~*Chapter 4*~

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Hey y'all. I'm off school today because I'm ill so it's time to power write 🗿 hehe enjoy (update- I was off for a whole week and didn't finish writing. Wow)

Daniela's POV

"Thank you so much!" I say, hugging him. I don't know what I would've done without him. He must have been really tired because he just stood there, his face was red and he didn't really move.

Mirabel look confused but soon I told her and she understood. After I told her she just walked away, to talk to Carlos I guess. What is it with her and Carlos?

"I'm so sorry, this must have kinda ruined your night..." I said, kinda sorry for him.
"Oh no it's okay.... By the way do the twins have... gifts?" He asks. What is he talking about. Did he find out about my fire thing?
"Oh no they don't.." I said, hoping he would drop it.

"I'm gonna go dance, stay here or don't I guess." I said, walking up to my sister Paula, who was also dancing.

Camilo's POV

God those twins were tiring... wait... Daniela just went back to the dance floor.... Does this mean I have to take care of the twins?! Ugh, great. Actually, I have an idea!

I knock on Dolores' room and she opens it, smiling at me and the twins.
"So you know how you never really show up to a party, just the important part...?" I say. She nods along so I continue.
"Well... now you got two twins to take care of since you aren't busy. Anyway, bye!" I said, leaving the room as quickly as I could. I don't want her to follow me, otherwise I'd still be stuck with them.

Soon after, I return to the dance floor and everyone is dancing (obviously). Wow, the Posada family are good dancers. The person who I think is Daniela's Brother is dancing with Mirabel and it looks like they are having the time of their lives.

I walk up to Daniela, a small grin on my face.
"Un baile, por favor? (A dance, please?)" I say, kind of bowing with my hand out for her to take it. I just want her to have fun and to be welcomed into town.

"And why should I allow that?" She says, putting her hands on her hips.

"Por favor, Señorita. Let me spin you around and let's have fun." I say, smiling once again.
She finally takes my hand and I pull her in, putting one arm on her back, the other holding her hand.

Daniela's POV


He pulled me into a dancing position so I did too, the music of the next song starting. I can't believe I agreed to this...
All the couples stepped forward, I knew that my brothers and sisters would think something about me and Camilo, but he sounded so happy when I agreed. Maybe this will be fun?

🎶- 0:25 (basically when the lyrics come in)

Everyone starts dancing, I actually quite like this song. I guess I should enjoy this while it lasts. Camilo has a big grin on his face as we are dancing with each other, why is he so happy? It's just a dance..

From the crowd I can see Carlos and papá stood there, their jaws dropped as they looked a little mad but mostly shocked. Next to them I saw Paula, Lucas and Mama looking very happy. I guess they're okay with this...?

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