~* Chapter 7*~

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tell me whyyyyy

Daniela's POV

The commotion from the crowd grew, they all stared at me. I looked at them and back down to my book. I stood up and started walking towards the inside, maybe Mirabel knows about this.

"Mirabel!" I called out, getting closer to the entrance as the crowd behind me followed me.

"Are you Camilo's girlfriend?" Someone from the crowd asked as Camilo walked to the front, a smug smile displayed on his face.

I scoffed at that question. I would never...
"Okay number 1 - ew. Number 2 - I barely know him and number 3 - this is going to sound like the first one : ew." I replied. I can get through the first day without burning down the school, right?

"Wait- what was the first one?" The shapeshifter asked.


"Ay mi corazón!" He said dramatically and sarcastically. Ugh, that boy. "But you did dance with me, and you can't deny it." He said, returning his attention back to the question.

I smiled. I laughed even, his response was stupid.

"Ay por dios... just because you helped me with my twin siblings, and because we danced doesn't mean that we are lovers or friends even. We are acquaintances, maybe even less." I said, everyone went silent after that and all went away. Good.


The end of the school day arrived, last lesson finished. Thank god. I was walking to the back gate with Mirabel, her cousin and my brother following behind us. She was telling me about how tomorrow she's going to the music room to practice after school and asked me if I wanted to join. It wouldn't hurt, so I agreed.

I don't know what my brother was talking about, but he and Camilo seemed to get on well. I gave Mirabel a hug and Camilo an annoyed glance before walking to mama's car.

~the next day~

I ran around the halls, trying to find room 7. Where is room 7?! It just doesn't exist I swear. My only option would be to ask someone.

As someone walked past me, I tapped on her shoulder to get her attention.

"Hi! Sorry, I'm new and I was wondering if you knew where room 7 was...?" I ask, hoping she would help me. She smiled at me and told me that's where she was going.

"What's your name? I've seen you around but never got to know who you were." The girl asks me, carefully manoeuvring through the crowd of teenagers.

"Posada. Daniela Posada. And you?" I asked, wanting to know who this humble person is. We walked into the classroom and we sat down, placing our bags down too. This was the first time I had a proper look at her. She had gorgeous, curly black hair tied back into a neat ponytail. Her eyes were a dark brown, she had a small nose and her ears were pierced. And she was beautiful.

"I'm Diana! Nice to meet you!" She said, smiling as she pulled out a book. Soon after, two more girls walked over to us. One of them had straight, blonde hair. She was the tallest, she looked pretty but didn't look like one of those barbie girls. I'd imagine her to have mainly a tomboy style, but every now and then wears a dress. I mean, she's wearing trousers instead of a skirt for the uniform.

The other girl had wavy, brown hair. It was similar to mine, but halfway down her back and no blonde streak. She looked happy, the huge smile on her face said so.

"Diana, who's this?" Asked the blonde one, looking at me. I just smiled at her in return.

"This is Daniela, she is new to the school. Daniela, these are my friend. This is Eliana," she said as the blonde one gave me a nod "and this is Maria!" She said as Maria gave me a wave. They seemed nice.

Eliana had her arms crossed as Maria just had her hands by her side as Diana grabbed my timetable.

"It appears we have a lot of classes together. That's fun." She said, smiling. Diana seemed like such a nice person, hopefully I could stay friends with her.

Suddenly, I heard a familiar voice behind me.
"Hey Diana, Daniela, Eliana and Maria!" The voice said, before I turned around and realised Mirabel was behind me.

"I guess you've already met my friends?" She said to me, smiling. Everyone seemed happy today...

I explained that I asked for help and I met Diana and then her friends, a teacher storming in just as I finished. Carlos was already in the room, talking to a bunch of boys.

She saw everyone go to their allocated seats and saw me and Carlos stood awkwardly in the middle of the room.

She wrote "Señora Díaz" on the board and told everyone to sit where they wanted since she couldn't be bothered making a new seating plan. I picked a seat in the back alone, I wanted to read.

"Right everyone get your books out. The new kids, you can write on paper, you'll get your books after break." She said through the crowd shuffling and sitting. I saw the people in front of me and knew this was going to be a LONGGGG lesson. A very long lesson.

They were both snickering to themselves, smug smiles on their faces. God, I did not want to be say here anymore. I look over to my friends, Diana and Eliana were sat next to each other, so was Mirabel and Carlos and Maria was next to a boy I hadn't met yet. The two heads in front of me turn around and look at me.

"Why are you sat alone? Got no friends?" One of them said. He snickered to himself as I rolled my eyes at him.

"All of my friends are sat next to each other and I like being alone." I told them, finishing the sentence I was writing.

"What if Mirabel sat next to you?" The one I knew said.

"She's sat with my brother. Look at them!" I said as both of their heads turned, looking at Mirabel and Carlos laughing. I continue writing, hearing writing and shuffling. I look next to me and see Mirabel next to me, one of the seats in front of me now empty.

"Camilo what are you doing?" I ask, an unimpressed look on my face. He transforms from Mirabel to himself again, chuckling a bit.

"I just don't want you to be alone, guapa." He said smiling at me. I should've sat down with Mirabel or Maria, probably the safer options. I roll my eyes at Camilo, looking back down and writing another sentence.

"I'm fine being alone, thank you." I say, trying to pay attention on the teacher instead for the boys.

"And whoever you are sat next to is who your partner is going to be. I will pick a play for you and you have to work on a script to make it more modern, and in 4 weeks you will perform it for the class." Señora Díaz said.

My eyes grew wide as I looked at camilo. Seriously?! That guy?! I'd rather work with the devil... well, he is the devil. He just chuckled, looking at me.

"You can't avoid me now!" He said, smiling. This is going to be hell...

These next few chapters will be all about her friends, and of course Camilo. Anyway, buh bye.

Corazón De Fuego [camilo x reader]Where stories live. Discover now