a new school...

I sit up, stretching my arms and pulling the curtains open, letting the bright light shine into my room. I hate Mondays...

I put on my uniform and look in a mirror. Not too bad. Now time for my hair... I fiddle about for a bit, ending in my hair being fully down and kind of wavy, the blond streak in my hair clearly being there. I didn't feel like going for my classic half up, half down look.

I make my way downstairs as the smell of Abuela's sweet cooking filled the air. Every time. I sit down, being greeted with a plate of food. I munch on the delicious breakfast, enjoying every bite of it.

15 minutes later, my dad's shouting filled the air.
"HURRY UP, WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" He yelled, shortly after the sound of footsteps everywhere. I guess my sisters and brother weren't ready in time.

We all got in the car and mama also got in, waving papa goodbye as we drove off. God, now to face probably one of my biggest problems at the moment. I'll just stay out of the way, I won't talk to anyone. Simple as that.


As we left our car, mi madre called me over.
"Remember what we talked about." She said sternly.
"Yes, don't get angry, conceal don't feel and have fun. Don't worry mamá!" I reassured her before walking off, her faint 'have a good day' reaching my ears. Time to do this.

( 🎶 I just like this song okay??)

I go to the main reception where a staff member gave me a piece of paper with my timetable on it. The school is big, but hopefully not too big.

I walk down the hallway, following the signs along the corridor to find room 62. I could feel people's eyes on me, like I was a celebrity. I look at the clock, the time was 8:50. I had 10 minutes to spare, so I thought I should go set up my locker. (Idk what schools are like in Columbia ima just do a classic high school thingy okay??)

I approach my locket, number 282. I open it, placing a few items inside of it. I was debating putting the book I was currently reading in there or not, I don't want to loose it but I don't want to forget it in the locker. Eh, I should take it with me.

I grab the book and hold it in my arms as a boy walked up to me. Well they doesn't stick to my 'stay unnoticed' plan, but I'll make it work.

"Hola chica. Tu nombre? (Hey girl. [what is] your name?)" He asks, smiling. I didn't really want to talk to him if I'm gonna be honest.

"My name does not concern you." I say, swinging my bag on my back before turning around to walk away. Out of nowhere, Carlos appeared and gave the random guy a death stare before walking next to me.

"You don't have to 'scare' every boy or girl I talk to Carlos. I can handle myself." I say, walking up the stairs to go to room 62.

He gave me a silent glare, walking up the stairs too.
"Are you going to room 62?" I ask him, curious if he's in the same classes as me.

"Yep, Maths. We are going to show them how good we are at maths Dani." He said, smiling. It's true, we are good at maths but I want to remain a background character as long as I can, so I just hum in response and look at the door in front of us. Room 62.

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